Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 230: Goodbye Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing's determination (4k)

Chapter 236 Goodbye Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing's Determination (4k)

early morning.

Bright sunlight gradually poured into the dim room, lighting it up slowly.

The sound of birds singing is endless, and at the tip of your ears, you can still hear the flapping sound of flying.

With the breeze rising, Tiandou Royal Academy gradually gained a bit of vitality.

A round of scorching sun is rising.


Accompanied by a low, indistinct murmur, Uran turned over and covered his head with the delicate and soft silk mattress to prevent direct sunlight from hitting his head.

So comfortable~

Vaguely, Uranium seemed to hear something approaching.

In perception, a familiar breath seemed to appear outside the door.

At the next moment, Uran suddenly opened his eyes and immediately bounced off the bed. It was as nervous as when he woke up in the morning in the previous life and found that there was still ten minutes of self-study in the morning.

As if pretending to be a cultivator all night.

It's thrilling... I was almost discovered.

And in his mind, he was still thinking about what to eat at noon...


As the footsteps approached, Uran's door was opened.

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't pretend, the sun is basking, hurry up and eat breakfast." Zhu Zhuqing coldly watched as a human figure was already extruded on the bed, but Uranium still closed his eyes and practiced as if he hadn't seen anything, his mouth twitched .

This is a huge and luxurious single-family house.

There is no second floor, but only one floor. There are thousands of square meters. It is like a super huge suite, with a single living room, dining room, training room, exercise room, swimming pool and study room.

It's luxurious.

After washing, Uran wiped his eyes in a daze, and then yawned comfortably.

This is the life he wants, what he wants, and the life is still moist, he actually wants to live in the forest, this kind of thinking hastily climbed...........

Breakfast is light cabbage + soul beast meat sauce, three or five big buns, and a pot of fragrant soul beast fish soup.

The food of the Tiandou Royal Academy is not mentioned. According to the words of the chef, they are basically precious dishes plus secretly made of soul beast meat for nearly a thousand years. They are very nourishing to the body and are especially suitable for laying a foundation.

Shrek is totally incomparable, no way, Tiandou Royal Academy is not short of money at all.

"Xiaoxue has gone to retreat and transform, and it will take about two or three years. I think we can stay for a while after the Soul Master Competition is over. When she comes out, we will go to travel around the mainland again?" Uranium is confused. He was drinking the fish soup while talking slurred.

The meat buns were dipped in fresh and tender fish soup, and then poured in a little meat sauce. After this bite, Uranus almost gnawed his tongue...

"This is okay, but I want to go back to the Star Luo Empire first, and go home to have a look." Zhu Zhuqing caught a piece of fish and ate it with small bites, but his voice did not fluctuate at all.

It's completely different from slurred uranium.

"Aren't your family's interests supreme? Wouldn't it be dangerous to go back?" Although Uran didn't know much about the Star Luo Empire, he was still very concerned about Zhu Zhuqing's situation.

Moreover, he also thought of another thing, and that was about Dai Mubai.

"It stands to reason that you should go back with him?" Uran asked half-jokingly, but he couldn't help feeling tight.

This is the person he likes, how could Dai Mubai be abducted?

As if seeing through Uranium's disguise, Zhu Zhuqing raised his lips slightly, as if mocking Uranium's naivety at this moment, as if he felt slightly satisfied in his heart.

Sure enough, the book she read the other day was correct. Men are always prone to IQ offline for people they like...

Even as smart as uranium, it is the same.

"Of course...I'm going with you." Of course, the young girl's sentence dragged off the old man's voice. Uranium felt that his soul was going to be scared, but at the end, He couldn't help being stunned.

with who?


What am I going to do?

Immediately afterwards, Uran suddenly reacted, his throat could not help but he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it at all.

Why does Zhu Zhuqing say that...Is it possible that this is going to be a showdown?

In his mind, Uranium couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

He has never talked about a girlfriend, and he has no such experience, let alone so-called experience.

And most importantly, his sad discovery, even if it is what to say next, there is a blank in his mind...

Seeing Uranium in a daze at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing tapped the edge of the bowl lightly, making a crisp sound, which quickly returned Uranium to his soul.

"Cough, cough, nothing, you continue." Uran coughed softly, and immediately grabbed a ball of cabbage, and delivered it directly into his mouth without even touching the meat sauce.

The crunchy sweetness instantly calmed Uranium.

