Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 253: An appointment with Xueqinghe

Latest website: Smiled and clapped his hands, Uran’s eyes turned to everyone, "Let’s go, everyone, today everyone did a good job. Although the opponent has a little bit of food, your performance is undoubtedly very good. In order to celebrate our start After such a victory, I invite everyone to the Tiandou Hotel to have a good meal."

"I hope everyone will perform as well as today."

"Yeah, the captain is magnificent!" Hearing that Uran asked everyone to go to the most upscale Tiandou Hotel in Tiandou Imperial City to have a meal, everyone could not help cheering.

The consumption level of Tiandou Hotel is quite high, and people who don't have any spare money can't really afford to go to such a place.

Among the people present, not counting uranium, only the little rich lady Yadell had enough financial strength to go to such places frequently.

Even if other people are Ying and Meikong, they rarely have the opportunity to go to Tiandou Hotel.

After all, although they are heirs of nobles, they are not a very wealthy type of people.

And Kai Ying was born as a commoner, and when it comes to money, he doesn't have much savings, not to mention Zhu Zhuqing. She is in charge of Uranium's wallet and is more thrifty than anyone else.

So they were naturally very happy when they heard that Uranium was going to have dinner at Tiandou Hotel.

"Then let's go." Seeing everyone cheering, Uran said with a slight smile.

"Yes, Captain!" The voices of everyone rang in unison.

Under Uran's leadership, everyone left the field directly, and the exhibition match was over, so there was no need to stay.

Only one competition area was opened today, and the first round of qualifiers cannot be played at all. At least four competition areas will be opened tomorrow before it is possible to finish the first game.

As for the second round of qualifiers, it should be the day after tomorrow.

So the uranium naturally took everyone to eat and drink boldly.

As for watching games and gathering intelligence?

There is no such need at all.

No way, strength is so headstrong.

After taking everyone to celebrate, everyone else returned to the academy, while Uran took Zhu Zhuqing to another place.

Because one person had an appointment with him for a long time.


The next day.

Listening to Yuxuan.

Uran took a sip of tea and looked at the beautiful man opposite, his eyes calm.

"Uran, I want to invite you to meet, it's really difficult. It takes half a year for the retreat training." Xue Qinghe said helplessly to Uran.

He originally planned to go directly to the academy to find someone, but he didn't expect that every time Uranium was not there, or he could not find a place during the secret training.

Every time it was running around in the vicinity of Tiandou City, it was also called speed exercise and agility exercise.

"Big Brother Xue, I was training at the time, so I'm really embarrassed, so what is the important thing for you to find me so formally?" Uran shook his head, breaking the original calm, and taking a sip of tea again in a rather embarrassing manner.

Although very embarrassed, he was indeed hiding from Xueqinghe.

Because he didn't know when, he always felt Xue Qinghe's attitude towards him was weird.

There is an indescribable, creepy stare, but it doesn't feel like it.

Usually he can feel admiration and admiration, but this is the first time this is regarded as a possession.

"Isn't it because Qian Renxue fell in love with me? No? Didn't she like Tang San?" Uran thought secretly at the time.

Later, in order to fear that something like Qian Renxue would spread to Zhu Zhuqing, Uranium deliberately moved away from Xueqinghe a little bit, but he did not expect that this kind of thing would be worse.

I come to him almost every ten days and five days!

Until now, he really couldn't hide.

After sighing, Xue Qinghe said faintly, "I do have something. After the Soul Master Competition is over, with your strength, you will surely be able to reach the top of the Finals of the Soul Hall. If the Soul Hall comes to recruit you, no matter what. I will give double the gift like this."

Saying this, it shows that she is really moving.

Because this Soul Master Competition, for its strength of uranium, it is bound to be famous all over the world.

Naturally, the person in Wuhun Palace, her mother, Bibi Dong would also look at Uranium.

Although she believes that Uranium will not betray her trust so easily, the last thing she can do as a person is to test a person's loyalty.

Moreover, although Bibi Dong is her mother, Qian Renxue knows that if she didn't really hate herself, she would not let her identity as the Pope's daughter in the Wuhun Temple, and ran to Tiandou Empire for a civet cat exchange. Prince this play.

Bibi Dong is Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue is Qian Renxue.

She was very afraid of Bibi Dong digging her corner, so until now, she couldn't help it, and now she must stand up and give Uran a vaccination. Otherwise, when Uran followed Bibi Dong, she would really cry without tears.

"If it's just this kind of thing, then you can rest assured." Uran nodded. Although Qian Renxue's faint gaze just made his scalp numb, at least Qian Renxue did not die when he had promised her. Before, he would not let go first.

As for what is meant by death...

For example, knowing that he is the Uchiha family, for example, knowing that his martial arts spirit is writing round eyes.

If this kind of thing really happened, Uranium wouldn't be fascinated by Qian Renxue's beauty. He would either decisively kill him, or rely on his current strength to wash away Qian Renxue's memory of the peak.

After all, he already has Zhu Zhuqing, so naturally it is impossible to accept another girl, even if she is the most beautiful in the world, it has nothing to do with him.

The reason why human beings like to have a harem is because of greed, because the information engraved in the genetic information of DNA multiplies.

For men, the more women, the deeper they are governed by instinct.

A man dominated by his lower body has only reproduction in his mind, only.

This is what Uranium wants to surpass. He wants to surpass instinct. He wants to be who he is.

Naturally, whenever he thinks of putting beautiful women in his mind, he will have an unfounded disgust.

However, this is only Uran's understanding of himself, because as a human being, it is a kind of fantasy to resist his own DNA, but strangely, he seems to be convinced that in his heart, there is only the cold cat.

"Really, that would be great. By the way, Uranium, after you graduated from the Soul Master Competition, where are you going to go? Ask me to say, why don't you come and help me? It's really a headache for me to deal with government affairs~www.mtlnovel .com~Haha, my father actually handed over so many government affairs to me in advance, so I didn't have time to listen to Yuxuan for tea."

While smiling, Xue Qinghe gently raised his white wrist and toasted a cup of Uranium.

"Let me tell you, don't use your drinking toast on tea, Brother Xue, haha." Seeing Xueqinghe's appearance, Uran was immediately amused.

"Actually, I already have my own plans. I plan to leave the mainland and see the customs of various places in the Tiandou Empire, but before leaving, I can stay in Tiandou City for a while. Alas, say yes, you want Take me to the palace to have a look."

As the conversation deepened, Uranus also noticed it, and felt that Qian Renxue was not so enthusiastic about herself. Thinking about it this way, she immediately felt relieved.

So for the next few things, he doesn't taboo anything. Since there is no danger, that's fine.

Thinking of this, Uran suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Handsome, it's really a sin............

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