Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 150: The team battle begins!

The main Arena of Souls is the center of the Soto Arena.

In a certain box, Qin Ming and other members of the Imperial Fight team closed their eyes, waiting for the time to come.

At the same time, in the backstage of the fighting spirit area, everyone in Shrek is also meditating, trying to face the upcoming tricky opponent in their best condition.

After a while, Teacher Qin Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light burst into his eyes.

Qin Ming stood up, looked at the surrounding people who stood up together, and they were ready, and said in a condensed voice: "This time the fighting spirit is different. You must make sure not to hurt Shrek's people. Wait until the end of the fighting spirit. After that, I will tell you the answer, okay, the time is almost up, come with me."

After speaking, he turned around and walked outside the VIP room first, while walking, Qin Ming secretly sighed in his heart.

Children, it’s not that I didn’t tell you why. I hope that this time you can suffer a little setback.

The existence of uranium seems to have made you a little bit lost. I used to have this kind of worry, but I didn't expect that it had already started in just a few months. Growth that is too smooth is often easier to be broken.

Everyone in Huang Dou had already arrived at the back area of ​​the Fighting Soul Platform, waiting for the final instructions to come on stage.

The same goes for everyone in Shrek.

The area of ​​the main arena in the center is only slightly larger than the other sub-area.

The most peculiar thing is that the main arena in this center is extremely quiet.

Although the crystal glass window cannot see the interior from the outside, it shimmers under the dazzling golden lights of the main Arena of Souls in the center, and the Arena of Souls here is also extremely huge. Because there is no open-air audience, the fighting The scope of the soul platform is as much as seventy meters in diameter.

Suddenly, the brightness of the golden light that was already very bright in the main Arena of Souls in the center increased again, and all the light was no longer scattered in all directions but concentrated towards the Arena of Souls, like a huge spotlight that put the golden light on. The beam of light fell from the sky, just shrouded in the entire soul fighting platform.

In the center of the fighting platform, the ground suddenly bulged out of a two-meter-diameter circle. As it slowly ascended, one could see a thick gold pillar under the raised circle, and on the gold pillar, this Shizheng is relying on a girl.

"get ready."

"If you are fighting this time, Uranium, Tianheng, Yanzi, Graphite, Stone Mill, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, seven of you, come on." Qin Ming suddenly said.

The passage door leading to the Soul Fighting Platform has been opened.

"Yes." Oslo and Yufeng nodded and agreed.

Although it is a pity that there is no way to compete with this kind of team, Teacher Qin's words are more important to them than anything.

The outside of the Arena of Souls is continuing.

As the host, the girl in the white skirt introduced the situation of the two sides very skillfully. The purpose is very simple, which is to bring a sense of expectation to every VIP audience present.

"Okay, I won’t say anything more than Dudou. Next, I will invite both players to play. Doudou is also a soul master of the soul-sovereign level. I really want to see what these soul masters of the same level will do. Wonderful performance."

While talking, he went around and flew into the sky, leaving the scene of the soul fighting platform to the teams on both sides.

On both sides of the fighting platform, two doors opened silently at the same time, and the players from both sides entered the arena at the same time and walked towards the center of the fighting platform.

On the left, it was Huangdou Team.

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianheng walked at the forefront of the team, and the lone geese habitually snuggled beside him.

Immediately after the two, there were the Shi Family brothers, followed by Uranium of the Mingong Type Soul Sect and Zhu Zhuqing, the Ghost Cat Soul Master.

Ye Lingling, the mysterious soul master of Nine Hearts Begonia, walked at the end.

Compared with the different outfits of the Emperor Fighting Team, the Shrek Seven Devils looked much neater here.

The same black outfits and the same green masks, although they vary in height, they look like a strict group.

As soon as the players from both sides came out, Dai Mubai, who was walking in front of the Shrek Seven Devils, and Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Huangdou team, had their eyes collided in the air.

The eyes of both people solidified for a moment, and there seemed to be a roar of dragons and tigers on the entire battlefield.

"This guy is so strong." Yu Tianheng's heart suddenly shuddered, and he secretly said that he was not good.

But if you lose, you don't lose the battle. The two face each other coldly. The eyes of both sides burst out with dazzling light. The fighting spirit has not yet begun, and the momentum of the two sides is already colliding with each other.

In terms of his aura, he hadn't overpowered Dai Mubai at all, and he even felt a little difficult to start.

"Please pay attention to the soul masters of the two parties participating in the battle soul of the group. From now on, you will have one minute to summon your own spirit. When I announce the start, you can attack until one party concedes defeat, all falls down, or falls off the soul fighting platform."

Floating in the air, while flapping his pair of snow-white dove wings, she spoke to the players on both sides with her soft and moving voice.

At the passage when the two fighting spirit teams appeared, the leaders of both sides stood respectively.

When the players faced each other, they naturally saw each other.

"Why is it him?"

The leader of the Shrek Seven Monsters was the master, Flander and Zao Wou-ki. After seeing the person standing opposite, their expressions suddenly changed.

On the center fighting stage, almost at the same time, a total of 14 people on both sides released their soul power, and 14 strong fighting intent rose into the sky. Among them, the most powerful was not uranium, but rather.

Dai Mubai.

A tiger roar came out from Dai Mubai’s mouth, a passionate, hot breath bursting out of his body. Accompanied by the crackling sound of bones like beans, the muscles all over his body instantly expanded, and sharp claws popped out of the tiger’s palm. But his sharp eyes were full of wildness.


Under the leadership of Dai Mubai, all the Shrek Seven Devils released their martial souls.

The three Oscar sausages had been distributed to everyone before the war, and Ning Rongrong was still at the back of the team.

Xiao Wu and Diana were on the left and right of Dai Mubai, and Tang San stood behind them.

"I have a blood-stimulating sausage!"

Oscar's third spirit ability: life is immortal.

Along with the soul curse, seven life immortal intestines that needed to be effective in battle appeared in his hands. Two of them were handed to Dai Mubai, two to Tang San, and one to Xiao Wu and Dai respectively. Anna, Ma Hongjun.

The blue-purple blue silver grass quietly swam out from around Tang San's body. As his spirit power rose, after entering the realm of the soul-sovereign, he could release more blue silver grass than before, and the blue light in his palm kept flashing. The blue silver grass is released like endless, occupying the ground on one side.

At the same time, six blue silver grasses quietly rose up and wrapped around the waists of the other six Shrek Seven Devils.

This is Tang San's newly developed, regiment fighting spirit fighting technique.

"This is decent."

With one hand on his hips, Uran slowly walked to the edge of the soul fighting platform, watching the team battle that was about to begin, watching Tang San, although he was strange, but already possessing the essence of a control system spirit master, couldn't help but laugh.

He is a substitute soul master, not counted in the official team soul fight, unless he is like this, really joins the battle.

You know, he has never participated in the group battle soul before, so Huang Dou has always been at the Soul Sovereign level.

If he uses the fighting power of the Soul Sect in this kind of Soul Sovereign Fighting Soul, Huangdou's team fighting spirit will be raised to the Soul Sect level in the next game.

Because of him.

This is his first and last time.


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