Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 166: Shadow in the sneak

   Zhu Zhuqing shook his head to observe the surroundings, and said calmly, "And then."

  Uranus continued: "It's just a guess. My Eye of Destruction is invincible. Maybe I can do that in the future."

   Hearing what he said, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but shiver wittily, and suddenly raised his head to look at Uranium ahead, a shock flashed in his heart.

  If it can be done, wouldn’t it be mass production of spirit bones? ?

   "Of course, I'll look at it later, I can't do it now." Uran also felt that he was too sure, so he immediately hit a haha ​​and skipped the topic with a smile.

   had to admit that he had said that sentence just now, and he hadn't considered the actual situation at all.

   It’s better to say less if you pretend to be forced.

   The early morning temperature in the sunset forest is a bit low, and the air is full of water, so misty morning fog is formed.

   The faint mist was cold and moist, drifting with the light wind. At this time, it was when the sun had not fully risen, and it was also the time when the mist was thickest.

   From time to time, there was a slight sound of brittle branches being crushed. Unknowingly, the fog had enveloped the two people, completely unable to distinguish the north, south, east and west.

   "Lean against me." Uran glanced around the unnatural surroundings and whispered towards the back.

   Zhu Zhuqing at the back did not hesitate, and immediately took a step forward, leaning side by side with U, Wuhun possessed, and two cute cat ears were exposed. They moved slightly, with an indescribable cuteness.

  The morning fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the early morning cold has already had some impact on Zhu Zhuqing, and the visibility is getting worse.

   The two did not stay where they were, but walked forward slowly.

   Uranus cautiously said: "Be careful. Some spirit beasts like to act in the early morning. Now the sight is too poor and they are gathered closer to prevent accidents."

   As he spoke, his eyes changed, looking at the abnormal white mist around him.

   Others can't see clearly in the thick fog, but his eyesight is much less affected by the radiant eye Wuhun, and the surrounding scenery can still be seen clearly.

When the two of them were walking less than 100 meters, suddenly, a strange wind blew from the front, and the morning mist suddenly changed. The original thick white mist instantly brought an inexplicable cold and cold air to the two. People shrouded.

   There is a faint smell in the milky white fog, which is shocking.

   Without any hesitation, the four spirit rings on Uran's body suddenly appeared, and the third spirit ring shone brightly.

   With this inexplicable change, Uranium felt that there were fluctuations in spirit power in the white mist. This was not an ordinary white mist. There were spirit beasts around.

   "Do your own sin, hum." The young man in the mist sneered, and the energy absorption halo opened.

   Suddenly, the surrounding white mist was like a whale absorbing water, showing a circular inverted cone like a whirlpool in the direction of the uranium. In this center, there were Zhu Zhuqing with a surprised face and Uranium, the initiator.

This sudden white mist is much thicker than he thought, but for Uranium, ordinary white mist is difficult for him to deal with, but for him, this kind of white mist mixed with spirit power is the energy of uranium. Absorbing aura is its deadly enemy.

   Although the uranium is absorbed very quickly, the white mist will soon condense from the outside world again, just a few blinks, everyone around is already a milky white, and the smell of corpses around has gradually become rich.

   But this change is expected by Uranium.

   Suddenly, as if he had found the position of the other party, Uran patted Zhu Zhuqing on the shoulder and said in a low voice that I came quickly, and his body suddenly sprang out and disappeared into the white mist.

   The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who looked nervous, was directly swallowed by the thick white mist.

   At this moment, there is no activity in the white mist.

   Boom! !

   The violent wind dispelled all the thick white mist instantly!

   is followed by an extremely fierce bursting shock wave!

Zhu Zhuqing, who stayed in place and did not move, suddenly raised his palms to block him, and his feet became illusory. His figure began to let the turbulence in the air continue to hit, but he was never knocked out. Instead, he kept moving, moving around. The fluctuations are resolved one by one.

   The dust rose, and the original creator of the white mist lay quietly on the spot, trampled by uranium. There was no movement at all. It is vaguely visible that it has no breath of life.


   Uran raised his foot and looked at his right leg, which was full of carrion, with a distressed look. This pair of shoes cannot be ordered.

   After the white mist dissipated, Zhu Zhuqing immediately saw the arrogant figure and the corpse of the soul beast under his feet.

   "What's the matter? Why does it rot so fast?"

   Zhu Zhuqing's voice came, and her gaze stayed in front of the ape soul beast that seemed to have been dead for more than ten days and was full of carrion.

   "This is the Corrupting Ape, about two to three thousand years old, and the white mist just came out of it." Uran pointed to the soul beast under his feet, and said calmly.

   While talking, Uran also removed his feet, stepped back a few steps, kicked off his boots again and again, with a look of disgust.

   "Although this thing is a soul beast, looking at it like this, it is hard to say whether it has its own life form or not. This guy is rotten all over."

"It's a relatively rare soul beast, but it mainly relies on sneak attacks on the single soul beasts, or eats decay to make a living. Generally, few soul masters will find this kind of soul beast. Give me a pair of boots. , We can continue walking, we are almost reaching the advanced spirit beast area."

Uranium did not expect that his opponent is such a special guy, with no anti-strike ability, and pitiful attack relying on a handful of fishy wind and dense fog to corrupt the prey. Was rubbed by the opponent's range attack skills, causing him to suddenly die.

The most important thing is that when he kicked it, it was too late. His shoes were no longer pure, and even his legs were the same. Now they are full of rancid smell, and the smell is still following Exacerbated by the passage of time.

   can be said to be a very weak soul beast, but as long as it does not die, its survival ability can be infinitely increased.

   Suddenly, a dark phantom flashed across the forest!

   There is no sound, no footsteps, and no wind.

   Everything seemed so quiet and strange.

   Although this decaying ape is dead, the white mist it created has already unknowingly attracted certain soul beasts.

  Uan suddenly raised his head and looked at the silent sunset forest. Although the birds and beasts still roared, at this moment, he already felt a certain kind of heart palpitations.

"Zhu Zhuqing, I have set traps by the roadside. You walk back along the way back and go straight back to the camp, where you can protect you. A big guy came here, and his breath is similar to yours. It should be Cats, wolf-like soul beasts." Uran looked around and said hurriedly to Zhu Zhuqing.

   He may be going all out, but first of all, there can be no people around.

   No one can do it.

   But immediately after Uranus considered whether the opponent would sneak attack on Zhu Zhuqing, who was placed, he changed his words in the next sentence.

   "I'm with you, when you get to the safe area, I will figure out a way to lead it out."



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