Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 217: Xueqinghe's strategy, the idea of ​​long-range soul skills (4k)

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In front of us is a magnificent, dreamlike place of crystallization!

There is no soil, no plants, and even the air emits a faint fluorescence. The real meaning of the nuclear explosion center in front of Xue Qinghe's eyes is interpreted.

What is art........

This is a gorgeous art!

Extremely high-temperature calcination of impurities, and then compressed by atmospheric pressure without impurities into a crystalline size, this is the incomparable beauty in front of Xue Qinghe........

"This..... Is this caused by the battle? Crystallized Martial Soul? Or..."

Xue Qinghe was a little slapped for a while, and her voice was slightly trembling.

"His Royal Highness, do I need to continue to investigate? I have reason to suspect that the red shadow just now is the cause of all of this. We have just seen it. He is chasing a 70,000-year-old soul beast. But the big guy that only Title Douluo can deal with, and the location of the incident is so close..."

Seeing all the sights in front of her, Mengshenji became nervous involuntarily, and unconsciously began to surround Xue Qinghe in the center with the other two Contras, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"His Royal Highness, be careful..." Zhi Lin said solemnly.

Within a ten-kilometer radius, he couldn't feel the breath of any plants. It could be said that his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced. After all, he was a plant-type control spirit master and had a great demand for the surrounding venues.

"I don't think it is necessary." Xue Qinghe quickly woke up from the shock, turned his head and smiled at the Mengshen machine on the side, "After all, you just guessed it, creating this battle. He has already left, and he has seen us, and he must understand the purpose of our trip. Rather, it is the one who did it deliberately, otherwise he can completely expel us."

After thinking for a moment, Xue Qinghe hooked his chin, and immediately thought of something. His expression was quite agitated, and he hurriedly urged, "Quickly, these crystals need to be transported back, Meng Lao, you immediately go to the hiding place of Poison Douluo and explore Check the tone of that person's crown, even if you know that he is still alive."

He has a bold idea...

You can make some articles about the situation in the forest at sunset.

Because the prince Xue Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire at this moment has the first-hand information, he can naturally induce a little public opinion and implicitly hint that the surrounding countries are from the Tiandou Empire. This will further deter the major duchy and the Xingluo Empire. , So as to let the guys around around take a look.

But what Xue Qinghe wanted to do was not to induce public opinion and set smoke bombs to confuse others.

His real purpose is to show his political skills to the elderly Xueye, through a real message, mixed with a little false information, to induce other countries to think in the wrong direction, and at the same time give him political bonus points. To win over the nobles, gather confidants, and speed up the speed at which Emperor Xueye passes the throne to him.

After all, he is so old, and his son has shown that he is not inferior to him in all aspects. When will he not give way at this time?

This is Qian Renxue's Yang Miao, shown to Emperor Xue Ye, and Uran's battle this time gave Qian Renxue a perfect pedal...

The ultimate goal is to seize the throne...

"No, I still lack consideration. There are many difficulties that need to be addressed. First, will people in other countries pay attention to this sunset forest bombing incident? Second, how can I convince them of the information I have led? Is it real?"

Xue Qinghe suddenly stopped his divergent thinking, frowned slightly, and began to think about the key.

God knows if the Great Emperor Xueye will wait until she is about to die before passing the throne to herself. It can speed up a little bit, otherwise, given the lifespan of the spirit master in this year, she estimates that she will have to wait another ten to fifteen years.

"Yes, I still have one key thing missing, one thing with enough weight..."

As he thought, the bold ideas in Xue Qinghe's mind became more complete.

In his conception, this is a set of interlocking strategies. If you do not understand the key points, you will easily be biased.

"The first level is the traces shown, supplemented by guarding soldiers, ordinary spirit masters accidentally reported that the Tiandou Empire is suspected to have a new title Douluo, such as the ancestors of the royal family a hundred years ago, and they still belonged directly The royal family, deterring the Xingluo Empire and the major kingdoms."

"On the second level, take the initiative to spread these news out to ensure that people who are interested can hear it, and I will reveal to people in private that there is no title Douluo that actually exists, and these words will also be overheard by spies. These kingdoms think that the news spread on the first layer is false and deliberately spread."

"On the third level, guarding the soldiers, ordinary spirit masters disappeared after the rumors spread, leaving the other party confused, whether there is really a secluded Title Douluo, and whether these people have been killed."

"The fourth layer, after waiting for a period of time, something important appeared unintentionally. There is no need to speak, the other party will be able to make up for it. For example, the crystalline debris with brand-new traces...or the person under the crown. The traces of the fight against that big pig convinced them that the above were all false, and they suddenly realized that after the above things, they would naturally continue to doubt whether there was any routine below."

