Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 9: Month starts to explode

Liszt stood up hard, looking melancholy at the Uranium in the center of the opposing theater.

"No problem, right?" Uran patted Liszt on the shoulder.

"" Liszt swallowed and murmured.

"That's OK." Uran turned his head and walked in the direction of Xueqinghe.

As he turned around, the man and woman controlled by the radiant eyes also released their control.

Xue Qinghe glanced at the scene just now, and then reminiscent of Uranium's Martial Spirit, his eyes lighted up involuntarily.

The spiritual attribute Uranium brothers hide so deep.

But the next moment, Xue Qinghe frowned.

"No, he doesn't need to show it. It's impossible for him to end the battle soon. Is this for me?" Xue Qinghe came to this conclusion after a little thought.

After all, the slight changes in the eyes of those soul masters could be seen, and there seemed to be only a few present.

"Big Brother Xue, the battle is over, I should go too, you watch it, I only need to assist the soul master." Uran waved to Xue Qinghe, and said gently.

And his words couldn't help but make the few spirit masters who just stood up stare!

Brother Xue!

That is His Royal Highness!

He actually became brothers with His Royal Highness, the future emperor!

Who is this uranium?

Originally, these people still had no stubbornness.

Because the Uranium that made him so embarrassed and embarrassed himself didn't even use any soul abilities, he ended the battle and looked down upon them.

But now, after seeing Uranium and Xueqinghe calling out brothers, they only feel that they are not lying fast enough

"Okay, I'll check it for you."

Xue Qinghe responded with a smile.

He already understands Uranium's true character.

What he just showed was definitely a temporary intention.

That is, part of his true character.

"Controlling the Heart" Xue Qinghe thought of the emperor's power technique.

"No, Brother Uranium can't be measured by this kind of thing. You have to be close, or you will fall short."

All kinds of thoughts quickly passed through Xue Qinghe's mind.

He is thoughtful and he is talking about, Xue Qinghe.

Not Qian Renxue.

Soon, Uran took Zhu Zhuqing and left the battle zone.

Everything will be handed over to Xue Qinghe, or the chief of Mengshen Ji, he is not good at this kind of things, so naturally he has to hand it to someone who is good at it.

After leaving the opposing battle zone, Uranium headed towards the mimicry training area.

When he was on the road just now, he had asked the chief of Dreams Machine about where the partners of the Huang Dou First Team were.

They all practice in retreat in the mimicry practice area.

Uranium looked for them one by one.

Yu Tianheng, Yanzi, Oslo, Yufeng, Shijia brothers, and Ye Lingling seven.

I haven't seen it for a long time, I miss it, and chatting for a long time, the sky is getting dark.

At night time.

Uranium returned to his residence.

Almost as soon as he entered the door, Uran suddenly plunged into the sofa, and murmured, "Why is it so tired to chat with people? Yufeng talks too much, right?"

Even in his mind, the voices of Yufeng Nabarabala, Bibaba and Bibaba were still echoing.

"Really, you know that you like quiet, so I went to visit one by one." Zhu Zhuqing stretched out comfortably, constricted her black hair, and teased Uranium.

Because the current uranium is really much better than before.

He used to be.

It's really like that, unless necessary, he won't say a word to others at all, nor will he take the initiative to look at others.

Except her

But now, Uranium seems to have become more like a person in life.

Willing to chat, will be weird.

"No way, I haven't seen it for a long time. We have a good rest for the night, and we will leave tomorrow. Where is the college, I have already asked for leave." Seeing Zhu Zhuqing began to tidy up the room, Uran barely got up and pressed the button to represent dinner Ring the bell.

The three meals are prepared on time. As long as you press the bell, there will be a chef who will deliver your dinner in the imperial dining room not far away.

Speaking of the Imperial Dining Room, this is still the name Uranium takes.

Soon, the two had a good dinner and cleaned up the wreckage.

Before going to sleep, Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

And she also noticed Uran's gaze.

For a time, the two were dumbfounded and stood at each other.

"Actually, the sentence I said before, you called my name in your sleep when you were in the forest." Uran couldn't help it, and spoke directly, setting off the ambiguous atmosphere to the culmination.

Although it was just such a short sentence, Zhu Zhu's innocent face quickly turned red!

"Well" the girl whispered in a low voice, the next moment, she opened the door of the room with lightning speed, and then rushed in!


The door is closed.

Uranium was left alone and stood there blankly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Scratching his head, Uranium could only turn off the light and walked back into his house.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing is in the room.

