Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 199: Immortal grass hurts in the throat

"Come on, You Hong Tian Renju, let me see what you can bring me."

Shaking his head, Uran slowed down the thoughts in his heart, and moved his gaze to the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and the flower with a different color came into view.

In a few flashes, Uranium came to You Hongtianrenju's body.

The soul power was concentrated in his hand, without any hesitation, he made a decisive move and captured this alien-colored fairy grass.

With a slight pressure on his fingers, he cut off the stem that connects it to the veins of the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and there was no sensation except for the tingling of energy constantly emerging in the palm.

"Sure enough, this kind of fairy grass is in danger of being injured just by touching it. It can already cut and bleed my fingers. If it weren't for my radiation field to be able to send and receive freely, I am afraid this piece of ice and fire will be affected. All my radiant energy erodes."

"I want to see that radiation and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth erodes each other, and whether the mutual existence is progress or destruction for the fairy grass. It's just a pity. I am in a very good mood today." Uran shrugged and looked at the fairy grass. The struggle shows disdain.

His physical fitness is already at the level of the Soul Emperor, and his full state can approach the Soul Sage. In addition, he has a body of high-energy particle flow throughout his body. This Youhong Tianrenju, which can separate his skin, is considered a great honor. Up.

Cut off the stem, the heaven and earth aura that was constantly brewing above You Hong Tianrenju suddenly shrank, with restrained energy. Under the gaze of the pupil of uranium element, the red and blue dual-color heaven and earth aura that had originally appeared in it suddenly stagnated.

Immediately afterwards, it began to be swallowed by the energy fluctuations of the yellow and purple Yuhongtianrenju, and in a faint, this Yuhongtianrenju, which was like a fish out of water, looked a little brighter.

But Uranium understands that this is the last reflection.

"It's now."

Under the pupil of the element, the moment when the red and blue heaven and earth auras all disappeared, Uranium opened its mouth suddenly and gnawed on the yellow-purple petals.

Suddenly, there was a blood-colored hole in his lips.

The blood did not flow out because the wound was small, as if the skin was torn.

"I have an ominous premonition."

Frowning, Uran managed to endure the nausea like swallowing a knife, chewed all the petals into his stomach in three or two, and then sat directly on the spot, and began to use his spirit power to dissolve the medicinal power of this Yuhongtianrenju .

Its energy is all in the petals, and in terms of grade, it is still under Zhu Zhuqing's moonlight looking Chunlan, but the fluctuations of the spiritual energy radiating from its body are extremely attractive to Uranium's attention.

As soon as he sat down, his soul power had just started to work, and in an instant, Uranus felt something was wrong with him.

"Fuck, I won't really have a stomach piercing?"

With such a terrifying sense of fear, Uran forced himself to close his eyes, and concentrated his soul power into his abdomen, above the petals of You Hongtianrenju.

Just for a moment, a pain like a knife cut in his heart, and he couldn't help shaking.


In the next moment, the pain of violent storm came from all over the body, especially the most intense position in the abdomen after taking the fairy grass. Uran's brows were twisted directly, and big beads of sweat continued to drip and fell to the ground.

The pain was like a wave, wave after wave, as if to shatter his consciousness.

He is like a small boat tumbling in the tsunami, and every time he beats it, it may obliterate his last consciousness.

This kind of splitting pain that erupted from the inside suddenly made Uranium painful to speak, and he didn't dare to touch his nerves, so he could only allow himself to mechanically operate his soul power to digest the medicine. Even moving his fingers was exhausted. The strength of the whole body.

Inside his body, cutting scars began to appear faintly.

But then, the scar healed directly.

This is the rapid recovery of his Sangouyu's body.

Half a year ago, facing the Radiant Titan Giant Ape, it was this trait that made him stand up again and face the strongest enemy that was once.


It can be seen that the dark red light began to extend from his torso to the limbs, and Uran's whole body began to convulse violently.

The fiery energy raged crazily, as if there were countless knives condensed into flames slicing his whole body crazily. The raging force caused Uran’s body to tremble, but he quickly stabilized himself. body of.

The intense pain caused Uran to feel that the crazy outbreak of You Hongtianrenju completely shredded his whole body muscles in an instant, and the crazy aura quickly expanded upward, intending to rush into his head.

Undoubtedly, You Hong Tianrenju's power proved that it will only continue to erupt under the guidance of this crazy aura. Once it erupts, then he is dead.

The big drops and big drops of sweat rolled off, and even a slight scream from his muscles could be heard.

But as more and more bloodstains appeared inside his body, the radiation energy contained in the uranium body gradually opened a hole.

The original recovery speed suddenly accelerated. Almost in an instant, all the wounds in the uranium body were healed, as if the newly-born muscle was plated with a light silver glow, engraved with the luster and texture that did not belong to human beings.

The destruction of You Hong Tianrenju brought him severe pain, and the restoration of vitality in the radiation field was the itching of the wound. Severe pain and numbness coexist, what kind of torture is this!

A strong breath of life radiated instantly, and Uran's closed eyes suddenly widened. Not only that, in his eyes, the radiating eye martial arts unconsciously revealed, and an invisible pressure instantly swept across the ice and fire two eyes.

Suddenly, all the immortal grasses naturally bowed down, as if bowing down!

this is……

"I am the emperor of radiation! The lord of all life! A weed also wants me to surrender..."

The low voice of gritted teeth squeezed out of Uran's throat. Although the pain throughout his body was still uninterrupted, Uran's eyes lit up enough to compete with the sun!

"Kneel me down!"

The locked radiant energy opened the gate.

A flood-like torrent crazily emerged from the eyes of uranium, and in an instant, all over the body!

After a short while, all the energy from You Hong Tianrenju was checked and balanced, but it was not absorbed by the energy in the radiation field. Instead, its condensed cutting power was suddenly dispersed and flowed around it like a supervisor.

Like an overseer.

You Hongtianrenju’s crazy power is like building while destroying, and the huge vitality of the radiation field provides it with enough construction resources and energy. Over time, even though his body sits there from time to time There was a slight convulsion, but his whole body was sitting very steadily, his facial expressions did not change too much, and even his brows were slowly an hour later.

After You Hong Tianrenju's nourishment, Uranium's bones faintly showed a faint red-gray color, which was a manifestation of huge energy.

At this time, his whole body muscles were already wrapped in that layer of faint silver ash fluctuations, deep silver ash as if an endless void.

With every breath, Uranium could feel that it was transformed by You Hongtianrenju, and every breath and exhalation seemed to contain infinite power.

An unprecedented sense of strength, along with the pain of the previous whole body change, gradually merged into Uran's consciousness.

Time, one minute and one second gradually passed. It has been four hours in a blink of an eye, and as the effect of the fairy herb is exerted, the powerful fluctuation of uranium becomes more and more obvious, like a sword light rising into the sky, trying to pierce the sky.

The sun gradually rose from the east to the west, and the first person to wake up from the practice was Zhu Zhuqing, who had the mildest effect but the most powerful energy.

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