Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 194: Familiar shadow

In the eyes of both ice and fire, Uranium stayed for more than an hour.

He found some interesting fairy grasses. Among them, there was also an orchid-like fairy that could absorb moonlight. The energy fluctuations were extremely obvious, and it was not inferior to the Yuhongtianrenju that Uranium had just found.

Uranium is so named, and its shape resembles the Celestial Chrysanthemum I have encountered in my previous life, except that the color has changed.

In addition, Wang Chuan Qiu Shuilu he also found it, right at the innermost edge, Chu Chu was pitiful, as if being pushed out, it made him laugh a little.

The pre-war preparations were perfect. Not only did he find a suitable fairy grass, but he also confirmed that he was very adaptable to the eyes of the ice and fire.

The first time I absorbed the energy of the eyes of the ice and fire, I felt uncomfortable for at most a quarter of an hour, and the ground seemed to be cracking.

But as he absorbed more and more, he could stay longer and longer.

From the first quarter of an hour to the second quarter of an hour.

Four quarters of an hour, and finally, half an hour.

Every time, Uranium is improving, but Uranium can't feel any changes in his body after eating so much energy, as if his body is a bottomless pit, or gluttonous.

"Maybe before long, with the resistance of my heaven and earth aura, I can directly soak in the eyes of the ice and fire two instruments, and directly absorb the most essential energy."

Uran glanced at the two-color spring in the center of the valley, and could not help secretly.

"It's almost time, I should go now and take a good rest."

With that, Uranium climbed the way he had come before, preparing to retreat.

His task here has been completed, investigating the environment, stepping on points in advance, confirming his adaptability, determining the route of taking the fairy grass, and finally adapting the fairy grass.

So there is no need to stay here, it is time to go, otherwise there is a risk of being discovered by Dugubo.

Fight with Title Douluo?

He doesn't have this idea.

"Now waiting for Dugu Bo to leave, I can go and eat the fairy grass without knowing it."

As he thought about it, Uran stood up, with his toes a little on the mountain wall, and kept jumping on the rock wall, hovering and soaring above the mountain pass like a big bird.

As the far away figure disappeared, suddenly, the eyes of the ice and fire began to change.

Red and blue, two energy fluctuations that ordinary people can't see, suddenly mixed with blood.

An iron-gray plant with broad branches and leaves, and large leaf flowers with clear veins are constantly swaying in the invisible shadow, as if they are fully absorbing the energy of the eyes of the ice and fire, the dark red veins become clearer, like a beating heart, With a suffocating sense of coercion.

As the moonlight continued to shine, the iron-gray flower gradually glowed red.

As blood red.

Vaguely, one could see an ordinary bird soul beast lying on the ground quietly on the innermost side of this big flower, with blood-red eyes and no pupils, as if it had lost all its intelligence and was left to be slaughtered.

As the uranium completely disappeared in the mountain col, leaving the eyes of the ice and fire, this big flower began to light up that extremely coquettish red light, even overwhelming the aura of all the fairy grass around it!

At this moment, it is like an emperor in a flower that has fallen over!

Whether it is the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo, the chrysanthemum of the strange velvet, or the lovesick heartbroken red of the **** product, some of its flowers are slightly hanging down, as if to meet the emperor, and surrender!

The advanced soul beasts of Sunset Forest are beginning to disappear at an unimaginable speed.

No corpses, no wreckage, no traces.

That's it, disappeared.

The basic tone of the forest at night is deeper, there is no wind, and the active life exudes light red, orange, fluorescent green and other colors, which are more conspicuous than during the day.

The bonfire also emits dark red residual heat.

Uran first patrolled around the camp a few times, and accurately killed several low-level thousand-year spirit beasts, temporarily clearing the threats near the camp.

Then, he spotted a direction and went deep into the forest.

Back to camp number two.

Uran lightly returned to the camp, only to find that there was only a tent around, and there was no place to rest. Uranium could not help but fall into a very embarrassing situation.

Needless to say, where he wants to sleep, Zhu Zhuqing must be beside him.

"Forget it, I can just find a tree and sleep."

Shaking his head, Uran dispelled the idea of ​​sleeping in the same room with Zhu Zhuqing.

He still couldn't let go. Simply put, it was too courageous. The last time I slept with her in the tent, it made him very embarrassed. It seemed that the sound of breathing and speaking were still vivid and unforgettable.

And this time, there was no danger around, and it was over after a sleep outside, no big deal.

Thinking about this, Uran stopped walking to the tent, turned his head decisively, and scanned the surroundings sharply.

Suddenly, a voice rang from inside the tent.

"Come in~"

It was Zhu Zhuqing's voice. She had already heard the noise in the camp, coupled with the slight whispering sound, naturally associated with the return of uranium.


Under the pouring of moonlight, the silver-haired young man was stunned.

The silver light reflected the reddish face of the young man.

"Oh, here it is."

Uranium felt even more embarrassed when Zhu Zhuqing spoke.

But after not standing in place for a long time, Uran quietly responded to Zhu Zhuqing in the tent, and then turned to look at the small tent.

His face turned red.

For no reason, his breathing became a little short.

"Color is emptiness, and emptiness is color."

Then he dived in.

In an instant, a faint scent came on the face, the fragrance was tangy, as if being in a sea of ​​flowers, it was fascinating.

Inside the tent, Zhu Zhuqing’s cold face was half exposed from the bed, with slender green jade fingers draped on the edge. At a young age, he had a sense of beauty, blinking his slender eyelashes and hovering on Uran’s body. For a moment, suddenly a little lost.

"Uranium, are you okay?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Zhu Zhuqing suddenly got his whole person into the bed, and a low voice came from the bed.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing look like this, Uranium couldn't help but scratch his head, a little unaware of why.

Since staying with her longer and longer, Uranus feels that he is more and more like a whole person, instead of half a year ago, not knowing smile, not knowing communication, full of family, rising, winning and dominating. Purebred Uchiha lunatic.


As if feeling that Uranium was still staring at her, Zhu Zhuqing's voice was even more indescribable, his pretty face flushed, and he stretched out his palm and patted the bed beside him, hurriedly said.


He faintly replied, with a smile on his face, Uran took off his outer clothes, kept his shirt, and got into the bed prepared by Zhu Zhuqing.

But Uranium did not sleep, but said softly to Zhu "

The girl was stuffed on the quilt, and suddenly heard the sound made by Uranium, she was taken aback.


Such an intimate name immediately made Zhu Zhuqing a little confused, his delicate body trembled slightly, and the redness of his face continued to the base of his ears, and he didn't know what to say.

For a long time, Zhu Zhuqing said, "Uranium?"

But inside the tent, there was no response.

There was silence around as if a needle had fallen, and I could hear it clearly.

The girl rushed out of the bed immediately, her eyes on the sleeping Uranium body, couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Looking at Uran's already asleep face, and then thinking of him thinking about it for so long, Zhu Zhuqing had to bite his silver teeth, turn over bitterly, turned his back to Uran's direction, and ignored him.

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