Recalling the embarrassment just now, his face burned, is this a virgin? I was so rubbish, Zhu Zhuqing was confused after saying a few words.

"Why, the royal marriage, do you want to resist?" Uran once again coughed and asked softly.

"As long as we ran away, nothing would be left." Zhu Zhuqing had already looked down on all of this. During her one-year life with Uranium, she suddenly felt that the so-called marriage is nothing more than following the tradition and the elders. People sacrifice everything for their next generation and force them to implement it.

If she hadn't encountered Uranium, maybe...she would not resist it because she knew she would not survive.

However, Uranium gave her hope, the hope of resistance, and the hope of choosing her own destiny.

Zhu Zhuqing had understood since that martial spirit fusion skill, and since the previous dialogue with Dai Mubai in Soto City.

For the elders, the iron law of the royal family is everything, but for Zhu Zhuqing.

Being with Uranium means choosing the future.

"That's a good thing to say, but why are you going back? After you go back, you might not be able to get out." Uran's brows couldn't help but he went deep into the Star Luo Empire. Unless the powerful nuclear explosion kicked the road, he wouldn't You can surely bring it back safely.

After all, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, but the Baihu Douluo with the title of Baihu, Dai Mubai's father.

By doing this, he was tantamount to hitting the emperor in the face and abducting the daughter-in-law in the royal family.

But Zhu Zhuqing's words moved Uranium involuntarily.

"The reason why I want to go back is to tell my sister, tell my mother, tell the people who have bullied me and looked at me with blank eyes. I want to tell them that I didn't lose in the fight for the throne, but I looked down on the position of the queen. This queen, because I have my own pursuits, because I have waited for someone worthy of me." Zhu Zhuqing's face was rather gloomy at the beginning, because she had a bad life, that is a family with the highest interests. .

But as she talked about the back, her complexion seemed to be gradually blooming with soft kaolin flowers, and in her eyes, there was overflowing firmness.

She does not regret it.

Uranium couldn't help but stare at it.

The next moment, the two looked at each other.

Uranium seemed to be able to see his own clear shadow in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

The same is true for Zhu Zhuqing, because she is willing to give up everything and stay with Uran.

Originally, it was still difficult for her to perceive her true intentions. All this was due to Dai Mubai.

It was what Dai Mubai said to her in the Arena of Souls that made her suddenly realize that what she wanted was definitely not to live with a stranger, and definitely not to give birth to an heir for the stranger Dai Mubai.

She is a person, a person with affection, and since seeing Dai Mubai hugging left and right, she has been desperate for her future life.

But for her, uranium is a beam of light to disperse the haze. In order to seize this light, she is willing to pay any price.

"I remember that in the royal dispute of the Star Luo Empire, those who fail are going to die, right?" Uran's brow furrowed, and a cold tone suddenly appeared in his tone.

Although he knows that he will definitely not be removed from the royal family after he wins the Soul Master Competition with Zhu Zhuqing, but he has such a cruel mechanism...

"Well, two people fighting for the right to live in the royal family must defeat the other party, otherwise they will be banned by the royal family and abolished their soul power and distributed to remote areas for life." Zhu Zhuqing obviously understands this better, and easily said that this decision is life and death. Words.

The loser will undoubtedly die.

"Isn't it a higher achievement?" Uran asked suddenly in confusion.

"No, it is necessary. Defeating the other party and achieving higher achievements cannot explain anything but value. However, one of the two parties must win. This is a cruel blood battle..." Suddenly, her expression was a little lonely. She knew very well that with Uran's help, she would definitely be able to get a good place in the Soul Master Competition, but if she didn't defeat her sister, what's the point?

Uran was stunned, and fell silent.

Must I defeat the opponent?

If you look at the guards of the Huangdou team, if history is not changed, then the biggest possibility is that Shrek will fight all the way. The top four are Huangdou First Team, Star Luo Empire, Shrek, and Wu Soul Palace.

Qian Renxue must be aware of his power. For the operation of the black box, it is very possible for Huang Dou to take the lead in killing Shrek.

After all, Tang San is a master's disciple, and the fourth spirit ring is of the ten thousand year level, and he is so strong, it is very likely that the Spirit Hall can easily solve Xing Luo, let him solve Shrek, and then finally confront.