"Fifth layer, there is no routine, let the other party make up for it by themselves."

"On the last level, through these true and false inducements, Emperor Xueye is convinced that he has the ability to inherit, thereby speeding up the speed of inheriting the throne. Although it will not immediately give way, it is enough to improve the progress of his big plan. Recently, it has really been regarded as mixed eating and waiting to die, and everything I did has no effect..."

"Moreover, I will arrange secret whistle to do these actions, and I won't mention a single word on the surface, so this existence will not be boring to announce where he is, because such existence has already seen everything. "After thinking about this, Xue Qinghe became completely excited.

"This theory of mullet cakes is really practical in this way. Brother Uran is indeed a little bit hidden..."

"I hope this sunset forest incident can contribute to my plan..."

Determined the way of thinking, Xue Qinghe immediately moved Zhilin and Bai Baoshan among the three elders to clean up the crystals together........

And just as Xueqinghe and Mengshenji and others acted, the sunset was over another part of the forest.

"Hey, I said Xiaoxue, when are you going to paddle, can't you let the surroundings enter the solidified state of space? I have been chasing for so long, why haven't I seen you use it." The swaying blood-red big flower still showed no sign of doing it. He looked at the Submersible Porcupine that had run away again, Uranium couldn't help scratching his head with an embarrassment on his face.

As expected to be a guy close to the 100,000-year level, he runs fast...

He couldn't catch up a bit, guessing that this pig has been beaten in the past, and he can run so skillfully.

Looking at Uran's helpless appearance, in front of him, the small blood illusion condensed by soul power, Shui Ling's big eyes were slightly bent, and he smiled and said: "No way, this is the soul beast you picked. How much I will make you lose face. "

Uran sighed, nodded helplessly, and said weakly, "But I have already released the radiation energy, it is difficult to guarantee that it will run all the way, will it expand the radiation range, I will not catch up with it, I am uneasy."

"In fact, you don't need to worry. I have set up an energy flow circuit on its body, and the movement between particles will not exceed this range. In other words, the radiated energy is only aimed at that soul beast and a pig." There was a fragrant breeze from the side, and Xiaoxue's light laughter sounded like a silver bell.

The illusory figure with condensed soul power showed a faintly solid feeling.

Scratching his head, Uran smiled.

"In other words, I just need to wait, right?"

Hearing this, Xiaoxue was startled, Qiu Shui’s eyes were bent into beautiful crescents, and he smiled and said, “That’s right, or let’s find a place to take a good rest. I guess it will take at least several months before we can The age of the Submersible Porcupine is grind to the point where you are suitable. I estimate that from 50,000 to 60,000 years should be enough.

Shrugging, Uran shook his head, and said, "No, during this time, I'm wondering if I want to leave the Falling Sun Forest first. The battle just took place. I want her to confirm that I am safe."

It goes without saying that Xiaoxue can understand who she is referring to.

"Then... can I follow?" Uran's refusal made Xiaoxue a little surprised, and her dark, smart eyes rolled playfully, and suddenly smiled.

After a slight pause, Uran squinted his eyes and said vaguely: "I'll be back when I go. I'll just meet once. When you transform, you have time to meet..."

"However, I still need several years before the transformation is successful. I also want to meet the girl who can always be with you. After all, she has such a heavy weight in your heart..." Xiaoxue Xiaoshouyan A wisp of red silk in front of her forehead, her small mouth pursed slightly, as if she was pondering her words. After a while, she whispered: "Don't worry, I am not active. I will definitely not cause you trouble. I am afraid of you. I won’t come back after I leave......"

"You girl...Is it too bad for me? I always feel like I will run away at any time." He sighed in his heart, and Uran suddenly smiled bitterly. If he is not lucky enough to encounter the Desolate Bloodsthorn Cat, he will wait. For a long time, otherwise the distance between Xiaoxue and him would be really difficult to get closer. She has been moving, she can't keep up anyway.

"I am not letting you meet her, but I am worried that you, as a soul beast, will be safe after taking you into a human city. I will consider your safety, otherwise I will harm you." Uran pointed out directly. The reason, this is also for the good of Xiaoxue.

"Don't worry, I have a strong ability to hide my breath." Xiaoxue immediately retorted.

Under Xiaoxue's gaze, Uran smiled lightly and nodded slightly. There was a touch of affirmation and certainty in his soft voice: "Since you want to come, let's come together."

After speaking, Uran stretched out his palm, and stretched out towards the image of the blood in front of him.

