Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 256: Devil's means

The latest website: Kaiying appears behind them like a ghost!

Silent, like a ghost who chooses to eat in the dark night!

"Fuck you!" Tong Hu suddenly felt his heart tremble for it, but anger followed immediately.

Bizarre anger!

"The first spirit ability, angry bear slap!"

"The third spirit ability, violent!"

In an instant, Tonghu's figure soared by three points, the huge bear's paw brought gusts of gale, and patted Kai Ying's head.

No mercy.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

The huge power under the superposition of the two spirit abilities was unexpectedly blocked by Kai Ying with the sickle in one hand!

Even this force didn't make Kaiying a bit deviated.

Only then did the three spirit masters next to Tong Hu react, and their bodies shone brightly, their spirit rings lit up, and then they attacked in the direction of Kai Ying!

Suddenly, Tong Hu thought of something, his face turned pale immediately!

"and many more!"

He suddenly remembered!

This is the corner!

He remembered that he lost when he stepped down!

But Kay Ying's next movements made him stunned again, because he expected that Kay Ying took the opportunity to push them down with their superb operations without showing them.

And what Kai Ying did was that the second spirit ring instantly lit up, and a series of ferocious armor attached to his body, half of his body formed a state protected by obsidian armor!

The usual shoulder is completely different! , Even Kai Ying’s revealed neck was half covered, revealing a blood-red evil eye!

"Forget it, let Laast play a game this time. Since these people have a bad mouth, they must have the courage to bear the consequences. Otherwise, there is such a good thing about prostitution, and they don’t take responsibility if they say it. "Uran sat in the audience, watching Kai Ying's temperament change instantly, and immediately showed a lively look.

At first, if it hadn't been confirmed that Raast was just a martial spirit, he would have destroyed Kaiying's humanity long ago, lest he would come out to Raast to take the body in the future, and then the Douluo Continent would be corrupted.

As his strength improves, he understands more and more what is strong.

The sharp blade of the agile attack spirit master is coming in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Tong Hu's vigorous bear claws shot down!

However, Kai Ying just stood there, and the blood in his eyes grew thicker.

Jingle bells--

The sound of the crisp soul ability falling on the obsidian armor resounded through the audience.

Tong Hu looked at him in disbelief, his invincible bear paw, slapped on the armor, there was such a crisp sound!

"Aftershock!" Seeing that the face on the other side of Kai Ying was not protected by armor, a defensive spirit master suddenly smiled insidiously, his hands suddenly folded, a soul power shock accompanied by a strange soul power flow method, and his hands gathered together. To the palm of his hand, afterwards, he blatantly pressed against Kai Ying's face!

If you press it, you will die or be injured!

Even if the soul power is in your head, the gods will be helpless!

But the next moment, a hand suddenly grabbed the big hand of the defense spirit master Xuan Chun, and if it were pliers, it instantly made Xuan Chun's cheek a cold sweat.

What a terrifying power!

"Insidious attacks will only come in exchange for brutal destruction..." Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice sounded from under Kai Ying's armor that resisted all the attacks of spirit abilities.

As for Kai Ying's slightly lowered head, it was even more difficult to see the other half of his cheeks that were exposed, and his lips did not move.

"Ah--" It seemed that the grip of Kai Ying's vise-like palm became tighter, and the defensive spirit master Xuan Chun's face turned pale in an instant!


The sore bone groan sounded from his wrist!

"Asshole, let him go!" Tong Hu saw a bad eyes and roared, his right leg suddenly exerted force, and a heavy squirming leg, facing Kaiying's crotch!

But Kaiying is faster!

No one even saw how he raised his leg. When Tong Hu noticed it, it was already too late.

In the eyes of all the audience, that is the speed that can't respond, but under the dynamic vision of Uranium, he can see it clearly.

After Tonghu shook his energy.

Kaiying lifted her leg gently.

Tong Hu kicked it.

Kai Ying stomped heavily!


There was a crisp breaking sound.


The creepy screams suddenly came out from Tonghu's mouth!

Immediately afterwards, there was another crisp breaking sound!

The wrist of the defensive spirit master was horribly bent out to ninety degrees!

Accompanied by another scream, Kai Ying's increasingly deep Darkborn Demon Scythe lifted up at some unknown time, like a death scythe, slowly cutting away at the other two agile attack type spirit masters.

However, this slowness is just a visual effect.

Just as if the cold black light was wiped lightly, Kai Ying's figure became more illusory, and the black light almost identical to that of the Darkborn Demon Scythe accompanies Kai Ying, like a deadly ghost in the shadow.

It is like a poppy flower that blooms slowly and quickly to a magical color.

Cold and tyrannical, two completely different temperaments..........

At this speed, the soul can no longer react. Even the teacher watching the battle can't help but wipe his eyes. He always feels that he has made a mistake just now, or he has seen the afterimage instead of the entity.

