Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 226: Cut the weeds and roots forever (four k)

Chapter 232 Killing Weeds and Roots forever (4k)

The surrounding battlefield was silent.

The five soul kings present stood stiffly on the spot, completely shocked by Uran's posture of instantly killing the soul holy soul emperor within a minute.

Everyone's horrified eyes are fixed on the figure who is slowly closing the knife at this moment, and even the breathing can't help but stop.

Slowly turned around, looking at Marquis Garrie's anger, who had just recovered and couldn't stop the retreat, Uran turned his head, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly sullen: "Because of Uchiha's power... ........"

The next moment, the three-gou jade radiation eyes in Uranium's eyes suddenly turned!

The invisible power is coming!

With a mental power comparable to Title Douluo's level, even if Uran didn't look at everyone around him, the six people present couldn't help but trembled!

Galenu wanted to say something, but he couldn't feel the presence of his tongue!

It seems that I can see everything about myself, but I cannot control my body!

Everyone, whether it was the Soul King or Galeon, stopped all their actions and fell into a dead silence.

Visible to the naked eye, the eyes of the six people all showed the same appearance as uranium's radiation eyes, as if they were carved out of a mold of uranium.

"I am a person who advocates peace, and I will not kill people because of a conflict, so I simply did not take the conflict in the auction house in my heart."

Uran slowly walked to the middle of the battlefield and raised his index finger lightly. The sound was not loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear clearly.

Although he couldn't move his body, Galianu suddenly felt a deep anxiety from Uran's behavior, but limited by Uran's pupil technique, he couldn't even show horrified eyes!

"But peace requires force to maintain..."

Turning half of his body, the color of moon silver sprinkled on the clean face of uranium, and the long silver hair glowed with a dazzling light along with the moonlight.

Galley's anger and anxiety reached its culmination!

what do you want to say in the end?

Who understands what you said!

"There is no mutual understanding between people. Spirit masters are powerful, weak, kind, and naturally also have wrong intentions. They use power and wantonly oppress, just for their own selfish desires. Douluo Continent is so ugly. In a world where the strong oppress the weak and the weak oppress the weaker, there are countless nobles like yours, and **** using their own power wantonly."

Uran smiled softly, shifted his fingers, pointed at the stiff Garlienu, and his tone suddenly became cold!

"And all you have to face is to obliterate..."

As soon as the voice fell, Garley found out in horror that he was the furthest away from him, and the fifty-fourth level assault system soul king standing opposite suddenly twisted his face!

"Ah!!!" As if because of intense fear, he broke free from the shackles of illusion. After the soul king screamed, his eyes were instantly dark.

The next moment, he fell softly.



Visible to the naked eye, a thick yellow stain slowly flows from under the corpse's trousers!

The spirit broke through the threshold, and the brain died...

"Ah, I'm sorry, one died." Uranium seemed to be shocked at this moment, and looked at the scared Soul King behind him apologetically, but his face did not waver at all.

It's like a cat accidentally killed a mouse.

There was still silence around.

Only the sound of uranium reverberates in the forest.

"Forget it, I feel that it is not easy for you to live. Life is a torture. Why don't I send you away sooner. One second is one second."

After arbitrarily obliterating a soul king, Uran suddenly realized that this kind of meaningless mouth and gun would just cause the other party's mental breakdown. It might as well end it sooner, so as not to waste his time.

But... there is another important thing to understand.

"Well, let's talk about your relatives and where they are. Just start with you." Uran singled his finger at Galianu.

Motion to start from him.

At this moment, Galenau felt desperate!

The meaning of this young man is very obvious!

Cut the grass and root! Don't leave one!

But what made him even more desperate!

"My name is Galenau.........I am the city lord of Clay City in the Fark Province of the Heaven Dou Empire, and I am titled Marquis of Blackthorn." The rigid middle-aged man's voice began to ring out gradually.

The toneless voice gradually reverberated in the clearing.

"I have three sons, all of whom are in the family, currently living in the Blackthorn Manor about 30 kilometers away from Tiandou City. The eldest son, 31 years old, is the Soul Sect."

All the soul kings on the scene watched the Marquis of Gallenu keep telling the location of their relatives, and they couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts!

Move! I can't die!

