Xiao Wu listened very carefully.

   From the helpless look of the sky blue cow python, she could feel that it was very unwelcome to this uninvited guest who broke into the forest.

The sky blue bull python also has its own helplessness. If you say kill it, go out on your own. Once you kill that human, not only will you be exposed to radiation power for a lifetime, but the dead radiation power will also affect all the surrounding environment. Turning into a Jedi, it will even spread to the forest lake, destroying it, Xiao Wu, and Er Ming's home.

   and drove the spirit beast to go out of the way, that would be even worse. It has driven away soul beasts twice, to attack that human, let him quit by himself, and no longer go deep into the forest, it is best to stay outside forever and not come in. The madness of the soul beast was unexpected.

It is the emperor of the Star Dou Great Forest. The natural king's breath will make the soul beast madly flee, but when the driven soul beast enters the human realm, it comes from radiation, awe from life instinct, and fear of death. When the beast felt the sky green cow python on one side and the breath of death on the other, it instantly collapsed.

   There is no escape, only death.

   It was also the crazy attack of these spirit beasts that almost caused the death of the human being. After trying twice to no avail, the sky blue bull python gave up using the spirit beast to drive away this method.

If that human is really killed, at least one-fifth of the Star Dou Great Forest will exterminate all soul beasts. This is the forest where it grew up since childhood. No soul beast is more profound in its love for homeland. In any case, it will not let that human being die here.

   So what should I do if I don’t kill?

   The result was obvious. After the human was not threatened by the soul beast, he chose to continue deepening, and he had almost reached the ten thousand year soul beast area, and it was not far from the center.

   Now, the Azure Bull Python is in a hurry.

   You must know that among Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts, there are many stubbles that are not afraid of death. In case they ignore the threat of radiation and forcefully kill that human being, with the spread of radiation, it and Erming are even dangerous.

And **** is even more non-existent. If you don’t mention staying within the radiation range, your life will be in danger. Radiation-killing soul beasts don’t look at enemies or friends, let alone long-distance protection. I’m afraid that the ten thousand-year soul beasts will directly kill them. I rushed over again, the body was cold.

   So in a hurry, I can only ask Xiao Wu to come back as soon as possible to see what she can do. In the past, Xiao Wu has always existed like an older sister, and it is the same for those who find ways. This has been the case since childhood.

   "Xiao Wu, what should I do?"

   Finally, the sky blue cow python lowered its head and looked hopefully at the pensive girl. In terms of strength, it is the overlord of the Star Dou Great Forest. In terms of ability, it even has domain skills. The entire Douluo Continent can defeat it by no more than five fingers at this time, but now, it is against a small second ring. The soul master can do nothing.

   That human being is like an extremely dangerous time bomb, no, more terrifying than a bomb. Once he dies, the extinction it brings will be permanent.

   But seriously, it's not permanent, it's just that no soul beast can survive here for more than 200,000 years.

Once in the radiation area, all the soul beasts will be like the one mutated from Erming's clan that it has seen before. The body collapses, and there is no consciousness, leaving only the desire for killing and flesh and blood. . Although powerful, it is completely inseparable from the radiation range.

   Although it can kill the monster by flipping its hands, the Azure Bull Python is disdainful of doing it. It knows that this monster will collapse over time and have no place to die.

   The most important thing is that killing that radiation monster will also dirty its hands.

   Oh yes, the sky blue cow python suddenly recalled that it seemed to have no hands.

   "Wait, Daming, isn't the human being you're talking about is a person with silver-white hair, not tall, and looks two or three years older than me?"

   Suddenly, Xiao Wu recalled the teenager she had just met, and the horrible shudder in him, and asked guessingly.

   "Yes, he is a human child."

   Daming nodded, then turned his gaze to Er Ming, his expression inquiring.

   Er Ming's somewhat honest head lightly tapped, somehow, he seemed unwilling to speak, but Da Ming got used to it long ago, and there is a special way of communication between them, which will not be affected by this reason at all.

   "Second, you! How could you let Xiao Wu approach him? I didn't even dare to approach him. I was mad at me. Xiao Wu, do you feel something wrong with your body?"

  Da Ming nodded when he saw Er Ming. He was a little furious for a while. It knew the danger, and Er Ming actually let Xiao Wu approach the source of that horror. This was maddening him!

   Gentle light sprinkled on Xiao Wu's pink face, her pretty little face was white and red, and her pink and tender appearance was like a ripe peach. She shook her head slightly, her eyes diverged, and the young man, after seeing him, turned around and left quickly without hesitation.

If she guessed correctly, I'm afraid that young man was also aware of the destruction he brought, and it must be the people around him who have suffered. So now, according to Da Ming's words, he came to the soul beast full of death at the age of six. forest.....

This kind of determination shocked Xiao Wu. You should know that he left home at the age of six, left everything he knew, stepped into the forest of life and death, and lived a life like a savage. This kind of determination, this perseverance, really It's indescribable.

   If it were her, she might not be able to do this. After all, she didn't really live only six years old, and she couldn't abandon Daming Erming, these friends who grew up together, or their relatives.

Erming scratched his head guiltily. He knew that the boss was blaming him for not rushing there soon~www.ltnovel.com~ Actually let Xiao Wu face the human, but he ran all the way from the core, already doing his best. . Now I can only hope that Xiao Wu is okay, otherwise, even if he carries the poison called radiation, he will pinch that human to death and avenge Xiao Wu.

"Well, I'm fine now, Daming, do you think that human came here because he was driven out? Then if we drive him out of the forest, doesn't it mean that the human side is very dangerous? Is it? After all, they don't have the physique of ours, and I am afraid they will be overwhelmed."

After all, Xiao Wu has been in human society for a year. As far as she is concerned, the people around her are very good. Whether it is a junior, a master, or Wang Sheng, the teacher who teaches, everyone is very difficult to be good. If the teenager is driven away Going out will be very dangerous.

But she has survived for thousands of years in the Star Dou Great Forest. The plants and trees here are familiar enough to tell what they are with closed eyes. If the forest is destroyed, the soul beast will flee for it, and she cannot accept it. .

   Therefore, her position, her words, are also about the consequences of expelling, not whether or not they can be expelled.

   Xiao Wu is a child of the forest, so naturally she must think about the forest.

Suddenly, there was a picture flashed in Xiao Wu's mind. A young boy was burdened with pain that no one understood. He went into a strange forest alone and stayed with the boring surroundings. No one talked to him or no one. accompany him.

   Looking at everything in despair, the young man still lives stubbornly, but he will cry humble and bitterly in the middle of the night. This ability is not what he wants, but he is forced to endure it all.

   He is too pitiful. Thinking about this, Xiao Wu went on to say: "Or, I'll go talk to him! Let him stop going further, how about living on the periphery?"


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