Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 145: Own way

"My name is Ma Hongjun, a beast spirit, evil fire phoenix, a twenty-eighth level assault war spirit master." A young man smiled and said to Uranium.


   He seems to be about the same age as Tang San and Xiao Wu. He is not tall. Although he is chubby, he feels very solid.


  Short hair, small eyes, and plump bumps on his face, it looks a bit cute. The most interesting thing is that there are two moustaches on the lips, which seem to have just grown after development. It looks like two moustaches.


"Hello, I'm Oscar, Food Martial Soul Sausage, Level 31 auxiliary war soul master." Oscar said secondly, he looked like a simple gray coat, neatly short hair, and a full beard. , But there is a pair of big peach eyes, quite strange.


   Next, Ning Rongrong, Tang San, and Xiao Wu also introduced themselves one after another. After all, they had only met before and did not actually report their respective information.


   Finally, it was the silver-haired girl.


"Uh, I'm Diana, hello, my spirit is Moonsilver Blade, a thirty-sixth-level agile attack type war spirit master." The silver-haired girl looked a little dull and cute, although her appearance A bit cold and arrogant, but actually getting along, can feel her personality in the conversation.


   "I am Uranium, forty-seventh level, Eye of Destruction Martial Soul, Sensitive Attack System Battle Soul Sect." Uranium said with a smile, nothing strange.


Although there is one more Shrek Seven Monsters in front of them, it seems that nothing has changed. In other words, after a few years, they will also embark on a life of eating fairy grass and hanging out. When they reach their own age, I am afraid that they will still be There is a gap, it is only a few levels, it is not as big as it is now.


After everyone introduced each other, the relationship suddenly became warm. This is how people are. When they don’t understand each other, they will only get along indifferently, but once they know something about each other, it is natural that there are many topics to talk about. .


   The location of Banpo is very good, the sun is far from disappearing, but under this kind of glow, there is a touch of warmth, which makes people feel comfortable.


   It is worth mentioning that although Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak, he still walked to Uran's side, as if he was only familiar with him. Dai Mubai saw this situation, although there was a subtle feeling in his heart, but it was not serious.


   Dai Mubai smiled freely, and led Uranium with one hand, and invited him to sit in the academy.


   "No, no, I'm staying in Soto City for a few days today. I want to see you, don't bother." Uran waved his hand and smiled and rejected Dai Mubai's kindness.


   Just kidding, what if you can't get in or out?


   "Let's do it. Uranium, I heard Zhu Zhuqing say that you are here for the battle spirit in the Soto Great Arena, right?" Dai Mubai immediately changed the subject when he saw it.


That’s right, Uranium is the enemy he wants to defeat, but it’s not that now, the difference in spirit power between the two has not been shortened, but has been maintained at a relative level. In other words, although he is improving, the opponent is also improving. .


   The most important thing is that he is also close to the fourth spirit ability, one less spirit ring, even with Oscar's third spirit ability support, he is not qualified to touch Uranium.


   This is very obvious. He is clear and is not strong enough, so don't be ashamed. And Uranium is not an enemy to him.


  Uran nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, everyone in Huangdou is here, so come to Soto City to see if there is a team that can be played."


   As he said, Uran looked at Dai Mubai and chuckled, "Are you interested in touching my teammates? Don't worry, I am not responsible for the shots. My strength is a bit different from yours, but my teammates are not weak."


   At this time, Tang San walked up with a smile on his face, "Uranium, in fact, we are going to have a team spirit fight tomorrow. Why don't we wait for me to ask the teacher for advice, and we can learn from each other."


   said it was a discussion, but Tang San's eyes were full of spirits, and the fighting spirit in his heart gradually became stronger.


  Uranium's teammates, how strong will they be?


As if he had noticed Tang San's attitude, Uran could not help but smile and said, "Don't worry, the strongest one is about the same as Dai Mubai. We will stay for three days at most. If you are interested, come to Soto Arena of Souls. ."


"Okay, I won't bother you in training anymore. I'm just here to see you. I am looking forward to the next time I meet at the Arena of Souls." Uran glanced at Tang San, Dai Mubai and others, and then cast his gaze. On Diana, he laughed and said.


   said, he left on his own and walked in the direction of Soto City.


   Then, a black figure walked out, and Zhu Zhuqing, wearing a black robe, had a breezy figure, and quickly followed the teenager who was going away, leaving the Shrek Seven Monsters in place.


   just came out for a stroll and went back?


   "Uranium, won't you play here for a while?" Ma Hongjun shouted to the departing back.


   "No need." Uran waved his hand back and replied loudly.


   After seeing that the Shrek Seven Devils were still seven, Uran directly chose to return, and there was nothing to do.


   He and the Shrek Seven Devils are not the same.


Uranium understands that the road he has to take is not the same as Shrek and his group. He has considered many future directions, such as what to do after returning to the family, such as what to do after returning to the family. In short, none of them are. It coincides with Tang San and Dai Mubai.


  According to his understanding of the memory of previous lives, Xiao Wu's death should have occurred after the competition, and then the Tang Sect should be formed, then Sea God Island, and finally the boss of the Wuhun Temple was killed, and he became a god, right?


   And he?


   He had seen the first half of the second Douluo Continent, and vaguely remembered that there was a place called the Sun and Moon Continent, where the Soul Guidance Device was very advanced, much better than Douluo Continent.


If possible, maybe that continent has a place that specializes in bloodline and genetic human structure. His family has been absent from the world for thousands of years because of martial souls and bloodlines, although Douluo Continent may still exist. There is no record of the family, but Sun Moon Continent certainly does not.


Even if you can’t solve the problem of family bloodlines and writing round eyes martial arts in the future, you can still move to the Sun Moon Continent. I don’t know which brain can find a way to obtain the second martial arts by digging eyes. Who would go? Pick someone else's eyes and put on yourself?


   Thinking while walking on the road, Uran began to recall that in the third Douluo Continent, there seemed to be something called World Consciousness that appeared, and then Tang San killed it and let his father be the boss of Douluo Star.


  Is it possible that since the family crossed over, they were rejected by the world consciousness, and then the people in Douluo Continent had this kind of eye digging in the subconscious, so that all soul masters would covet the family and destroy Uchiha?


   Or maybe this is because the spirit of martial arts and the writing wheel were not completely integrated. Someone in the family got this information by accident again, but in the end it was accidental, let other soul masters know?


   Things get more complicated as they think about it. Which direction is the family's destiny heading, and what is hidden during the period? Clouds of mist cover up all the truth.


   "Well, if this ancient Douluo Continent doesn't have such high genetic technology, wouldn't I be able to do nothing? It's really troublesome."


   Thinking like this, Uran sighed and looked at the huge building in the distance.


   Soto Arena of Souls.



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