Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 209: Make you all out of print! (Four k)

The sudden appearance of uranium left everyone in a daze.

His figure was extremely quick, and almost when the woman was still considering how to speak, she had already arrived in front of a group of five people.

A woman named Guo Qian greeted him immediately, but noticed Lao Shi's expression and stopped. She stopped after almost two steps.

"Haha, it turned out to be a little brother, we thought it was a soul beast attacked, hahaha." A tall and strong man Lang Shuang smiled.

Uranium was surprised by this strong man's Lang Shuang character. If it hadn't been for seeing him suddenly change from viciousness to what he saw right now, otherwise he would think that this buddy would get along well.

"Hehe, I also heard something nearby, so I came over to take a look." Uran said with a light smile.

But Lao Shi, who talked with Uranium, frowned slightly. As a person with a performance personality disorder, he could keenly notice Uranium's appearance at the moment. Although he looked very kind, but...

The tingling sensation that makes the scalp numb like a sword glow that makes you scalp can't deceive people.

Once I know your identity and purpose, I will take you all...

Uranus slandered secretly in his heart.

"Friend, do you have anything to do with us?" a thin man asked Uranium, with a hint of alertness in his tone.

It is the young man who became Routh by the woman.

"Nothing, I just want to find a place to rest."

When asked this way, Uranium didn't panic at all, his gaze shifted, and placed on the woman in the center.

She is the center of the team.

Hearing what Uran said, the vigilance in Lao Shi's heart became stronger, and even the aura of the other people began to grow dignified.

"Resting? But we are going to find the soul beasts soon. I'm afraid my friend, if you want to rest, you have to find another place." At this moment, one of the two black figures squatting on the side, There was an indifferent voice.

There was not the slightest enthusiasm in the tone, and there was no cold color, just a normal idea to tell Uranium.

They do not welcome the arrival of uranium.

With the voice of this black-robed man, the surrounding atmosphere became more solemn.

"Oh, my little brother is already so tired, let him rest for a while."

"Lao Mo, don't forget that we still have some time before departure. It's almost noon. Why don't we let this little brother come in and have a meal together, let him rest, and don't rush people like this." The woman standing in the center said with a chuckle.

There was an indescribable charm in the tone, as if a soft feather ran across his heart, and a faintly inexplicable hot mood poured into his heart.

It seemed that the next moment, the body couldn't help but say the word okay.


Uran nodded, walked into the camp without hesitation, and then sat down at random to find a place.

Lao Shi looked at where Uranium was sitting, and his brows couldn't help but jump.

Right beside the covered corpse...

Phew.... Fortunately, they had already done proper treatment to prevent the keen spirit beast from perceiving the smell of blood, otherwise they would have to be forced to silence.

God knows if this kind of person staying in the forest of spirit beasts is a master, but looking at his young appearance, it will only be the spirit of death, so you can imagine the elders who protect him in the forest of sunset.

Must be Soul Saint, Contra level!

This is not something they can afford.

Uranus sat down casually around, focusing on the people around him slowly approaching.

"Hahaha, my brother, you are so courageous. You dare to break into this sunset forest alone. What I admire most is someone like you, hahaha~" this self-proclaimed old stone The tall and strong man laughed and said, breaking the solemn atmosphere just now.

"Well, yes, I am alone." Uran nodded.

"Hehe, your little brother is really bold. The surroundings are very dangerous. If you are not careful, your life will be ruined. It's just a pity. We will set off later and go to a more dangerous depth. I'm on you." The only woman among them smiled and said at Uran.

The other three men also spoke.

"It's really amazing. I dare to come to the sunset forest alone at such an age. Like me at your age, I don't know where to fool around~"

"Little brother, did you come to the forest for anything?"

At this time, chatting, the last figure in the black robe who didn't speak opened his mouth.

The voice was hoarse, as if he were quite old.

"Me? I plan to leave here, so I am looking for you to ask how to get out of this sunset forest."

Uran smiled softly.

