Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 154: Come on, Uranium!

Yutianheng stands tall on the earth.

The real team battle started at this time.

Dai Mubai looked at Yu Tianheng who had recovered completely, his scalp was a little numb, and he held his knees with both hands, panting slightly.

This is too difficult to fight.

"Here." Diana handed Dai Mubai a lifeless intestine, motioning him to regain his strength.

"Thanks." Dai Mubai took it, and after taking a bite of the sausage, the panting state visible to the naked eye dissipated, and his physical strength was recovering at an astonishing speed.

Even the lightning wounds on his body began to recover.

Seeing that both sides have the ability to recover from their injuries, the faces of everyone in Huang Dou are not pretty. If this is the case, I am afraid they will have to fight a protracted battle to see who can't hold it first.

"What to do?" Diana tightened the Moonsilver Blade in her hand, moved slightly, and asked softly towards Dai Mubai.

"Ask Xiao San, I'm only responsible for fighting." Dai Mubai shook his head and said.

The formation of both sides shrank again.

The difficulty of the opponent far exceeds expectations, and it is no exaggeration to call it the strongest enemy.

It has been at least five minutes of teamfight now, but even one person has not been out, and the state is very good, this situation has not been encountered by all the people in Emperor Dou or the Shrek group.

Either fight it out and defeat a few of them in one wave.

Either continue to drag and see who can't hold it first.

Seeing that it was neatly organized, like a brand-new Huangdou team, this was Tang San's first realization of a problem, and he could not panic.

"Mubai, you entangle Yu Tianheng, whether you win or lose, you can't let him go through treatment and enter the arena in full condition." Tang San first said to Dai Mubai.

"Diana, you go and stop the two Xuanwu Tortoise Spirit Masters of the other party. You don't want to be killed. Just show the action to break through. Don't be afraid of the lone geese, I will take action." Tang San kept talking, "Xiao Wu , Fatty, try to use Zhu Zhuqing as a breakthrough, her spirit power level is not high, as long as you break through, you can free up your hands to help Diana, so that you can win."

"No problem." Dai Mubai said in a low voice.

Lan Yincao re-occupied half of the field and confronted each other.

Tang San and the others hadn't used their full strength, no matter whether it was his third spirit ability or the spider spear, he hadn't used it.

It didn't take long.

Yu Tianheng returned to his heyday, slowly moved forward from the front of Brother Shi Family, stretched out his hand in Dai Mubai's direction, and hooked his fingers.

Seeing that Yu Tianheng rushed up again as if nothing had happened, Dai Mubai let out a low growl and greeted Yu Tianheng head-on.

There is a time limit for his White Tiger King Kong transformation, and he cannot be delayed at this time, and Yu Tianheng's thunderous fury does not seem to be recovered. The two dragon and tiger soul masters collided again.

During the battle, Dai Mubai could feel that under this high pressure situation, there was a fire in his body, gradually burning.

Power, more power, emerged from his body!


Along with the sound of a beating, Yu Tianheng could not help but back up a few steps in order to resist the huge force on the tiger's paw, making a muffled sound in his mouth.

The shadow of the claws was messy, and the sharp tiger claws flashed bright silver traces in the air. A slight whistling sound was produced with Dai Mubai's continuous attack. The frontal collision between Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai unexpectedly changed from a stalemate to a gradual one. The state of being suppressed.

The power of thunder and lightning continued to appear from Yu Tianheng. At this moment, Yu Tianheng could only rely on the power of thunder and lightning to deal with Dai Mubai, which was completely different from the previous battle situation.

In the first match, although the two sides had no information, he pressed Dai Mubai and beat it.

In the second match, Dai Mubai and him were not far behind, and they were able to stalemate each other.

But it was the third match right now, and Yu Tianheng's heart was slightly cold.

He was suppressed.

In the face of Dai Mubai who has grown so fast, Yu Tianheng calmly chooses to swim and try his best to give full play to the paralyzing effect of thunder and lightning, instead of fighting against Dai Mubai, otherwise he may really be seized and win the game in one fell swoop. .

