Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 163: Kill every step


In the camp, Uran, who was still talking with Zhu Zhuqing, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the explosion.

The outermost part of the camp, northeast.

"Let me see, my trap is a bit far away, maybe some soul beast stepped on it."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't even see clearly, he already waved his hand and swished out.

The body was slightly stretched, without stopping under his feet, and after a few flashes, he left the safe area.

As soon as he left the camp, Uranium became more careful in his actions, tilting his head slightly, and the specific location of the trap began to appear in his mind.

Since the awakening of the three-gou jade and the awakening of the radiation field, the radiation energy originally attached to the burst trap can be freely controlled. Naturally, the drawbacks of the original trap that could not be sensed have disappeared without a trace.

Trap is his spirit ability. If he can't even determine the position of his own spirit ability, what is the difference between it and uncontrollable power?

In the next moment, a flame of fire burst into the sky, not far away.

Uran leaped over, unknowingly, Wuhun's radiation eyes opened, and his sharp gaze swept across the surrounding dust. Among them, a small beast-shaped figure loomed.

Suddenly, it seemed as if there was dead silence in the air.

The beast-shaped soul beast did not make any movements, it just kept the same posture.

Seven or eight nearby traps were triggered and exploded at the same time. One can imagine how destructive this kind of destructive power is. The surrounding area is messy, as if a tornado destroys the parking lot.

Although it is quiet now, the gurgling blood, accompanied by the smell of blood, has spread from under the soul beast.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a wolf-shaped soul beast nailed by an inverted cone point showed a clear face.

"This is... the ghost wolf? Look at the darkness of this fur, it should be about 700 years, a good thing." He glanced at the opponent's immobile body, and then recalled it in his mind. The things related to the soul beast were overjoyed.

This is a spirit beast with spiritual attributes.

The soul beast in front of me is about two and a half meters long, with slender limbs, a pair of red pupils, a long face, a protruding nose, and a bluish fur with dark spots, covering about 70% of the whole body. It is a symbol of the ghost wolf for seven hundred years.

Once the whole body is covered by dark spots, the color of its body will be blue and black intersecting, and as the age increases, the body will be black until it reaches the 10,000-year level, and only the ends of the limbs still retain blue fur .


There was a soft whistling of the blade. Uran was holding the stainless steel long knife, and after holding a knife in one hand, he held the long knife upside down, his eyes condensed.


In an instant, it seemed that he felt Uranium's killing intent, and the ghost wolf fixed on the ground screamed with a low roar, like a transparent ripple emanating from its body, constantly beating.

And the part of its fur that was still intact began to emit a faint light. It seemed that a special chemical reaction occurred between the two. Under Uran's eyes, the body of this unmovable ghost wolf actually began to fade. , As if translucent!

"Huh? You still want to run?"

A cold light flashed across the sky suddenly.

The sharp long blade slid gently across the neck of this confusing spirit wolf, but there was no sense of physical contact, and what followed was the feeling of a long knife cutting on the ground.

Even when Uran opened the radiation eyes, he still couldn't reach the real ghost wolf.

Obviously this soul-confusing spirit wolf was right in front of him, but Uran made three consecutive stabs, but he could not cut its true position.

As if it has been isolated from the real world.

In an instant, the color of Uran's right eye pupil changed, and the elemental pupil appeared.

"Let me see what's going on."

Everything in front of him was shown to him without reservation.

He can see everything now.

Including this soul beast with only inheritance talent.

Following the existence in the pupil of the element, Uran closed his single eye, leaving only the right eye that opened the pupil of the element. The black light flashed in his hand, and he deflected the angle towards the soul beast in front of him and threw it decisively.


Suddenly the sound of meat entering came from the open space on the side, Uran did not hesitate, jumped up directly, towards the empty open space, with spirit power added, and stepped on it!


In the next moment, Uran's body had fallen from the sky without any fancy, let alone using any skills.

He just speeded up his actions and allowed his spirit power to gather at his feet. Then he fell from the air, and the long knife behind was heavily inserted on the back of the ghost wolf, and amid a loud noise, the ghost wolf Most of his body stepped directly below the ground.

The confused spirit wolf let out a sharp whistle, and his claws moved forward unconsciously, but immediately afterwards, he suddenly stiffened and froze in midair.

The ripples slowly swept across, and the ‘Puzzling Spirit Wolf’ that was originally two meters away slowly disappeared, and the pale white light spot disappeared.

"This kind of refraction talent is a bit interesting. The first time I played against it, even I had to be overcast, distorting the light, distorting the space, and shifting my own existence. I couldn't even see my radiation eyes. It was really amazing. He glanced at his head that had been trampled on and slammed his head, and said calmly in his mouth.

"It's just a pity that the number of years is not enough, otherwise the spirit ring attached to this talent should be very suitable for Zhu Zhuqing. With her high maneuvering speed, it should be a ghost killer who will never be caught."

It's rare to encounter this kind of soul beast with great talent in the first match, and at this moment, the anger that was interrupted by the chat with Zhu Zhuqing gradually subsided.

Soon, a deep yellow spirit ring floated slowly from under the ghost wolf, with a faint halo, condensed from spirit power, but it was a pity that uranium did not need a spirit ring, so After an hour, it will disappear on its own.

"The fur of this wolf should be usable when it is cleaned and tidyed up. The worst is. If you have time to make Zhu Zhuqing a shawl to warm your neck, this forest is still quite cold at night." Uranium thought about it, and immediately set off to take this one. The ghost spirit wolf, whose bones burst all over, picked it up with one hand.

A sharp light flashed in his hand, and a dagger had already appeared in his hand.

In the next moment, the sound of splitting flesh and skin continued to come, and the smell of blood gradually began to spread from the surroundings. In a faint, the nearby jungle began to send a commotion.

He felt but he was too lazy to care.

Now Uran’s mind is full of how to make this shawl, how to peel the fur, how to separate the skin and flesh, and wait for the steps of degreasing, hair removal, tanning and splitting, and even as he continues to imagine the progress, he seems to have seen the finished product. How it looks like.

But then, a rustling sound came from the woods on the side.

In such a noisy environment, Uranium could not help but frown.

The beautiful imagination was interrupted, and Uranium's originally raised smile suddenly calmed down.

The breath of staying away from the cold began to radiate, and an invisible anger began to burn in his heart.

"Grass, shame on your face, then go to death." A cold light flashed in Uran's eyes.

Putting down everything he was doing, the silver-haired young man relaxed a little and walked into the deep dark woods.

The four spirit rings on his body began to flash in various colors.

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