The decoration in the room is a simple wooden floor and light gray walls.

It's very simple, but unexpectedly, it has a fitting atmosphere.

The bed sheets are light beige gray, and the mattresses are striped gray to match the white. These are Zhu Zhuqing's favorite colors.

But now, on the bed, there is a bulging ball.

It was as if someone was lying inside.

In the bed, Zhu Zhuqing's face was red to the root of his ears, and there was no sign of fading.

The "Uranium" girl whispered.

The sky is bright.

The two quickly left the Tiandou Royal Academy, followed the map and rushed in a certain direction.

Under the possession of the spirit, the two move very fast, which is completely beyond the comparison of ordinary spirit masters.

The destination of their trip, Drei Nock City, is the closest city to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Uran's plan on this trip was to find a hotel in the city to stay, and he would first determine a suitable soul beast.

"However, my radiation energy has the effect of diffusion. I can only use a slightly smaller amount to avoid environmental damage." At this time, Uranium could not help but miss the blood.

"I hope that uranium ore with too high a purity can speed up the transformation of the little blood. I don't want to wait for us to set off. The little blood has not finished its transformation." As he ran, Uran glanced at the corner of his mouth and smiled Zhu Zhuqing thought in his heart silently.

The high-purity uranium ore that was auctioned off was taken away by Xiao Xue.

Originally, in the detection of uranium, the high-purity energy of this stone can effectively increase his cultivation speed.

It was like a mimicry training area for a soul master.

What the beast spirit needs is the forest and the animal pen.

Tang San and Xiao Wu need bushes, grass with blue and silver grass.

Ma Hongjun, like Oscar, is the volcano, near the stove, and the kitchen.

While uranium

If he guessed correctly, I'm afraid, what he needs is near the uranium veins, the soul power cultivation speed can be greatly increased!

His martial soul is the radiant eye!

But how rare are uranium veins!

Not to mention the large uranium veins.

But the good news is that uranium has a uranium vein.

Although it was only a small vein with low radiation concentration, it was enough to excite him.

Rather, the veins with high concentration have problems, and those with low concentration are normal.

The two moved quickly.

In a day's work, he has come to the border of the Fasno province.

If you change into the distance, I am afraid it is also seven or eight hundred kilometers.

Running for ten hours a day, the speed reached 70 or 80 kilometers per hour, comparable to the speed of a car.

This is a speed that a normal human being can't achieve at all, and only a soul master can achieve the current level.

Dreenok City is on the edge of the province of Fastno. If you look at the schedule, the two will have to run for more than a day.

Dreinork City is a large city located in the eastern province of the Heaven Dou Empire. Its scale is more majestic than Silves City. Considering its overall strength, this city is in the Tiandou Empire’s Among all the large cities, it can be among the best.

And its prosperity is even more famous.

Not only is it close to the Star Dou Great Forest, but also borders the Lima Plain, making it one of the best trading cities.

After traveling to the surrounding area, Uran and Zhu Zhuqing came to the nearest small town nearby. After a short break, they hired the fastest carriage here, and then drove quickly towards the city of Drei Nock without stopping. .

Although this small town is the closest place to Draenock City, it was so, and the carriage rushed for most of the afternoon before faintly seeing the huge outline of Draenock City.

Because they were not in a hurry, the two did not run forward on the final distance, but chose to trim them a little.

Standing on the carriage, Uran looked at the huge city that reflected the reddish luster under the light of the sunset, and he was slightly relieved.

When the carriage approached, Uran discovered that the huge city wall of this city was built entirely of neat pieces of black rock. The old man driving the carriage said that the city wall here had resisted two souls. The combined forces of the holy powers blasted hard without being shaken, which shows how tyrannical the defense of the city wall is.

After paying the tax at the gate of the city, the horse-drawn carriage was smoothly put in, passing through some dark walled passages. After a while, the line of sight suddenly became clear, and the noisy voices and the overwhelming voices filled the ears, making it unprepared. Uranium's head rose slightly.

A little dizzy, he got out of the carriage in the sight of the old man with a smile. After Uran paid the money for the carriage, he looked at the carriage and stood in the street in a daze, watching the crowds around him, getting used to the sky. In the quiet atmosphere of the Royal Academy of Fighting, suddenly I didn't know what to do.

"Don't be stunned, didn't you mean looking for a hotel?" Zhu Zhuqing on the side poked the stunned Uranium.

