Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 215: The catastrophe of the soul beast! The possibility of self-made soul skills! (Four k)

"Can you stop rubbing it....... The hair is messy." Youhen's voice came slowly.

Uranus took the blood in his arms, sat cross-legged on the ground, and rubbed her hair into a mess, but the strange thing was that whenever he took his arm away, the hair would naturally flow smoothly and smoothly. She looks like something exists, combing her hair carefully.

"I have to say, your hair feels very good, it deserves to have some of my genes in it..." Uran reluctantly took his palm away from her red and silver hair, some Said proudly.

Because of his essence and blood, the gene of Xiaoxue has been changed, and the power of radiation is everywhere, which is the real reason why she can also awaken the field of radiation.

The law of victory and the truth of the world flow in the body of uranium.

The same goes for Xiaoxue.

Hearing this, Xiaoxue gave Xiao Yan a coquettish look, and her delicate little face was a bit irritating. No matter how open-minded the girl was, she didn't want to be said to be part of others.

"Oh, by the way, I remember at the beginning you hinted at the Hundred-Year Soul Beast, why has it now crossed the threshold of 100,000 years? It's only a few years." A little girl gave a serious glance. Uranus couldn't help feeling a bit amused, rubbing Xiaoxue's head with his palm, jokingly.

Looking at Uranium sitting next to him, Xiaoxue smiled and scanned the surroundings. His slender fingers rolled a strand of silver wire into a coil, and his small mouth raised a faint arc. He whispered, "Brother Uran, in In the past four years, under the nourishment of your radiant energy, I have actually reached ten thousand years long, especially my spiritual power, which is far beyond the ordinary ten thousand year soul beast, and after that, I took that radiant Titan The great ape also absorbed it, and only then has the experience of successfully arriving in the sunset forest for one hundred thousand years."

Hearing this, Uran quietly picked the tip of his eyebrows.

"I think it's better for you to call me by name directly, Brother Uran, feels a bit weird." Uran's body shook slightly.

"Hey, I'm not. I was younger than you. Is there anything wrong with calling your brother? Uranium, Uranium, Uranium..." Xiaoxue blinked playfully. eye.

"You can pull it down, I remember you must have stayed by the lake of life for many years. Maybe you are older than my dad. Logically speaking, I should call your sister. No, maybe even more. Auntie." Uran didn't have the slightest count in his heart, directly piercing Xiaoxue's shy appearance.

Listening to Uran's words, Xiaoxue couldn't help but startled.

The next moment, his face turned black in an instant!

"How about it, why don't I just call you...ah!"

Before Uran's aunt had finished speaking, she instantly felt a sharp pain in her waist!

The meat... is screwed!

"Brother Uran...I just didn't hear clearly, can you say something to Xiaoxue?" Uran turned his head in pain, but saw a small and elegant face full of smiles.

"Actually...I said you are pretty and cute, Xiaoxue..." Uran smiled hard, with a reluctant expression of seriousness, and immediately decided to pretend to be silly, as if he was sincere. .

" actually said me so old." Xiaoxue lowered the arm stretched around Uran's waist and gave him angrily, but he did not forget to help him tidy up the mess. The clothes were wrinkled and smooth.

The young girl's anger is the most touching, Xiaoxue's unintentionally exposed young girl's tender state, can not help but make Uran a wry smile.

He felt that Xiaoxue really wasn't the kind of evil existence that pretended to be.

If he hadn't watched her accompany him with his own eyes, maybe he would have doubted whether he was alive or not just by looking at her destructive record.

Or maybe, I don't even know when she was killed.

Except for the top-level soul beast, the Submerged Porcupine, the other high-level soul beasts in the sunset forest.

All off...

What a terrifying record, if Xiaoxue didn't have any brutal actions among them, it would be impossible.

"Are you thinking about something impolite? Brother Uran..." Suddenly, Xiaoxue poked Uran's waist with a look of doubt.

When Uran was thinking of excuses to perfuse, a pair of slender and white delicate wrists came out from the side, and then took his arms.

For a moment, Uranium could only bite the bullet and asked. "Xiaoxue, why, do you want to eat all the high-level soul beasts in the sunset forest? They are also life, just like you stopped me from corrupting the forest, are you..."

Uranium did not say the next sentence, whether you are a bit extreme in some respects.

After all, he couldn't beat Xiaoxue, he was ashamed to say, but this is an indisputable fact.

