Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 51: The third spirit ability: energy absorption halo


  Between dense forests, two figures crossed between each other.

A rotten **** smell gradually spread from a figure. In the blink of an eye, the huge body suddenly broke into two pieces, and a large stream of black and red blood spewed out, like a fountain, it was as strong as five meters under pressure. How high.

   Uchiha Uranus slowly retracted his sword, turned his head sternly to look at the rotten soul beast with pale white flesh and blood, his brows frowned, his eyes flashing with thought, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   After a while, he sighed faintly, walked forward, pressed his hand to the corpse full of radiation, his soul power in his body was revealed, and the bright white light covered the skin with a different beauty.

Under his feet, three faintly radiant halos rose up one after another, one yellow and two purple. Between the circulation of the soul ring, the surging soul power and the fission uranium element converged, forming a wave-like power, continuously affecting The world nearby.

The third deep purple halo flashed instantaneously, and the air around Uchiha Uranium's body became distorted, and the invisible enriched energy around him began to flow into his body, and then all the nuclei that were constantly reacted by energy The cells absorbed, a feeling of fullness filled the whole body, and the soul power that had consumed half of it was gradually restored to a perfect state.

And not only the surrounding energy, but also dense radiant energy wrapped around the soul beast corpse. Although it is far inferior to the energy fluctuations of Uchiha Uranus, the black radiant energy is constantly moving under the pupil of the element. Stably and orderly spread towards the surroundings, with the intention of infecting everything around.

   Visible to the naked eye, with the death of the soul beast, the surrounding land and big trees were covered with a faint ash.

   And this ash is still spreading far away, if no one handles it, then this land of soul beast death will become a real life restricted zone.

Uchiha Uranus was silent. Under the traction of the third spirit ability, the radiation energy originally accumulated in or outside of the spirit beast began to move in his direction, and as time passed, the speed of recirculation became faster and faster. , Until it touched his palm, it was instantly absorbed.

  He is devouring the radiant energy.

   can also be called assimilation, incorporation.

   Soon, all the energy in this radiating monster was swallowed up, and the power of this soul beast's hard work, mixed with nuclear energy, also entered Uchiha's body and turned into a ball.

   If Uchiha takes time out, then he can digest this soul power and completely transform it into his own power. This is similar to eating a pill.

   The only difference is that the elixir has drug resistance, while the soul beast does not. Even the stronger the soul beast, the more tonic Uchiha Uranus.

   But it is only limited to the radiant spirit beast, and the radiation energy is completely intertwined with the power in the spirit beast, otherwise his third spirit ability can only guarantee to absorb the various energy contained in it, instead of swallowing it with power.

   Uchiha Uranium slowly raised his head after the absorption was completed.

The turning Gouyu slowly closed to make black pupils. No emotion could be seen in Gujing Bubo's eyes. His handsome face was somewhat resolute, but his complexion was a little dull, which seemed to be caused by years of malnutrition. .

   A somewhat dull silver-white long hair, which was roughly **** by a straw rope, like a horsetail, showing a smooth forehead.

At the age of thirteen, he is already about 1.75 meters tall without knowing it. He looks young, but his once immature face and temperament have now turned into a volcano-like faint and unreliable, and the movement is shocking. silence.

   Living in the forest every day gave him a strong physique. Although he may not look majestic on the surface, he is covered with explosive muscles under a wash of white clothes.

   It has been four full years since Uchiha Uchiha received the warning from the Titan Great Ape. In these four years, Uchiha Uchiha had a very fulfilling four years.

   Practice knives, physiques, throws during the day, and fight against the radiation monsters that constantly appear around him. Cultivating soul power at night until dawn, or killing monsters that come in surprise, repeats itself, squeezing one's work, rest and time to the limit, just for the soul power to increase faster and faster.

Two thousand years, one hundred years, three spirit rings represent Uchiha Uranium's level has exceeded at least 30, that is to say, he is a soul sovereign, or possesses the spirit of the main body, writing round eyes mutation—radiation eye The soul of war.

   But it's not just that simple. The third spirit ring that Uchiha Uranium acquired came from the ten thousand year spirit beast that had fought against, the night demon bat.

   But he also picked up the leak. The Night Demon Bat, which was originally cultivated for ten thousand years, almost died suddenly after tasting Uchiha Uranium's blood. Although luckily not dead, his spirit power cultivation also plummeted, leaving only a thousand years of age.

Ten thousand years does not mean that it will live ten thousand years. Soul beasts can also improve their abilities through hard work, but it also has ten thousand years of life. It can be replaced by cultivation base and become an ordinary soul beast. The body stinks.

  Uchiha Uranus encountered this night demon bat again by chance, and defeated it, and absorbed the spirit ring that had been around 19,000 but is now about 7,000 years old.

Perhaps it’s because the soul beast’s body is full of nuclear energy. Under the diplomatic confluence, it’s like two or five boys opening the door for him and leading the way. The absorption of this soul ring, which is far beyond the age limit, is much smoother than he thought, and because of nuclear energy, He awakened the spirit ability related to absorption.

   The third spirit ability: energy absorption halo.

The predecessor of this spirit ability is probably the ability to absorb the large range of life of the night demon bat, and after being transformed with his radiant eye martial soul, it transforms life into an element that drifts around There is no main spirit power, or all kinds of spirit power that escapes.

   Such as radiant energy, such as the high temperature and heat caused by the energy nature of the soul power of the Phoenix FireWire, but the intuitive hard-wired soul skills, he has not tried it, and has no chance.

Once this spirit ability is used, it will form a continuous halo around the body, which lasts for an hour, passively attracting all the masterless energies in the surrounding area of ​​50 meters, and the spirit power scattered everywhere will flow into his body. It is then broken down by nuclear cells and turned into soul power that can be used.

   And the active effect is to strengthen the level of attraction. It is no longer a simple attraction, but directly absorbs and absorbs with a stronger domineering force.

   This is the same as the behavior of the Night Demon Bat absorbing the life essence of the soul beast and increasing its age.

   This reminds Uchiha of the ability of the reincarnation eye in Naruto, which also appeared in the final battle, and Sasuke's Chakra absorbed it.

   It's just that his is stronger and more brutal.

   The absorbed soul power is only temporarily available, but if the absorbed soul power has been entangled with the radiation energy, once absorbed into the body, it is permanent, one's own power.

Relying on this spirit ability, he soon absorbed nuclear energy from everything around him to speed up his cultivation speed, such as the radiation traps set up, things that he had touched, and the corpse of the radiation soul beast in front of him. .

   The principle is very simple. Absorbing and attracting soul power can supplement one's soul power consumption, but it cannot become strong.

   And absorb the soul power with nuclear energy and radiant energy, as long as it is digested, the upper limit of soul power can be increased, that is, the level of soul power can be increased.

   This is the fundamental reason why he can reach the 39th level of spirit power at the age of thirteen.


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