Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 152: Fight between dragons and tigers!

Dai Mubai faced Yu Tianheng head-on.

"Thunder Dragon Claw!"

"Baihu Lieguangbo!"

The roar of thunder flashed by, and Lei Shi and Li Guangbo collided in the air, and the entire soul fighting platform trembled violently, and the terrifying explosive power turned into a strong shock wave.

Accompanied by the violent roar of the tiger, Dai Mubai's evil eyes and pupils merged into one in an instant, and a group of dazzling white light was suddenly released under the golden light of the white tiger diamond transformation, and the white light spread in the air.

It reached the level of two meters in diameter, like a meteor, ramming in front of Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng released the third spirit ability, thunderous anger, and he was not afraid of all the increases. Watching the violent Dai Mubai rush towards him, he suddenly stepped on the ground like an arrow from the string. Counterattacked towards Dai Mubai.

In the midair, Thunder Shadow condensed, and the Thunder Dragon Claw was placed in Yu Tianheng's hands, and the appearance of it was constantly exuding bursting electric arcs, just like the Thunder Dragon's Claw!

Facing Yu Tianheng's hidden martial arts skills, Dai Mubai's pair of tiger palms grew bigger, and the sharp blades that popped out of them turned bright silver, and his whole body was enveloped in a strong golden light, as if he was himself It was gilded, and the moment the two touched, the white tiger's body barrier blocked it like a lightning arc.

The blood-red eyes were full of bloodthirsty rays, and the whole body carried the domineering aura of the king of beasts. A roar suddenly came out of Dai Mubai’s mouth, tiger claws were not afraid of dragon claws. Fierce collision!


The full collision of spirit power and spirit ability made the two retreat almost at the same time, but Yu Tianheng forcibly stopped his footsteps, thunder and lightning condensed on the dragon's claw in his right hand, and bursts of electric light like broken lines shot from his palm.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Tianheng raised his palms, palms down, and the dragon claws slammed the ground, and the whole person stood on his knees!

The countless snake electricity coiled around the body zoomed in at the same time, and the next moment it turned into countless lightning bolts and flashed forward.

"Thunderbolt!" Accompanied by a sharp roar, there seemed to be a thunder in the entire fighting arena!

This is Yu Tianheng's real full blow!

With the 100% increase of Thunder Fury’s power of lightning, his second spirit ability, Thunder Wanjun, broke out with unparalleled attack power. Even the power of lightning that originally scattered around was restrained by his skills in front of him. Even more!

"Phoenix FireWire!"

A purple-red flame as thick as a thigh spouted from Ma Hongjun's direction, and went straight to countless electric snakes in the air, but in an instant, Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire was forcibly exploded.

There was a thunder blast in the air, and countless purple fireworks scattered all around, and the dazzling moment at that moment was like fireworks in full bloom.

Most of the lightning bolts formed by Thunder Wanjun flew towards Dai Mubai, Diana and Xiao Wu.

The blue silver grass on the waists of the three of them tightened instantly and retreated in Tang San's direction, but Dai Mubai understood that the distance was too close.

The lightning speed is faster than Tang San's Blue Silver Grass!

After hurriedly blocking with the Baihu Lie light wave, weakening part of the damage of the thunderbolt, the thunder and lightning finally arrived.


The blue silver grass on Dai Mubai's waist instantly turned into fly ash, and Dai Mubai was attacked by a terrifying thunder!

With a scream, Dai Mubai, who was hit by Thunder Wanjun, flew out directly and crashed to the ground, raising a dust of dust.

At this critical moment, Diana stood up.

First, a new moon strike of the first spirit ability stopped Yu Tianheng, who was about to pursue the victory, and then activated the second spirit ability moon silver orb. After the arrival of the third spirit ability moon, he directly held the moon silver blade towards Yutian. Heng rushed to the direction.

"Cough cough." Dai Mubai held on to the numbness of his body, swiping his hand from his waist, and took out two pieces of blue ray, resembling a rotating sausage.

Enduring discomfort with this strange sausage, Dai Mubai ate it in two or three mouthfuls. In an instant, a warm current came from all over his body, moisturizing the damaged limbs.

Oscar's third spirit ability, life is immortal.

It lasts for a total of one minute. The heavier the body surface damage is, the stronger the recovery ability and the effect of restoring physical strength. Although the full state is not comparable to Oscar's first spirit ability, once it enters the need to fight, it will The role is the existence of the best battery life.

After half a minute of calm, Dai Mubai stood up again, except for the black coke clothes, his whole body was restored to its original condition!

"The second round..." With a soft cry, Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a forward rush, the speed skyrocketed, and several light steps, standing side by side with Diana who was repelled.

And then, a dignified figure walked out from behind Yu Tianheng, stood with Yu Tianheng, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master, and opposed Diana and Dai Mubai.

It is the stone mill of the Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master.


A faint cold light flashed across the Moon Silver Blade, and the tone was slightly trembling, as if inspired by the battle, and like a death goddess of life.

In the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, Dai Mubai faced Yu Tianheng again, and Diana faced Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master Stone Mill.


The people with the highest spirit power fought together again. The Moonsilver Blade could not cut the Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master’s tortoise shell, but the intensive attacks still caught Stone Mill by surprise, and resisted again and again. Diana of the agile attack system even played a strong attack system. Style.

Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai collided suddenly, and the dragon shadow and claws flew in their hands. In the close combat, Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng were like sparks hitting the earth. The hot battle scene instantly ignited the emotions of all the audience.

Zhu Zhuqing galloped in the field and kept touching with Xiao Wu. Although she has one less spirit ring than Xiao Wu, after three months of high-pressure training and the nourishment of thousand-year soul beast meat every day, the two can even fight each other. Win or lose.

Tang San paid attention to the movement of the other Xuanwu Tortoise Spirit Master on the opposite side, and Ma Hongjun got involved in the opponent's actions, and was able to take the time to interfere with the battle between each teammate and interrupt the opponent's battle rhythm.

Oscar made different sausages, ready to supply other teammates at any time.

Ning Rongrong constantly used spirit abilities to ensure that his partners in the frontal battle would not be defeated because of spirit power.

Only the captain, the second most threatening Biphos Spirit Snake Spirit Master Dugu Yan, did not move at all.

From the corner of Tang San's eyes, he noticed Dugu Goose's actions, watching the poisonous mist spread toward his square formation, and suddenly understood.

The lone goose has been acting.

It seemed that it was almost brewing, Dugu covered halftime, and everyone understood Dugu Goose's motives.

"The second formation!"

When Yu Tianheng saw this, his heart was clear.

First, a single claw burst thunder and lightning, forcing Dai Mubai's bright silver tiger claw away, and then after a sharp roar, his figure quickly retreated, took out a green pill from his waist and swallowed it directly.

The Shi family brothers, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ye Lingling did the same thing. After taking the pill, they broke free from the entanglement of their opponents and rushed towards the Huangdou formation that slowly condensed into a circle.

Without the restraint of his teammates, the lone geese screamed from the sky, and the third spirit ring suddenly brightened.

The original green eyes were completely purple, and even the green scales on the snake tail were covered with a layer of lavender light. After opening the mouth, a thick purple mist spit out, spreading rapidly in the air, towards all the surrounding areas. The direction surging away.

The second formation, poison formation!

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