Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 223: Master of the Empire, 0 Renxue and Uranium (four k)

Chapter 229 Master of the Empire, Qian Renxue and Uranium (4k)

Xue Qinghe unreservedly said his thoughts, with a frank expression, without any intention of concealing it.

Because there is no need to hide, if you want to win over Uranium, you must let the two stand on the same line to consider things. The appearance of Prince Xue Xing just gave him a chance.

In his early days, he not only gave Uranium a backing, but also showed Uranium that he was willing to have a relationship with Prince Xue Xing, that is, his uncle, for him.

Xue Qinghe believes that under this kind of kindness, coupled with his sincere and sincere feelings, even if Uran is not moved on the spot to show his loyalty, I am afraid that he will be touched by this, and he will be solicited for the future. The bedding is more solid.

Uran nodded, he could understand Xue Qinghe's intention, because the other party was already on the bright side.

But this doesn’t mean that he needs to agree immediately. Joining Xueqinghe means joining the Spirit Hall. Although the Hall of Spirituality is still OK, the spirit awakening is popularized by the whole people, and the evil spirit masters are also driven to the killing capital. To a large extent, the number of evil spirit masters in Douluo Continent has been eliminated, and it can be said that it has benefited all the people.

But after all, it was the so-called villain, Tang San's enemy.

In fact, he actually didn't oppose the unification of the Wuhun Temple. After all, wasn't the unification during the Warring States period just like that?

Accept Jiuding, sweep Liuhe, the first emperor, has become yesterday.

As for the Destruction of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, the Tiandou Palace change, and the surprise attack on the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Uranium didn't care.

Except for important people, everyone in Douluo Continent has nothing to do with him, so to help the Spirit Hall, or to help Tang San, it all depends on your mood...

Suddenly, Uranium thought of his previous thoughts.

He didn't want to see the slave trade anymore, he wanted to formulate laws to restrain soul masters...

Thinking of this, Uran's expression couldn't help but he raised his head, looked at the sincere face of Xue Qinghe, and asked worriedly, "Big Brother Xue, you are the prince after all. Even if you don't do this for me, it won't affect your status, but Instead, Prince Xue Xing will hate you right now, so why bother?"

"How can I, let Brother Xue do this for me."

Are you acting? Who is afraid of who... Uran thought to himself.

"Hehe, Brother Uranium, I actually saw my uncle displeased a long time ago, and he actually dared to look at your friend like this just now. I want to speak out this time just to save his face." Xue Qinghe smiled. He shook his head, and said some vulgar words without any shy, as if he had picked himself from the position of the prince.

At this moment, Xue Qinghe is like a good friend fighting for uranium.

"Big Brother Xue, you are serious. Now you have offended Prince Xue Xing for me. To be honest, I am very guilty..." Uran sighed and looked worriedly at Xue Qinghe's eyes. The eyes are full of worry.

"I don't know if Prince Xue Xing deliberately stumbles you, otherwise, if it affects your reputation and status, then I will be guilty."

Qian Renxue played Xueqinghe and Uchiha Uranus played Uranium. The two people who cooperated in such a tacit understanding reached an amazing agreement at this moment.

That is, using fake masks to deceive each other...

"Hehe, Brother Uran, naturally you don't have to worry about me. I am the prince and heir to the throne. My father still values ​​me very much. He will not leave me in the cold because of this." Xue Qinghe chuckled, as if he didn't put it all on. In the eyes.

But Uran has keenly noticed one point. First, he said that he is the heir to the throne to show his potential, and then he will not be left out for helping him to play the emotional card. It seems like an experienced politician. Let him unknowingly walk into the other's emotional trap.

I'm guilty, did you really climb up the pole?

"Even though you said that, Brother Xue, I am still very embarrassed to trouble you. After all, you paid for the auction house for me and took advantage of you." Uran's expression was a little embarrassed, but the embarrassment was just right. , There is nothing superfluous to make people feel contrived, and there is nothing too little to be imperceptible.