The probability of the Emperor Fighting team lining up to the Star Luo Empire is very small. Even those who have a brain in the Soul Palace would not do so, because after so many elimination matches, Shrek’s strength has already made the Soul Palace alert. In order to deal with such a powerful enemy as Uranium in the end, he must retain all his strength and let Uranium kill Shrek.

Because Uraneng alone swept everyone in the Soul Master Competition, even if everyone played together, the same was true.

There is no room.

"In other words, you must beat your sister, right." Uran suddenly broke the silence and asked in a low voice.

If this is the case, perhaps, he has to give up the first team.

Because of this, she would definitely not be able to meet the Star Luo Empire, and Zhu Zhuqing would certainly not be able to meet her sister.

Even if you can take her away, is it possible that the days of no fixed place have passed?

This will not make her happy.

Currently, he has only one way.

First eliminated Shrek, let his second team replace Shrek's quota and go directly to the semi-finals.

Then there will be such a situation next, the four teams are Huangdou First Team, Huangdou Second Team, and Xingluo Empire, Wuhun Palace.

First of all, the uranium battle can be ruled out in the Wuhun Hall, because the dark box operation in Wuhun City is definitely a group of Yin.

Then there will be two teams left for Uranium to choose, one is Huangdou Team 1 and the other is Star Luo Empire.

Uranium can guarantee that he can match the Xingluo Empire 100%, not the Emperor Dou team.

The reason is simple. If Uranium fights the emperor's first team, it will be an invisible duel. In fact, it must be a fake match. The Wuhun Palace will face the Nether White Tiger of the Xingluo Empire, Wuhun. Fusion technology!

Let the Wuhun Palace choose, whether to choose something that can leapfrog the martial arts fusion skill, or to fight the ordinary soul sect team without the soul king like the Emperor Dou team. Think about it with your **** and know how to choose.

One is the Netherworld White Tiger, and the other is the ordinary soul sect. If it is him, he must choose Emperor Dou.

Is there a better team than Bullying Emperor Dou?

Why bother to touch the Netherworld White Tiger?

Uranium thought about it this way, and then he thought of something.

Xiao Wu’s identity as a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast seemed to be in the finals. It was irradiated by Ning Fengzhi’s Healing Soul Master’s Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda, and was directly bounced off. Only then did Acacia Heartbroken Red separate from his body and was noticed by Title Douluo Soul beast breath.

What if he could change Xiao Wu's future so that she would not be in danger?

Uranium couldn't help thinking like that.

Although the plot will fall into irreversible revisions in the future, Tang San will no longer have Xiao Wu sacrifices, and Daming Erming's sacrifices will be greatly discounted by Golden Fingers. Even if the subsequent plots proceed as before, it is also a Unknown.

After all, there were a lot of things missing. Without those 100,000-year spirit rings, Tang San would only choose a lower one. This was not just a question of missing one spirit ability, but a question of the potential of the spirit master.

"Forget it, it’s up to me whether Tang San has any gold fingers, as long as Xiao Wu is safe, as long as Tang San can protect Xiao Wu, and what else I do, Shrek, Wuhun Hall, what empire is nothing. It's just a group of strangers, it's not as important as Xiao Wu's finger." Uran shook his head and sighed in a low voice at his emotions.

At this moment, he couldn't help but remember Xiao Wu's kindness towards him. He seemed to be able to see Xiao Wu's sewing marks on the clothes, but it was a pity that everything was fine in that radiation Titan Great Ape battle. Ruined.

Xiao Wu was the only person who was kind to him at that time. She gave him the courage to live in the forest so that he would not collapse and fall into Ha ha, before It’s hard to imagine me, I used to think of her as a spiritual pillar, but now Zhu Zhuqing has taken her place unknowingly. Is there an inexplicable fate between me and these two girls? It's a pity, if she didn't already have Tang San in her heart, otherwise I would personally protect her for life. "Uran whispered, and in his eyes, there was an uncontrollable emotion.

That is not love and desire.

Uranium is not a passionate person. With Zhu Zhuqing, everything is satisfied.

He just missed the past and missed the years.

"Okay, I am here, and I will solve it." Uran paused to remember, raised his head, and smiled at Zhu Zhuqing.

He has this ability, if the Star Luo Empire dares to stretch her paws to move her, then the Star Luo Empire will be arranged in advance.

"We're done in a while. I'm going to Heaven Dou City. I'm going to meet someone. As you know, she is Xiao Wu."

(End of this chapter)

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