"Well, let's go." Nodded, Uran turned around at will, and found a shop that seemed to be a general-purpose shop in Douluo Continent.

Grocery store.

Soon, he bought a map of the city.

It seemed that he was like this in Longxing City. He bought a map and looked at the store icons. They were exactly the same.

"This isn't a chain across the entire continent, right?" Uran thought secretly.


The second said, the first afterglow of the morning has just spread to the earth.

Uranium left the hotel early, and when he came out, he also inquired about the location of the city gate where the Star Dou Great Forest was located.

Walking on the streets in the early morning, Uran thought of the surprise and flattery that the passer-by showed when he was inquiring about the location of the Star Dou Great Forest. He was a little bit funny and lamented. It seems that the noble status of the soul master is indeed true. It has penetrated into the hearts of every Douluo mainlander, otherwise, these people wouldn't show such awe when they mentioned the Star Dou Great Forest.

Dreinork City is indeed a big city that can be ranked among the best in the Tiandou Empire. Although it is early morning, the street is still bustling with people, and occasionally there are guards passing by. The neat sound of the collision rang crisply in the early morning, like a morning bell.

Following the route mentioned by passers-by, Uran slowly turned several rather slender streets. After turning for a long time, he stopped slowly and looked up at the side of the road. This building appeared in front of him. Majestic buildings.

Although it was just passing by, Uranium was still attracted by it.

His gaze stayed outside the building for a while, and on the lavender sandalwood plaque, a few handwritings were faintly faintly faintly quaint and primitive fonts shone with a faint light.

"Princelington Senior Soul Master Academy."

He murmured softly in his mouth, Uran tilted his head and looked around, and found that most people passing by this unique building would cast awe at the plaque.

Of course, there are also some passers-by who cast a few surprised glances at the Uranium standing outside the Puslinton Senior Soul Master Academy.

Looking in from the outside world, this Soul Master Academy obviously has the aura that is not inferior to the Heaven Dou City Blue Overlord Senior Soul Master Academy, and even he can see a corner of the academy with lush dense woods.

Obviously the location of the Wuhun mimicry training area.

After taking a look at this Soul Master Academy, when Uran turned and left, a gust of incense wind suddenly pounced from behind. In his induction, the owner of this scented wind hurriedly seemed to have no intention of evading.

Frowning slightly, Uranus had to get away from the body that was blocking the door.

It's weird, the door is so big, you have to rush at me?

As soon as Uranous stepped away, a petite figure hurriedly stopped where he was before. Then, ignoring Uranium on the side, she turned her head and said anxiously to the back: "Father, hurry up!"

"Hey, girl, what are you doing in such a hurry early in the morning? Maybe the guy Lansuo hasn't gotten up yet." The thick voice sounded helplessly from behind.

Uran turned his head slightly, his gaze swept over the middle-aged man who was walking slowly with firm steps, his eyes rolled, and finally stayed on the badge on his chest, and he saw the five swords representing the strong soul of the soul. The sign, the neat Soul Master costume, was obviously an officer from the Soul Hall.


He whispered in surprise, Uran turned his head again and looked at the purple-clothed woman standing not far away. The woman may be in her early twenties, and her delicate cheeks are also quite beautiful, and her body is slightly slightly Petite, but the development is quite surprising, the convex convex, the concave concave, on top of the plump and mature body, wearing a set of purple student costumes, it looks like a noble uniform.

The woman’s long green silk was bound by a purple belt, and then it dropped to the top of her delicate buttocks. When she shook it, she gently patted the round and uplifted buttocks with a slight low noise, but it was like The cat's paws are just like, and it constantly scratches the hearts of the men whose eyes are not right.

However, what surprised Uranium the most was that the other party had an indescribable feeling.

As if deja vu.

Have they seen it somewhere?

She seemed to perceive Uran's gaze. The woman turned her head slightly and looked at Uran's ordinary dress. Liu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and after throwing a big eye to the latter, she beckoned to the reception desk next to the gate. ,"In a hurry."

After that, he came to the small door, ready to push in.

The next moment, a slightly harsh crunch sounded from the door.

"Huh?" The woman immediately stepped back, letting the people inside come out first.

Although she is anxious, she also pays attention to the principle of going out first.

But as the small door opened, the thin man walking out with the backpack greeted him, but the woman's face changed.

Da da

As the door opened wide, the slightly thin black-haired ponytailed man stepped over the door, with dull eyes and soft footsteps, passing by the woman and walking towards the street.

Nothing was said.

He didn't raise his eyes to look at the charming woman.