"In fact, Brother Uranium, you don’t need it. You are already helping me a lot by staying in the Royal Fighting Team. When the Soul Master Competition becomes famous in the future, naturally the entire Douluo Continent will be shocked by the Heaven Dou Empire. It is a good thing for me and the father." Xue Qinghe smiled lightly, and turned part of Uran's attention to the Soul Master Competition.

He is a wise man, and he naturally understands that excessive pursuit of guilt is a way to go too far. This kind of thing only needs to be mentioned.

"Soul Master Competition? Oh, I understand, don't worry, I will get it done." Uran groaned for a while, and then suddenly realized that he was very confident in his own strength, looking at the entire Douluo continent, at the same level as he can fight. Who else?

Not to mention the same level, just a nuclear explosion kick is more than enough to threaten Contra, and even the damage is overflowing.

"By the way, Brother Xue, in the case of the Soul Master Competition, if I become famous in one fell swoop, will it affect the relationship between countries? For example, a certain force secretly assassinates this situation?" Uran thought for a while and decided to make a comparison first. There is a lethal topic.

After all, if you want to unify the Douluo Continent, the fewer talents in the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, the more beneficial it will be to the Wuhun Hall. As Uranium becomes famous, there must be assassinations that follow, so at this moment Asking Xue Qinghe, or Qian Renxue, was also to a large extent to raise his concerns.

It was also to confirm his own importance, the importance in Qian Renxue's eyes.

If Xue Qinghe is perfunctory, saying that something is related to the face of the empire and that there will be no assassinations in Balabala, or what Heaven Dou Empire will protect himself, don’t worry about such fooling lie, then he doesn’t need to take care of it. Xueqinghe is the ship, otherwise there is a risk of being sold back, it is better to wait for the future avalanche.

Almost as soon as Uran's voice fell, Xue Qinghe said categorically, "No, assassinating geniuses is thankless. Whether it is a family, an empire, or Wuhun Temple, they will not do self-digging. Otherwise, Once exposed, there will be a group attack. As long as I am still a day, you don't have to worry about Brother Uranium."

And Uranium seemed to feel that Xue Qinghe had specifically mentioned the spirit hall, empire, and family, otherwise he could use other forces to generalize it.

if it is like this.........

Uran's heart loosened slightly. It seemed that Xue Qinghe had confirmed that he had taken him down, otherwise he would not be regarded as his own, and then said such a sentence that felt like confirming the relationship.

It seems that there is no problem.

Uranus relaxed now. Since there is no assassination in the Spirit Hall, he can naturally show his skills and let the world witness his strength!

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaoxue beside them didn't make any sound. They were already sitting in another place. Zhu Zhuqing took a small bite of fruit while Xiaoxue remained motionless. His beautiful eyes blinked and looked. With Uranium and Xueqinghe, you and I said each sentence.

The first time I saw him like this, so many words.

"Don't be surprised. He said that in this situation, he usually turns on the acting mode." It seems that Xiaoxue's dumbfoundedness was noticed. Zhu Zhuqing raised his lips slightly, gently attached to her ear, and whispered. .

She has long been used to it. Uranium is always like this. Whenever she encounters someone who wants to fudge, she will flicker hard, as if she won't stop without flicking the other person..........

The voice was extremely soft, and even Xue Qinghe, who had a soul power level as high as the soul emperor, didn't even notice. He was still communicating with Uranium about soul masters, soul master competitions, and various colleges.

But as the conversation got longer and longer, Uran realized that he was about to sink into it. Xue Qinghe’s knowledge seemed to be endless, and he didn’t know how many books he had read or how many actual situations he had seen. Almost every time, Uran had a sentence. Three sentences from Xue Qinghe.

Suddenly, while talking like this, Uran had a brainstorm and immediately thought of a good idea to change the subject.

Otherwise, Xueqinghe would really be taken into the ditch.