So he didn't dare to pick Taiming with these words, because he was afraid that Xiaoxue would change his appearance in an instant, and directly kill him, then he would be finished.

The true meaning of sudden death.

But Uranium's tension was completely unnecessary. Xiao Xue didn't have any dissatisfaction because of his words, but his expression was rather complicated.

After a long time, she said slowly, "You know, I am a soul beast... and I am also of the immortal grass type. I have a natural aura that attracts soul beasts, no matter if they can talk for 100,000 years, Or ordinary soul beasts, they all regard me as food, and they can’t wait to tear me up and eat them in."

"The survival of the fittest, the strong eating of the weak, this is nature's eternal law, if I don't make progress...I am afraid that those high-level spirit beasts will come to the door, and then, I will only die."

Xiaoxue bit her silver teeth lightly, and burst the last sentence out of her mouth.

"You can't survive without fighting!"

In an instant, the surrounding atmosphere solidified a bit.

Looking at Xiao Xue's indifferent face, Uran's heart let out a self-deprecating smile.

Speaking of her sadness.

"Well, at least you are now at the 100,000-year level, and if you are of the same level as usual, I'm afraid you won't be able to beat you anymore. You don't have to fight anymore." Uranus took Xiaoxue's hand and slowly rubbed her little head. , Whispered silently, with a faint sneer in his voice.

"If they dare to come, then kill them."

"I know, but... I'm getting closer and closer to the Soul Beast Heaven Tribulation, and I become stronger too fast. If I don't transform as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future." Xiao Xuewei She frowned and said softly.

"Are you really sure? After the transformation, follow me, there is no strength left, and... Titled Douluo can easily feel your breath, which is very dangerous."

Uran slightly squinted his eyes and looked at the swaying sea of ​​trees in the distance, and whispered helplessly.

Looking at Uran's helpless face, Xiaoxue suddenly chuckled happily when he knew what he was thinking.

As soon as the laughter came out, Xiaoxue noticed Uran's fierce gaze, and immediately closed his mouth and swept his eyes around him, Qiu Shui's eyes flashed a pale red light that was imperceptible, and he smiled unexpectedly. "I'm an immortal grass, and I've also drunk the blood of a 100,000-year soul beast that is good at hiding. How could I be noticed by Title Douluo, and my grade is above Acacia Heartbroken Red. Even it can do it. To hide the breath, let alone me."

Hearing this, Uran glanced at her diagonally, and with this Nizi, it seemed that she couldn't hide anything, she sighed depressed in her heart, and nodded weakly.

"In that case, let's go out. The time in the illusion is long enough. I want to find a soul beast with a suitable age as soon as possible. By the way, Xiao Xue, your mind control, how many years of soul you can control at most Beast?" Ran Xiaoxue's red and silver hair casually, and Uran's palm moved unconsciously.

The next moment, he placed it on her little head and rubbed it carefully.

"..." Xiaoxue suddenly became a little silent.

Just as Uran's palm rested on Xiaoxue's head, there was a young girl's low grunt beside him.

"Cough..." His eyes blinked, Uran retracted his arm without a trace, and smiled at the indifferent little blood on his small face: "It's done."

Glancing at Uranium who pretended to be innocent, Xiaoxue said indifferently, "As long as it is about fifty thousand years old, I can control the other person's spirit at will. No matter what I ask the other person to do, I can do it."

"Oh? Can you let the other party voluntarily donate the spirit ring?" Uran's eyes lit up, and his mind was already simulating the next scene.

"If you want to be beautiful, you need the spirit beast to volunteer. After all, mind control is external force, not voluntary." Xiaoxue's ruddy mouth picked up, and said with a smile.

With a dry cough, Uranium had to dispel the idea and no longer consider this aspect.

"Do you want to grab that submersible porcupine as the fifth spirit ring?" Xiaoxue suddenly asked when Uranus flinched.

"It?" After a stunned, Uranium followed Xiaoxue's gaze, but his brows wrinkled slowly.

In the eyes of the two, a giant wild boar that was simulated by the illusion began to slowly take shape.

Submerged Porcupine.

"It is conservatively estimated that it is a soul beast of seven or eighty thousand years. Unless I use the power of the radiation field, I can't absorb it." Staring at the simulated soul beast that does not seem to have his own thinking, Uran frowned: "But once the radiation field is used , It will automatically enter a state of spread, infecting a soul beast, and infecting an area, there is no difference, and I don't want to do these things again."