Kaiying was so cool for the first time.

In this strange perception, strange pace, and strange state, he seemed to be completely transparent, without any flaws.

This kind of coolness is even cooler than the moment when you release yourself when you are lonely late at night!

Kai Ying didn't keep his hands. For such a stern person, the more benevolent, the more troubled it would be.

The remaining two agile attack type spirit masters just noticed something wrong through instinct, and when they planned to use their spirit skills, they suddenly felt a strong sense of violation!

What's wrong!

Kai Ying began to retreat slowly, his steps were illusory, like a teleportation left and right, with a dazzling sense of pressure, walking towards the last three control type spirit masters and auxiliary type soul masters!

"Damn bastard! You dare not..." Before the ignorant sentence was spoken, Zhang Chun from the sensitive attack system suddenly saw another companion's hand.

He was stunned.

When did it start? His hand, what, is like a grid! The meat is about to fall! !

He turned his neck slightly stiffly and looked at his body.

In an instant, his eyes shrank suddenly!

In the next moment, the touch that was temporarily closed due to the severe pain suddenly returned! !

Two screams sounded again in the field!

Not even losing to the Tonghu who fell on the ground and clutched his calf!

Their bodies are already pineapple!

On their wounds, there is still the spirit power aura left by Kai Ying, like a knife cut, wantonly in their bodies.

This kind of pain is consciously shielded by the body at the moment it occurs, like adrenaline.

But with the elapse of time, under the eruption of this kind of pain, these two agile attack type spirit masters, especially Zhang Chung, who said that she would break the female spirit master’s clothes, became the focus of Kai Ying’s care. Heavy!

Because he not only left his own breath, but also put some incidental items incidentally.

That was...Raast's murderous intent.

Soon, these two sensitive attack type spirit masters were fainted by the pain.

The remaining three spirit masters couldn't make any waves anymore, because they didn't say any swear words, so when Kai Ying planned to solve them, he didn't make a heavy hand.

"Stop. We surrendered." Seeing that the situation is not good, the leader of the Zilong Academy quickly threw out a white towel and hurried to the stage to stop Kaiying from fighting again.

The referee was stunned by Kai Ying's bizarre turning footwork before, and the next tyrannical crush, let alone a game between the academies, even the fighting spirit of the Great Arena is rarely so tragic. The scene appears, my God, is this really a student?

"Referee, I want to complain. They are not playing at all, but killing people. They violated the rules of the game. I demand that they be sentenced to lose."

Seeing his team members were bloodied and broken, the leading teacher of Zilong Academy yelled at the referee angrily.

The referee had fully awakened at this time, and his stern look immediately turned to Kai Ying, who had already returned to normal in the field.

Regarding this, Kai Ying immediately raised the question he encountered, "Excuse me, the referee, under the attack of the four spirit masters, should a power attack type spirit master retain its destructive strength, in order to avoid giving other spirit masters It hurts, so I have to fight with my hands and feet? I just had a slap in my yin leg and soul skills. If I make a mistake, am I already lying on the arena and ready to prepare the coffin?"

"And you, referee, will you judge them to lose because of my experience? What they lose is a victory, and what I lose is a life. If I accidentally die, will you The opposing teacher's sentence of soul skills is eyeless, and he hastily determined that he won?"

"Originally, they were crowded. Seven of them, I was alone, and more than 20 spirit abilities were thrown over. If I don't try my best to fight, then do I deserve to die?"

The referee looked at this side and then over there. For a while, he didn't know how to decide.

That's right, if there are more people hitting less people, is it possible that the one who has fewer people will fight back?

However, this kind of player's injury is so serious right now, if he makes a judgment, will it make people think that he is too hasty, because the students will make a decision with a few words of truth?

At this time, two more referees ran up, and the three of them bowed their heads and discussed for a while. The referee on the stage announced in a loud voice, "The seventh game of the second round of the qualifiers, Tiandou Royal Academy won."


There was a huge amount of discussion in the audience, and there were doubts and admirations for a while and more or less shock.

The second team of the dignified Tiandou Royal Academy actually started so viciously, but more still, they were still amazed by Kai Ying's powerful strength, instantaneous outbreak, and strange body skills.

What a powerful young man!

It's a pity that he is only a thirty-third level Soul Venerable at the age of twenty. If he is a genius, he is probably already forty-level. This is what a crowd of knowledgeable audiences think.

Indeed, a twenty-year-old thirty-third level soul sovereign is really not good at it.

Like Dai Mubai when he was fifteen, he already had thirty-seventh level.

"How about it, Kayin? Kayn's shadow figure just now is not bad, right?" Along with the noise in the field, Raast's unique voice like a demon also sounded.

"Shadow, and Darkborn, two completely different powers, this feeling is very good, very good..." Kaiying did not directly answer Raast's words, but looked down. With both hands, carefully recalling his previous experience, he whispered in his mouth.

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