Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 148: Tyrannical opponent

Before you know it, time passed.


   It seems that there were cheers from the main fighting area of ​​the Great Fighting Arena, celebrating the winners.


   "Is it over?" Uran took his thoughts back, and looked at a few strong or thin figures standing in the middle of the battlefield.


   "Let's go, greet me." Qin Ming smiled and said to You.


   After finishing speaking, he took the lead to walk towards the outside world.


  At this time, Director Ao of Soto's Arena of Souls walked in from outside.


   "Mr. Team Leader, I'm sorry to bother you, the Seven Shrek you named are already registering for Team Soul Fighting." Director Ao walked in, looked at the list in his hand, and said condensedly.


   Qin Ming heard these words and looked at Uranium who had just stood up together.


   He brought it up to compete with an unheard of teams like the Shrek Seven Monsters.


   "Director Ao, please replace Huang Dou and invite Shrek to fight, can you?" Uran said with a smile.


   "Okay." Director Ao nodded, then turned and walked outside.


  The Great Fighting Arena does not clearly stipulate that a high-level Fighting Soul team cannot challenge a low-level Fighting Soul team.


   And this kind of invitation can be rejected. As long as the Shrek team leader is not a fool, then he will definitely not choose to head-to-head with the Emperor Fighting team. This is completely meaningless.


   As for why this all-silver soul-fighting team of soul masters should choose a team of all-iron fighting spirits, he didn't need to care.


   Because there is nothing wrong with the rules.


   What he represented was just an invitation to fight, and the Shrek team couldn't accept it. It was their business.


   After Director Ao left, Uran and Qin Ming also walked out and walked towards the backstage of the fighting spirit area.


  While walking, Qin Ming asked Uranium, "Uran, why do you like the Shrek team so much and must fight against them?"


   What Qin Ming didn't notice was that his tone was imperceptibly, because the words Shrek had become a little high.


   Maybe it's because he graduated from Shrek, or he is about to see his younger brothers and younger sisters, who are like teaching teachers, with excitement.


   Saying this, Qin Ming's footsteps couldn't help but get a little faster.


   "It's nothing." Uran shook his head in a rather plain tone.


   He just wanted to see the real protagonist of the Douluo Continent like the Shrek Seven Devils.


   Or, it was this opportunity to cut off his past in Blue Star.


  He is a traveler.


   From Canglan Star, I have seen the first half of the original Douluo mainland.


   For Tang San, for Shrek, he always had some special ideas, after all, he read novels, the protagonist is them, and the concept that the protagonist is Tang San has been lingering in his heart.


  Sometimes, he would think about taking Zhu Zhuqing away, whether the butterfly effect will happen, and finally the world will be completely different from the original.


   But in the end, he somewhat understood why he had this idea.


  He is scared.


   He was afraid that the world would change.


   The memory of Douluo Continent in his previous life made him understand everything, but it was also a restriction.




   While wandering on the side of the road, Uran bumped his head against a pillar on the side, and his nose, even, and forehead suddenly felt hot and sour, and even made a muffled sound just now, showing how strong the force was just now unguarded.


   "Hiss!" The young man suddenly became sober, his eyes focused, and his thoughts returned from fantasy.


   Since coming to Soto City, he has been thinking more and more. What's wrong? Uranium's heart secretly said.


   "Uranium, are you okay?" Qin Ming turned his head, his expression fluctuating.


  Uranium is a bit weird recently.


   A moment later, Qin Ming and Uran came to the emperor fighting eight people who were cheering.


Qin Ming clapped his palms, looked at everyone, and said: "This time the single player, the duo's fighting spirit is considered a victory. Then, Tianheng, Yanzi, take a break and prepare for the team fighting spirit. I just signed up. Director Ao has already talked to us, Team Shrek."


   said, took out a piece of information from his hand and threw it to the captain Yu Tianheng.


   "Huh? Fighting again? Soul consumption... Okay, I will prepare now." Yufeng just complained habitually, and suddenly received a cold stare from the deputy captain Yanzi.


   Suddenly Yufeng felt that he was being stared at by a fierce poisonous snake. The creepy feeling filled all of his heart. As soon as the style of his mouth changed, he became tall and majestic from complaining.


   "Teacher, has the other party accepted it?" Yu Tianheng didn't care about the others, but asked this question.


   "Well, Director Ao on the road has already told me. After a while, Director Ao will send the other party's information." Qin Ming nodded and said calmly.


   "That's all right. Everyone, let's take a break." Yu Tianheng immediately turned his head and shouted to the friends who had just participated in the soul fight.


   After that, he first sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated to restore his soul power.


   and the other side.


Flander said helplessly: "I said Xiaogang, you shouldn't have agreed to them so quickly, at least you have to wait for us to come. People have said that it is a strong team in the Great Fight of Souls. Obviously It's not a weak person, and the overall spirit power level is five or more levels higher than that of Xiao San Mubai and others. It's hard to fight hard, it's not an opponent."


   "What's more, I haven't had a team spirit fight several times now. There are many problems between running-in. How could it be the opponent of someone else's old team."


  The master said in an angry voice: "This is a team that the children know, it's just a team that is just learning from each other."


   Flander was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly: "Say it earlier, I'm afraid the children will be beaten up because of the wrongs."


The master's eyes flickered, and then he said: "You may not know the location of the battle of the group's fighting spirit. The battle of the souls will be held in the main battle arena in the If I remember well, there should be The extra rewards are all drenched in the light of the other team."


   When Flanders heard about the extra rewards, he was a little excited and said, "Then, according to Xiaogang, if I bet, where?"


   It is the Flanders who cares about Flanders. Not only did he think of the rewards for the battle in the soul-fighting zone, he also focused on the handicap.


   "Don't worry, let's take a look at the other party's information sent by Director Ao." The master shook his head, pointed at the information on the table, and said lightly.


The master raised his hand and knocked on the material cloth spread out on the table, and said with a solemn expression: "Well, these things will be discussed later. Let's study your opponents first. For you, this will be an extremely difficult one. Fighting soul. Of course, if the soul sect you mentioned is not there, then it should be an opponent who has a chance to win."


   There is a circle of gold embroidered lace around the white cloth, and on both sides are embroidered with the marks of the Soto Arena, which neatly records the information of a team. Everyone looked down, even if it was the proud Dai Mubai, they couldn't help taking a breath.


   Everyone has a feeling of refreshing the cold.


   According to the rules of the group fighting spirit, each team can have a maximum of ten people, at least not less than seven people. When fighting a soul, the number of participants in the battle is determined according to the number of parties with a small number of people.


   The team that appeared on the data in front of him was different from the Shrek Seven Monsters, with a total of nine people.



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