Xiaoxue shrugged cutely, turned his head slightly, and said jokingly: "At least, I can let it die peacefully in the illusion, and it will not harm the forest environment. And in the future, you will definitely only Will the radiation field be aimed at the soul beast that needs it, not to kill the innocent?"

"..." The corner of her mouth cracked, and Uran rubbed her aching forehead.

"You are right." A moment later, he nodded slowly.

Breaking through the inner barriers, he became a little afraid of his feet, completely decisive and calm.

"By the way, Uchiha Uranus, do you know... about the spirit ring spirit ability, and its infinite possibilities?" Suddenly, Xiao Xue asked a question that made Uran a little unpredictable.

"Infinite possibilities?" After a daze, Uran repeated this sentence, quite puzzled.

What do you mean?

As if seeing the puzzlement on Uranium's face at the moment, Xiaoxue was also a little confused, and continued, "It's your 4th unconventional spirit ability, isn't it that you pinched it out of the radiation field?"

"Nuclear kick? Isn't it a normal ten-thousand-year spirit ability? It's also 20,000...Huh? It's not right!" Uranus replied naturally, but suddenly stopped at the moment of speaking. .

Nuclear explosion kick is a normal ten thousand years spirit ability? What is he talking about?

I am afraid that even the 100,000-year spirit ability in the original book does not have such explosive power!

Shocking mushroom clouds, absolute high temperature, devastating blows within ten kilometers in diameter, billions of atmospheric pressure, terrifying shock waves, and countless streams of ultra-high concentrations of high-energy particles.........

This so-called ordinary, unremarkable ten thousand years spirit ability is the strongest spirit ability capable of destroying any existence!

"Yes, how did this spirit ability come out? I remember back then, I just wanted a spirit ability that could fight head-on..." Uranium also noticed something wrong. In Douluo Continent, a 20,000-year-old radiant spirit beast can provide such a fierce spirit ability?

"You're right, nuclear explosive kick is such a powerful soul ability...why have I never noticed that it's abnormal? I'm afraid, I think, in my heart, it's reasonable... ..."

After a moment of silence, Uran sighed, her expression a little uncertain.

There is an ability that he can't control, it has been under his nose for so long, it is unimaginable.

"Is this the so-called infinite possibilities of spirit abilities? As long as I want, after I absorb the spirit ring, the spirit abilities can produce the spirit abilities I need as I want?" Thinking about the nuclear explosion kick After this spirit ability, Uran suddenly remembered the third spirit ability, energy absorption halo.

This is the most buggy spirit ability he thinks.

As long as it is soul power and energy, it can absorb it!

Even about 50% of the soul power absorbed will be converted into temporary soul power, and the original soul power can only be converted, only 40% at the top of the sky, as the soul ring increases, it can increase the ratio of soul power conversion!

In other words, after he reaches the Nine Ring Title Douluo, the absorption and transformation ratio can reach 100%!

Think about it Any spirit master uses long-range spirit skills to attack him, and as long as he activates the energy absorption aura, then the spirit power from these attacks is equivalent to 100% of the spirit power provided to him.

What a horror is this!

And the source of this spirit ability is a dark demon bat that is infected with radiant energy and lingers...

"I remember that I wanted a spirit ability that could absorb my own radiation energy, or absorb the surrounding radiation energy, so that the forest would no longer deteriorate. As a result, the energy absorption halo spirit ability appeared... ...."

Uran frowned and began to recall the things he had thought about three or four years ago, what happened during those times, and the things he considered are all very important to the present.

"Could it be......"

Suddenly, a very amazing idea came to Uran's mind!

"Yes, that's what you think." Xiao Xue on the side also continued.

In the faint, he seemed to see the truth of everything.

If all speculations are true...

Then he Uchiha Uranium will become the only man in the Douluo Continent who can handle soul skills! !

"If I'm not mistaken, it should only be the soul beast that is deeply infected by the ray energy and is full of high-energy particles, can it be assimilated by my radiation domain, and then through my subconscious, I can produce the corresponding soul ability... ...." Uran's expression suddenly became excited!

"The energy absorption halo is like that."

"Nuclear kick, it's still the same!"

"If you can only simply manipulate energy particles in one area, you will really laugh at others."

"This is the real power in the field of radiation!!"

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