But these so-called soul masters can't even control their facial expressions!

Not to mention moving!

Soon, Galenus finished.

All the relatives who had made friends confided out.

There is no reservation.

What Uranium wants to do is already very clear.

If you want to kill someone, then follow the vine and clean up all the rubbish. A servant, maid, or lover who is basically ‘clean’ can avoid death, but he must erase the news related to him.

Kill all those who might find clues for the Marquis's revenge and kill them all.

Uran knows that the net writing routines are all small ones, the old ones come, or one of them is not killed, but the other party escapes to apprentice and becomes stronger and then kills them back. Such openings kill the protagonist.

So he killed all the direct bloodlines first, so as not to make trouble later.

Old things are like this, but they are not very clean.

The next turn was the remaining four soul kings.

If Uranium does not have such a strong strength, I am afraid that Xiaoxue and Zhu Zhuqing will have been miserable.

He understood very well that Heping needs strength to maintain. This time it is just a soul saint. What if it is a Title Douluo next time, or what Limit Douluo?

Can he still protect Xiaoxue and Zhu Zhuqing?

He can judge the behavior of these people in this way now, so next time someone can also judge him?

Therefore, he has to become stronger.

But not to become stronger, he wants to use his strength to protect his only goodness, he is... the gentlest Uchiha Uranus!

For these accomplices, Uranium does not intend to let go, **** it, they all die.

It may be cruel, or it may look like a villain, but so what?

Thinking like this, as the breath of the four soul kings disappeared, the sound of the corpse falling to the ground came, and the corner of Uran's mouth raised a cruel smile.

Suddenly, Uran thought of something, and immediately stopped preparing to end Garenur.


Uranu walked up to Garienu's body, looked at Garienu who had no gods, and directly relieved him of the illusion.

He patted him on the shoulder, and Uran whispered, "I'm sorry, I frightened you. In fact, I just scared you. You are also the marquis of the Heaven Dou Empire anyway. Killing you will make the king anger and anger me. The words are not worth the loss, I let you go..."

At this moment, Galianu's consciousness returned!

In a daze, he still didn't understand what Uranium meant.

Let yourself go?

As if seeing Galenau’s current expression, Uran smiled, "But all the accomplices are going to die, can you understand me?" After speaking, he repeated, "Don't worry, I will not kill you, you are free. ,move."

Really let yourself go? !

At this moment, Garley was frightened and angry, but there was the surprise of turning around, and his heart was mixed.

Sure, he heard it right.

And he could hear all the voices, and as Uran's words rose, a glimmer of hope rose in Garley's rage!

His mood at the moment has returned to the peak from the bottom!

"If you don't go anymore, I will leave you here forever." Uranium seemed to feel that the marquis wanted to talk rubbish, and his tone suddenly became sharp.

He pointed to a dark path, and recalled the words Xiaoxue had said before.

"Uranium, that person, leave it to me." Xiaoxue said.

"Okay! Okay!" Galianu couldn't suppress his excitement. He didn't even dare to look at Uranium in his eyes. He didn't even think about Uranium, which he had asked for the address, but he still let go of his abnormal behavior. , But quickly ran in one direction!

Fast! Soul power surging!

Anyway, as long as he can survive! Garlie thought angrily.

Uranus watched Garlienu run away like an embarrassed and desolate domestic dog, and his lips couldn't help but curl up.

He didn't let him go out of good intentions, Xiaoxue obviously wanted to do it himself.

As a little blood that kills similar spirit beasts is like killing a chicken, I am afraid that it will be even more ruthless for a human soul master who has any thoughts about her...

But Uranium can’t guess exactly how to start it. Either the radiation field is slowly torturing to death, or the illusion feels the endless pain of death. In short, with the ability of small blood, it will definitely make this garbage called Galianu remember for life. .

She is a good girl who is only obedient to herself, but to other beings.

She is a demon...

In the night forest, an embarrassed figure kept flashing.

The leaves whispered like a ghost in the forest.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Galleonu is a thirty-seventh-level spirit master with low talent!

But at this moment, he unexpectedly showed an escape speed comparable to the Soul Sect!

The reason is to let yourself run faster and not to die here!

One soul saint, two soul emperors, five soul kings, all the team he brought, all died.........