There were also several figures who followed the man's pace.

Three men and one woman, one of them is an elderly man, the others are tall and tall, dressed in purple student uniforms, with extraordinary heroism.

"Tsk tusk, this'genius' has finally gone." One of the tall blue-haired men stood on the steps, looked at the other side's lonely back, and laughed out loud.

"Isn't it, this waste has occupied the resources of the Academy for so many years, and the spirit power has not grown in the slightest. Now the whole province of Farsnow knows that there is a famous'genius' in our Princelinton Advanced Soul Master Academy. Thanks to him."

Looking at the ponytail youth who suddenly stopped on the street, the voice of another somewhat stocky blond youth suddenly rose.

People passing by nearby stopped and looked around.

"Hey, this **** has really lost the face of the Academy, so that I dare not say to others that I am from the Princelington Advanced Soul Master Academy. The first thing people ask is whether our Academy is right? There is a'genius' named Kaiying." Seeing the stiff body of the young man with a pony tail called Kaiying, the corners of the blond youth's mouth raised indistinctly.

"If it weren't for the vice president to pity him for being an orphan, this kind of waste would have been driven out of the academy and let him fend for himself, so there would be no chance to stay in the academy and enjoy high-level resources."

"Hey, how did the genius boy who heard about Princeton in the past become so downhearted?"

"Who knows, maybe the two brothers Cartway, as well as Teacher Lin and Teacher Li's death, had something to do with him and caused the gods to anger?" Two young people, you and me, accompanied With sardonic words, Kai Ying standing on the street trembled undetectably.

There were a lot of people on the street, and pointed to Kai Ying who was standing stiffly.

"Oh? Is this the famous'genius'?"

"It looks like a talent, is it possible that he killed the college teacher?"

"It's a pity, I don't know what he did. I still remember this kid named Kaiying, a thirteen-year-old and thirty-third-level soul-sovereign, a genius among geniuses. My children still follow him as an example."

"Yes, yes, in six years, the spirit power has been regressed from the 33rd level to the 31st level, never improving."

The disdain and ridicule and regret and sigh from the surroundings fell in the ears of the young man who stayed in place like a wooden stake, as if sharp thorns were pierced into the heart, causing the teenager to breathe slightly.

The young man slowly raised his head, revealing a delicate face, and his dark eyes swept across the mocking peers and passers-by. The self-deprecating at the corners of the young man's mouth seemed to become more bitter.

Are these people such a mean force?

"Don't talk about it anymore!"

Suddenly, a cold roar cut through the noisy streets.

Listening to the woman's shouting, the nearby discussion sounded a lot less, a pair of slightly fiery eyes firmly locked the woman's cheeks...

"Lin Wan'er, the chief of the academy"

"And as an auxiliary department, the soul power is actually the highest in the academy, and the future achievements are Listening to the envy from the crowd, Lin Wan'er's sight suddenly Through the surrounding crowd, stopped on the lonely figure outside the crowd...

Looking at the young man who was almost cast aside by everyone, the woman named Lin Wan'er felt a slight twitch in her heart, a deep heartache that could not help but a bitter taste.


"Everyone is gone! There is nothing to look at." Without thinking about it, Lin Wan'er said with a smile toward the crowd gathered around.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Lin Wan'er rushed to Kai Ying's side almost without hesitation, juxtaposed with him, and gently patted him on the shoulder.

"Kay Ying, it's okay." When she came to the young man's side, the woman paused, and her beautiful pretty face showed an elegant smile that made the girls around her jealous.

"Thank you Lin Waner." Looking at the brightest jewel in the academy in front of him, Kai Ying said bitterly. Her attitude has not changed at all. Even if he has been down and down for many years, she still maintains it in front of outsiders. With his cheap dignity.

"Kai Ying, if you thank you, it would be too fertile." The woman shook her head, and put her eyes gently on Kai Ying. She originally brought her father, who was the chief officer of the Spiritual Hall, to let the dean Let go, drop out of school early, so that she can arrange for Kaiying to work under the Wuhun Hall first, and avoid letting the people in the academy ridicule him and laugh at him every day in front of him.

She didn't want Kay Ying to be stimulated anymore.

In the past, Kay Ying protected her.

Now it was her turn.

Thinking of what happened to Kai Ying now, Lin Wan'er was furious in her heart, turned her head slowly, her eyes filled with anger, and looked at the tall girl who had been pretending to be doing nothing.

She obviously came very early, but after all, she was still a step late.

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