"It turned out to be like this, this is easy to handle, little brother, you can just head here, and you will be out of the forest in about three days." The young man named Routh smiled slightly and said in one direction.

Seeing that direction, Uran's mouth twitched slightly.

The killing intent in his heart couldn't be hidden.

That direction is in the middle of the sunset forest, within the range of the eyes of the ice and fire. Good fellow, you actually pointed me a road that is mortal for ordinary people.

I really want to kill them........

"Shut up, are you still giving directions? If someone else goes the wrong way, you will be all to blame. Little brother, go there to get out of this sunset forest." Old Shi interrupted After reading Routh's words, he pointed to a road opposite to Routh, and said with a simple smile.

"Hey~ I'm sorry, little brother, I almost hurt you." Routh's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help putting away that careful thought, scratching his head embarrassedly and smiling bitterly.

He almost forgot, there might be someone following behind him.

Seeing that these people in front of him were not even unified in their speech skills, Uran sneered in his heart, especially that Routh...

If he is really an ordinary spirit master, I am afraid that he would really believe the other party's nonsense, or be besieged to death by a group of people here, or walked towards the depths of the forest.

Let's get rid of it all, these people's performances can end here, I'm tired of watching...

Just as Uranium was about to burst, suddenly, a dull footstep came from a distance.

The familiar breath was sensed by Uranium from that direction.

Uran's face suddenly changed.

It was the submerged porcupine that was at least seventy to eighty thousand years old.

Why did you get here? I remember that it is not in the other direction, and its momentum does not seem to be driven away, as if it is more attracted by something?

Uranium couldn't help thinking like this in his mind.

Forget it, it’s interesting to see how they were chased by this fierce beast. Anyway, they want to run, and it can’t stop me. They just ran out from here under the cover of this beast, otherwise they just run by themselves. If that is the case, it is very likely to be targeted and killed by that unknown guy!

After thinking about it, Uran still gave up his plan to do it himself. After all, he was in front of him, but the five soul kings, if he didn't use the nuclear explosion kick, he wouldn't be able to solve them all in ten seconds, it would be better to save a little effort.

It seems that he felt the inexplicable breath coming from Uranium.

The submersible porcupine in the distance suddenly opened its mouth, and the endless translucent soul power surged, directly emitting a terrifying howl.

Although it hasn't been long before awakening, the strength of this submersible porcupine is really strong. As soon as the whistle sounded, the colorless wave shook directly towards the surroundings. Wherever it passed, all the bushes and trees, All were shaken to pieces.

The surrounding terrain almost changed because of this roar.

The big tree collapsed, the rock burst, and the smoke rose!

If it were an ordinary agile attack type spirit master, the speed would be greatly reduced!

The billowing rocks kept falling from the sky and smashed into everyone in the camp, but Uranium dodged in an incomparably elegant manner, reacting extremely quickly and sensitively!

The agile figure kept moving, and fell together for a while, without being affected by this submerged porcupine!

But this is a bitter to other people. After being attacked suddenly, all of them reacted slowly. They were constantly forced to move by these falling rocks, and they couldn't help but get hit a few times, like headless flies everywhere. Channeling.

At this moment, a colorless ripple flew out of the smoke and dust, directly blasting a boulder towards the woman who was falling from the falling rock!

The attack was very sudden, and the woman obviously couldn't evade in time.


As soon as the woman couldn't dodge, she immediately possessed her martial spirit, and the third spirit ring was bright, and a series of black stone armor spread out from her body, completely enveloping her body.

The next moment, the woman was hit instantly, flying upside down like a broken kite!

"Guo Qian!"

The other four were shocked, and immediately rushed towards her, even the spirit beasts that were about to attack were ignored!

"Is it at this level? The soul beasts come and don't care, it seems that the relationship between them is not as simple as it seems, the big sister and the four little brothers..."

Uran glanced at the people who were not fully focused on the woman, and after no one stared at him, he walked towards the covered body.

But just as soon as the cover was opened, Uran's face instantly became gloomy!

Everything in front of him deeply shocked his three views!