"By the way, Brother Xue, do you have any thoughts on the future empire?" Uranium watched Xue Qinghe stop for a while, ate the fruit at will and continued to ask.

"Empire? Brother Uranium, do you have any ideas about governing an empire?" Xue Qinghe suddenly became interested, his expression was full of seriousness, without the slightest hint of teasing.

"Hehe, I won't be able to see anything better. I just can't see things, so I want to ask Brother Xue, what should you do if you become a **** in the future." Uran shook his head slightly and said his thoughts. come out.

After talking for so long, it's time to throw out a little bit of my real thoughts, otherwise, I've said so much before, it's really just a slapstick.

"I can't see it........ Are you talking about the slave trade just now?" Xue Qinghe frowned slightly, thought about it, and asked immediately.

Indeed, the conflict just now was caused by Prince Xue Xing’s look at Zhu Zhuqing’s beauty after the slave trade was over. Tiandou auctions held auctions for 24 hours. It was precisely the slave trade that made Brother Uran a blind eye. Leave early.........

"Yes, I can't see, I want to change all of this in the future." Uran nodded, and a coldness appeared in his eyes, but it was not against Xue Qinghe, but the so-called... Human trafficker.

"Speaking of arrogance, Brother Xue, I will definitely be a Title Douluo in the future! I believe I can reach that point very quickly. Sometimes I can't help but wonder what I can do and what I can change. Today Seeing this transaction, I understand that Douluo Continent needs reform. Slave traders should not exist. I want to destroy them...

As soon as the voice fell, an awe-inspiring aura suddenly exploded from Uranium, as if this were Uranium's philosophy, what he thought in his heart.

Seeing Uranium as if beginning to confess his true feelings, a flash of joy inadvertently flashed through Xue Qinghe's eyes, and the chat between the two finally picked up, and finally had a chance to knock Uran's heart open.

But when the slave trader was thinking about it carefully, Xue Qinghe frowned slightly.

Not easy.....

Very difficult.

This is something that has always existed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It exists in every country and every town. It can be said that it cannot be changed at all. Unless he is determined to cut it down directly, it cannot be eradicated.

As for what Brother Uranium said, he must become Titled Douluo, Xue Qinghe believes very much that with his 14-year-old and forty-ninth level of spirit power, he must reach the Soul Sage before the age of 20. This is a sure thing, even possible. Surpassing Tang Hao and becoming the youngest titled Douluo in history is beyond doubt.

With Uranium's talent, after becoming Titled Douluo, his strength will definitely reach a new level. The changes to the Heaven Dou Empire are beyond words. Titled Douluo's existence is like a landslide and tsunami.

If he really wants to put an end to slave traders and slavery in the Heaven Dou Empire, this is extremely possible, but it is simply unrealistic.

The reason lies in...After she took over the Heaven Dou Empire, it was when the Spirit Empire unified the Douluo Continent. With the strength of Uranium, the newly promoted title Douluo, she couldn't make any splashes at all.

So this is the uncomfortable place. Even if she wants to help Uranium, even if she doesn't understand the slave trader, but the Wuhun Empire is still not alone in her decision, there is another person... .

Bibi Dong.

If you really want to help Uranium, unless he is the real one.

Thinking like this, Xue Qinghe glanced at the silver-haired red pupils, her handsome and perfect face, and the pale-skinned Uranium, could not help but move slightly.


Seeing Xue Qinghe constantly frowning and thinking, Uranium couldn't help but feel a little confused. What's so doubtful about this? Let me just say, rest assured that I am the prince, and it can be done, or what, if you have me behind your back, feel free to do this kind of thing and deal with him a little bit, why it takes so long?

However, Uranium didn’t know how Xue Qinghe was thinking about putting a hat on Zhu Zhuqing.........

After all, according to Qian Renxue’s standards, Uranium’s talent, temperament, talent, and strength are all the best choices, and she has even completely surpassed her. After all, she is now twenty-four and only the soul emperor, Uranium twenty. You must be a soul saint before you are 30 years old, and you can reach Title Douluo at thirty.