But the next moment, the arm that originally wanted to rub her head suddenly passed through the phantom vision of Xiaoxue.

"I forgot. You haven't transformed yourself yet." Uran was taken aback for a moment, then smiled relievedly.

"Let's go, if you want to go back, I will go back, otherwise I won't wait for you~" After touching his face, Uran suddenly involuntarily moved his gaze to the little blood not far away. At this time, the girl's pretty cheek was faintly pouting. Looking at the heroic young man with a smile.

"Okay, let's go now."

Under Uran's gaze, the girl lightly turned her figure into a phantom, and Shi Shiran landed beside Uran, Qiu Shui's eyes flowed slowly, and her face under her silver-red hair was full of smiles.

As soon as the voice fell, she disappeared directly.

In the next moment, Uranus felt the big flower behind her waist, and there was a throb of life...

Looking at the little blood that he got in, Uran was taken aback, and immediately rolled his eyes helplessly: "What did you run in? I still want to chat with you on the road."

Xiaoxue didn't answer, but shook the gorgeous leaves lightly, as if dancing silently.

Seeing Xiaoxue behaving like this, Uran slapped his forehead suddenly, and then walked helplessly towards the outskirts of the sunset forest.

"It seems that in the future, I need to study botanical language, what kind of thing is botany..." A slight grunt popped out of Uran's mouth.

As Uran strode across the stream, the girl's elegant laughter was like a silver bell, but it was quietly floating around.

The sunset forest is huge.

The branches and leaves are dense and the shadows are heavy, like a green ocean.

A breeze was blowing right now, bringing a fresh smell of vegetation.

The breeze blew across the young man's body, and the cool and comfortable feeling immediately made him feel like he was going to be stunned.

At this moment, looking at the slight traces of nuclear explosion radiation clouds in the sky, somehow, there was a sense of pride in his chest!

"I am the incarnation of death..."

"It's also the end of everything!"

Uranium raised his arms, as if embracing the whole world!

"There is only destruction behind me..."

"But I can also bring a new life!"

"Nuclear energy is by my side, and radiation kills the enemy with me..."

"I am the master of destiny!"

The more you advance, the louder Uranium's voice becomes!

As if to confess the despair of being beaten and eaten countless times in the forest, and facing death!

Open up! Look straight at your own strength!

"I am invincible!"

With such a powerful force in the hands of a nuclear explosion, Uranium has not lost himself or lost himself in the past, but at this moment, he has opened his eyes....

Like the morning after rain, he was reborn after being beaten by the blood and the soul torture!

He is him, Uchiha Uranus! This has never changed!

"I will change the family, my power will bring about change, and my knowledge can transcend the times, and I will build a family that will never disappear, under the name Uchiha."

"Let the world witness my strength..."

After confiding all the pride in his heart, suddenly, the girl's light voice came out.

"Hehe, you are still the same as before, so stinky and shameless, hehe." Seeing Uran's behavior, Xiaoxue shook the branches and leaves playfully, and whispered with a smile.

The next moment, Uran's face turned black for a while.

"By the way, have you considered what the fifth spirit ability is used for? I feel like you don’t lack anything right now. It seems that you don’t have a long-range spirit ability, but in fact, the nuclear explosive kick has a killing range of ten kilometers in diameter. The moves are already much stronger than the so-called long-range spirit abilities." Xiaoxue suddenly changed his conversation, and pointed out a little doubt about Uranium's next consideration.

Indeed, with Uranium's combat power at the moment, it seems that this small range of long-range spirit skills is not needed, and the nuclear explosion kick is enough to solve any opponent.

Moreover, judging from the speed at which he absorbs the radiation energy and soul power of the nuclear explosion kick, after kicking the nuclear explosion kick, he still has full combat power and endurance, and he can completely defeat the super super degraded version of the nuclear explosion kick. Into the normal battle ranks.

But Uranium shook his head slightly.

Since knowing that the Radiation Realm can help him shape his spirit skills, a very, very bold idea has popped into his mind.

Chinese people basically have a very special symptom, or a disease.

Its name is----

Fear of lack of firepower!

And uranium is the same, or the disease is deeper...

"If you talk about long-range soul skills, maybe you can consider things like medium-range missiles, long-range missiles, and nuclear missiles. The nuclear explosion is only ten kilometers long, which seems not enough..." Suddenly, Uranium whispered Murmured.

"Huh? I didn't hear clearly, what are you talking about?" Xiaoxue said in a puzzled voice.

"It's nothing, Xiaoxue, you will see in the future, the stars will be eclipsed under my light..."

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