The deceased was a teenager, about the same age as him.

Uranium stared at this wreck-like corpse, and the anger in his heart couldn't help burning!

The pitted body is full of traces of torture. The limbs are strangely bent in six segments, the eyes and ears are missing, and there are even fish-scale-like pieces of meat hanging densely on the body, as if it is Ling Chi!

Looking at everything in front of her, Uran's eyes widened, her finger joints were slightly white, and her tightly held palms ached!

"I thought it was just a simple killing. I didn't expect it to be a group of perverted murderers... It was exactly as I expected. Even the ordinary people in my previous life had perverted guys, let alone Douluo. The mainland is full of guys with superior power..."

Uran put down the quilt, and his gloomy face revealed a cruel smile.

"To kill...I also like to kill people like you."

After reading all this, Uranium walked directly towards the five people gathered together.


When a group of people surrounded her, the woman who fell on the ground seemed to sense something, suddenly turned sideways and looked at that direction!

A ghostly figure was standing there.

Seeing this figure, her pupils suddenly shrank!

Because this figure is surrounded by layers of darkness. He wears a black robe, is tall and wears a mask, and he can't see the specific face.

The mask is a white base, a strange mask with black ripples that expands in circles, covering the entire face. Except for the two black holes that were chiseled out which are the positions of the eyes, no information about the face is revealed!

But these eyes were the source of the sudden chill in her heart!

She could only see the strangely colored and murderous eyes in the mask.

Indifferent, cruel, and crazy!

"you are!"

The woman couldn't help shouting loudly, with an unstoppable tremor in her tone!

"Who?" The other four people were shocked, and immediately looked back, their soul power was showing, ready to attack.

But after the five people stared at each other with Uranium, their bodies trembled suddenly, standing rigidly in place, unable to move.

But the consciousness remained clearly in the body, watching the strange masked man in front of him slowly approaching them.

"Is that the person just now?!"

The woman with the highest spirit power level became more horrified, wait, there is no spirit ring on him?

Who is this person?

Could it be that he is Titled Douluo? And still a very young Title Douluo?

The woman could see clearly, although the other party's body was lingering, exuding an extremely cold aura, and instantly immobilized all five of them, but there was no spirit ring!

She seems to be unable to move, but the guy in front of her is so terrifying, even though the spirit of martial arts has brought her spiritual resistance by nature, she will soon be seen through pretending that she can't move...

"What is he going to do?" The woman looked at the black-robed man getting closer, and her anxiety became even greater!

What should I do?

kill him? It seems unlikely that he can turn four soul kings into four immobile chickens at a glance, and he is nothing but a soul king at best!

Run away?

beg for mercy?

If the other party doesn't agree with him, he will kill him, and he is so evil, I am afraid he is not a good person, and begging for mercy is probably impossible.

It will even arouse the perverted psychology of the other side's abuse!

For this, Guo Qian has no doubt, because she is such a person!

How to do?

As Uranium gradually approached, Guo Qian's heart became more chilly, no longer hesitating, and set off decisively.

Move like a rabbit!


A slight cold snort suddenly rang in the woman's ear!

In the next instant, before she could react, she suffered violent pain in her abdomen.

A great knee kick pushed her directly up! Following the flashing whip leg, unparalleled pain came from her body!

Wuhun moved, Uranium had no reservations, the radiation field opened, and she kicked her out!


Flying upside down in the With the strength of her soul power, she quickly churns up, ready to land safely, after all, it is the pinnacle of the soul king, and Uranium will trample her to death without a single kick.

"Damn, I am going to kill you!"

But before Guo Qian landed, he only felt black in front of him, followed by severe pain all over!

A huge mouth steadily took her into his stomach...


It's time to push the book again

It is a good book of 6000 Jun. It is very good and the quality is very reliable.

The title of the book is: Lan Ruo Chan Sheng

The following is a brief introduction:

Not crossing, better than crossing. The ancients were born with black technology, and every wooden wedge is a play. Do not read this book in the toilet, it is easy to sit and cause constipation.

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