But the most important point is that Uran is very handsome, and explodes all the men she has ever seen...

This is the point that touches her the most. If Qian Renxue didn't have this idea before, and only used it, now she has...

He shook his head slightly, and Xue Qinghe smiled in his heart, thinking that he might have a problem with his brain. It is crazy to think of these things at the critical time of this answer.

After returning to his senses, Xue Qinghe's mouth raised, her eyes gleamed, and she confidently said, "Don't worry, Brother Uranium, it doesn't matter if you haven't become Title Douluo. When I inherit the throne, I will proceed immediately. I’m not used to this kind of slave trader either. Your business is mine. You don’t have to worry if I am there."

After all, Xue Qinghe seemed to feel that the time was right, turned his head and looked at Uran's eyes squarely and said, "Brother Uran, when I inherit the throne in the future, can you help me?"

He is serious, now is the time for a showdown.

Seeing Xue Qinghe's serious look, Uran couldn't help but squat in his heart.

Is this guy serious? I don’t know how many families will be harmed by fighting against slave traders? I don’t know how many city owners have their own slave hunting teams? I don't know what he said, if it comes true in the future, will it cause the indirect benefit loop to collapse?

Uranium wanted to see a trace of vacillation in Xue Qinghe's eyes, as well as a vague look of disdain and deceit.

But all he saw was clarity and seriousness.

This guy is real, Uran thought to himself.

So let's be it. Since Xue Qinghe is willing to make reforms, I also save some thoughts. After all, I am not strong enough to kill Title Douluo, and I have no strength after all.

"In that case, then I believe you." After a moment of indulgence, Uran's expression was serious and he lowered his head heavily.

The next moment, the two looked at each other, only each other was in their eyes.

"Brother Uranium, can that be done?" Xue Qinghe asked with his head slightly tilted.

"Yeah." Uran nodded slightly in response.

The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time...


No matter what tricks Xue Qinghe plays, when I complete my body, Douluo will have the final say...

Uranium thought so.

No matter what tricks Uranium plays, when I complete my spiritual heritage, Uranium is my final say...

Qian Renxue thought so.


It's another popular book push link

Push a book of my friend.

"Weird Cultivation Game"

The following is a brief introduction:

A unique cultivating game was launched, and players poured into the game.

Fang Yue is one of them.

But soon, he found that the game was strange and extremely difficult.

In the early days, a large number of players were persuaded to leave, but Fang Yue stayed and found that this game is not easy!

Three months later, the strangeness came to reality, and the game data was synchronized with reality.

Everyone panicked, and the players who had been dismissed suddenly returned. Accompanied by players from all over the world, they all poured into Blue Ocean.

It's just that when they started again and were killed by the weird, they found that the old players in the game were different from their Fang Yue: Bold and weird, you can see at a glance that you are not a human!

Fang Yue: Strange, I want you to help me practice!

Fang Yue: Strange, did I allow you to escape? Dawei Tianlong!

Just to mention, there is no main line for Qianrenxue Girl, but there are emotional lines, but it is not the heroine, similar to... old coins pit each other? Or is it that two mullet cakes test each other?

Qian Renxue is indeed a Yangou. The reason why I updated it so late is because I checked the original work and came to the conclusion that Tang San was brilliantly talented and won the Soul Master Competition. Qian Renxue didn't take it seriously, because how could it be? Tang San is still an ordinary handsome guy. Tang San awakened Lan Yinhuang and became a super handsome man. He played the piano where his aunt, Qian Renxueming knew that Tang San, who was aliased to Tang Yin, was a member of the Haotian School, and there was still a shadow of him in his heart.

Looking at the handsome Tang San in the midst of Tiandou Palace's change, she couldn't help showing him the true identity of Qian Renxue. She was completely fascinated by Tang San. After becoming a god, she kept playing tricks, even full of thoughts. Tang San's handsome figure is enough to see Qian Renxue's character...

(End of this chapter)

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