It was killed by someone as easy as killing a chicken.

And the person who killed them was a young man who recorded the age of twenty, actually fifteen or six years old!

"Damn it, if I can go back, I must move. Heaven Dou Empire can't stay! It's too dangerous!" Garlie couldn't help thinking about the follow-up path in his anger, but there was not a word to kill Uranium.

He was scared.

After seeing the Soul Saint Capital being killed, his courage was also shattered by uranium!

But as he ran, Galenau suddenly felt something was wrong.

The forest in the night is almost carved out of a mold, and there are forests everywhere.

He has been running for an hour, and given his spirit power speed, he should have left the forest long ago.

Why are you still spinning in the forest?


Galenau stopped and looked at the forest in front of him, his face uncertain.

This place is so familiar.

Have I been here?

The gloomy forest is getting darker.

It seems that there is a horror that chooses people to eat, staring at him..........

"It should be the beginning." Uran glanced at the direction where Galeon was escaping, closed his eyes, and felt the breath of blood, where he stayed.

"I don't know when it will end, let me do my thing first." With a slight smile, Uran glanced at the corpse on the ground and frowned.

With a light sigh, Uran's fourth spirit ring, the dark Wannian spirit ability, began to light up.


Only a loud noise in the forest cut through the silence.

A huge smoke rose up, but there was no obvious mushroom cloud.

All traces of this battle disappeared without a trace.

Only a large pit in the center was left, and there was still a touch of residual temperature.

This is a manifestation of the destruction of uranium corpses. He didn't bother to dig pits to collect the corpses. What was he doing?

Keep everything simple.

The next moment, in the smoke and dust, a figure walked in the direction of Heaven Dou City step by step.

The speed is not fast, but it has a ghostly feeling beyond ordinary people's imagination.


Time is like water, always slipping through fingers inadvertently.

The hot summer has been replaced by the cool autumn, and the green branches are beginning to be mixed with a little bit of withered yellow.

It was still the neat hut, and the sun was shining in and it was covered with spots.

The waterfall vented its roar freely on the side, the sound of water continued to surge, and the surrounding forest was lush and lush, as if it was full of endless vitality.

In March, in the blink of an eye, most of it passed in a hurry, and the time when the horror porcupine spirit power was wasted is already close in sight.

This is the hut where Uran and Zhu Zhuqing once lived together. Although the surrounding area is densely covered with traps, Xiaoxue is not a human being, and naturally no entity can step on the trap and trigger an explosion.

In the tidy cabin, Uranium was yelled by Xiaoxue early, as if he was a little housekeeper.

Zhu Zhuqing also stopped practicing all night, slowly raising his cold eyes, and an indescribable silver light flashed across. In the next instant, the girl was wiped away from the exhaustion caused by the whole night of practicing. The spirit is refreshed.

"At night, my cultivation speed is so fast. Is this also the talent that Moonlight Wang Chunlan Xiancao brings?" Zhu Zhuqing whispered, turning his head to look at the rising sun outside, and the spirit power of rapid cultivation stagnated. Stagnation, gradually returned to the original state.

Speeding up the soul power cultivation speed, a very simple ability, but quite practical.

"I should be able to catch up with Uranium right away, I'm almost at level 40." The girl first spoke with self-confidence and encouraged herself, and then saw Xiaoxue faintly floating in from outside the room.

It penetrated the door directly, just like a non-existent entity.

No, she has no entity, everything is illusory.

"Xiao Xue, you scared me to death." Zhu Zhuqing was frightened, patted her chest like a milky white wave, and breathed a sigh of relief.

" I can't touch the door after all." Xiaoxue grinned, her pure face blooming like green lotus, and the light in the room suddenly glowed slightly.

It's not beautiful.

This is what Zhu Zhuqing feels at the moment, she has seen it countless times, but every time, she will be amazed by Xiaoxue's appearance.

If I have to describe it, Xiaoxue’s appearance is more like...

Female version of uranium.

And it's the girly version, the uranium of women's clothing.

The outline is almost identical.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing's face turned dark again.

"Sneez." When Uran left the camp, it seemed as if he was being chanted, and he could not help but sneezed.

Hunting the horror porcupine, he alone is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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