Yu Tianheng is Huang Dou’s sharp knife. After detecting that Yu Tianheng was wrong, Dugu Goose also began to use spirit skills to support it, but the effect was minimal. Ma Hongjun’s purple-red firewire always arrived in time, cooperating with Tang San wrapped around Dai The blue silver grass on Mubai's waist could evade in an instant, and continued to suppress Yu Tianheng.

Vaguely, Dai Mubai heard a tiger roar coming from his body.

The power of thunder and lightning, unknowingly, has already irritated Dai Mubai’s eyes with a faint dim red halo. Yu Tianheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The thunder dragon claw is attached to his hand, like a large dragon claw, but right now , As Dai Mubai's punch became stronger and stronger, he couldn't hold it anymore.


A tortoise-shell shield revolved and struck, the sharp edges cut the air, and struck in Dai Mubai's direction with a howling sound. Tang San's blue silver grass tightened suddenly at his waist, but it did not pull Dai Mubai.


Tang San suddenly looked in Dai Mubai's direction, before he wondered why Dai Mubai didn't choose to dodge, and then, Dai Mubai, who was full of black and white hair, suddenly illuminated a dark red evil light in his eyes.

Plenty of power emerges from the body!


With a roar, Dai Mubai raised the bright silver tiger claws in his hands, rushing towards the basalt shield at a speed far exceeding the original speed, his figure leaped into the sky, with a trace of blood in midair, the tiger claws were extremely deftly Pat the tortoise shell from top to bottom.

A sonorous sound resounded throughout the audience, and Dai Mubai's tiger claws caught on the Shijia brothers' tortoise shells, and there was a burst of sparks, but what followed was that the tortoise shells were photographed instantly, crashing to the ground and bursting into dust.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Mubai turned around, bent over and raised his hand, sharp tiger claws slammed on Yu Tianheng's dragon claws who were about to respond, directly taking Yu Tianheng back seven steps.

"Power is boiling!"

The trembling in his chest kept coming, Dai Mubai gritted his teeth and roared, his figure moved instantaneously, and he stomped his feet vigorously, following Yu Tianheng's backward steps.

"The soul is burning!"

Both claws kept hitting Yu Tianheng's whole body, completely ignoring the attacks from the surroundings, only the picture in front of him!

"My power is gushing out! No one can stop me!"

Suddenly, a wave of power gushed out of the body again, and the force on the tiger's claws was even stronger than before. The scales of the dragon's claws that had been constantly resisting flew and fell on the fighting spirit platform. With the last slap from the bottom up, Yu Tianheng was shot and flew up.

"I am invincible now!"

Accumulate power.


The figure that was knocked into the air was suddenly forced to accelerate, and galloped away in a certain direction.


The Blue Lightning Tyrannical Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianheng fell under the stage of the Arena of Fighting Souls, and the violent shock suddenly made Yu Tianheng's eyes widen, and a blood flow from the corners of his mouth flowed from the corners of his mouth. His limbs were soft and he completely lost his fighting ability.

Although it seemed that there were shocking wounds all over the body, but the places Dai Mubai attacked were not important parts, and they were all the skin wounds on the surface. It was enough to heal them casually. There were no internal organs or fractures involved. of.

The final critical Dai Mubai suddenly recalled that this was just a competition. When the tiger claw was about to touch Yu Tianheng, the tiger claw retracted and defeated Yu Tianheng with his fist.

The stormy attack ceased.

The entire fighting arena is quiet.

The battle between Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng was the focus of everyone, especially the Huangdou team. The frontal combat power was all supported by Yu Tianheng, but right now.

Yu Tianheng is defeated!

Half-squatting Dai Mubai stood up slowly, looking at the Shi Family brothers suppressed by Diana, the Dugu Goose suppressed by Tang San, and Zhu Zhuqing suppressed by Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun, his eyes slowly fell on At the very corner, with one hand on his hips, looking at his uranium with interest.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath, and the scene of being defeated by force appeared in his mind, as well as the hand that Uranium extended towards him.

Afterwards, Dai Mubai shouted sharply!

"Come on! Uranium!"

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