Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 196: Dugu Bo left

The time flies is three days.

Uranium has been observing the actions of Dugu Bo. Although the opponent is a Titled Douluo, he is extremely sensitive to prying eyes, but if Uran doesn't set his sights on the opponent, but swept away, it would not exist in a few kilometers. The sight of uranium can be sensed outside.

The two also stayed in this camp for three full days.

Since Uran's embrace that morning, Zhu Zhuqing's whole person seems to have changed.

The most intuitive feeling is that the originally very cold pretty face has a trace of thawing.

Uranium could see that Zhu Zhuqing's smile bloomed softly like an orchid on that day.

This is the peerless beauty that Zhu Zhuqing would not make or show in the past.

The spirit beasts around had already disappeared.

It's like deathly silence, and it's breathtaking, as if the **** of death was fortunate here.

"Zhuqing, there is a problem around. This is the center of the sunset forest, but there is no soul beast here. It is very likely that there is a high-level soul beast nearby. If you feel that it is dangerous, you can just leave with a fold."

Uranium didn't take a half step out of the camp, but instead raised his arms, throwing more traps like celestial flowers scattered around the outside world, expanding the trap minefield in the camp again.

"Don't worry about me, my spirit ability is very powerful, I am afraid of hurting you by mistake."

While speaking, Uran raised his head and glanced in the direction of Dugu Bo again.

Basically every hour, he would look up at the direction of Dugu Bo, but only in the morning.

Because it was written in the original book that Shrek was the Dugu Bo who met at the Tiandou Royal Academy in the morning, that is to say, he only needs to keep an eye on when Dugu Bo will leave, and then the right time has come.

"I know." Nodding slightly, Zhu Zhuqing continued to gesticulate in the clearing at what angle the light blade on his arm should cut out, or how to perform such a physical movement.

The soul bone skill Shadow Leap brought out a thousand percent of Zhu Zhuqing's mobility, and even to a certain extent, in the sense of Uranium, she was already comparable to the man named Uchiha with soil.

She disappears faster than with soil. In addition to the inability to carry out long-distance displacement and the difference in physical fitness, there is also a supernatural space that can distinguish the two.

After a long period of experimentation, conclusions can be drawn.

The distance range of the shadow bend is limited. According to Zhu Zhuqing, it is the shadow within ten meters of the surrounding area. She can bend with extremely low consumption. Even in the shadow, she can also slowly Restore the soul power to offset this soul bone skill soul power consumption.

But within a range of 20 meters, there was a small consumption of soul power, which was also not much, roughly equivalent to one percent of Zhu Zhuqing's total soul power.

But within the range of 50 meters, the spirit power of a moderate magnitude was depleted, requiring Zhu Zhuqing to spend about 3% of the spirit power.

As for the range of 100 meters and 300 meters, they are 10% and 20% respectively. As the distance increases, the more soul power is consumed by a one-time jump, and it is not even comparable to batches. Leaping over, the soul power consumption of multiple folds is the same as the distance of a single fold, but the soul power consumption is completely different.

Zhu Zhuqing is quite puzzled about this. After all, the same spirit power is lost, but the distance of movement is different. Isn't this a very obvious soul ability loophole?

But uranium has a different view.

If he kicked out with a nuclear explosive kick, at this moment, if Zhu Zhuqing wants to leave, he will inevitably need a long-distance leap to ensure that he will not be contaminated with half of the radiation energy, and if it is a split leap, I am afraid not yet When she jumped out for the second time, she would be torn to pieces by the shock wave at the moment she jumped out for the first time.

Perhaps because of the disappearance of the surrounding spirit beasts, there was no sound anymore. Even the chirping birdsong that could be heard in the early morning a few days ago was completely extinct, and the surroundings were like a dead hell, but Uranium was very sure.

I didn't spread the radiation power around, and the only place I had spread was also a long distance from here, it was impossible to spread here at all.

Regarding everything in front of him, Uran no longer knew how many times he had scratched his scalp. God knew he hadn't started converting soul beasts into radiating soul beasts, and what kind of feelings of aggrieved feeling was that these soul beasts were all gone.

This matter is related to the increase of his spirit power level, otherwise, with his cultivation speed, he would not be able to compete with Shrek in the later stage of the **** test, let alone face the final situation of becoming a **** with confidence.

Faintly, he always felt as if he had forgotten something.

"Family? Or..."

Shaking his head, Uranium opened the radiant eye and pupil of the element, ready to start the second observation plan today.

The change in her eyes immediately caught Zhu Zhuqing's attention. Although she had seen it many times, it was undeniable that these eyes were really beautiful.

If Uranium could hear Zhu Zhuqing's heartfelt voice, I'm afraid he could not help but complain.

Can radiant eyes really be called beautiful? Zhuqing, there may be something wrong with your aesthetics.

Uran followed his vision, turned his head slowly, and looked towards the direction of Dugu Bo's seclusion.

In the next moment, he quickly closed his eyes after scanning a circle to ensure that his eyes would not stay in the direction of Dugu Bo for too long.

Suddenly, Uran's face flashed with astonishment, he seemed...

Didn't you see Dugu Bo's high-level spirit power fluctuations?

"Will you go out?"

With this thought in mind, Uran's eyes suddenly brightened, no longer retaining his eyesight, and he cast his gaze into the valley of the eyes of the ice and fire and the location of the Dugu Bo he had previously seen.

no one.


There was no Dugu Bo's strange spirit power fluctuations at the position of the eyes of the Ice and Fire.

Title Douluo Dugubo disappeared.

It seemed that something was absolutely wrong, Uran glanced around again, for fear that the other party was already in the camp, and found the two lone men and women who ran to the forest to practice.

No one ~ There is no one nearby, and there is no energy fluctuation of the spirit beast.

"Really gone!"

I have confirmed again and again that there is indeed no Dugu Bo's figure around, thinking of a certain possibility, Uran's mouth can't help but his white palms are trembling slightly, but fortunately it is covered by sleeves, so he has not been found out. Suppressing the anger in my heart, his voice trembling in a condensed voice: "Zhuqing, we can go!"

"What?" Zhu Zhuqing's face suddenly showed a touch of doubt. The next moment, she remembered what Uranus said to start, and she gritted her teeth and said quietly: "Uran, if we really do this, I'm afraid we will go around. This Title Douluo is gone, otherwise once he knows that we have stolen such an important thing..."

"We have waited for so long, just for this moment, Zhuqing, don't be afraid." Uranium clenched his fist, and the faint cyan, blue, red and other energies gradually covered all the land under your feet, and finally faintly. Yoo's right foot gathered together and absorbed it completely.

"My fourth spirit ability can already be dictated by an arm, even if it is not the opponent's opponent, it can be done to cover you and leave."

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