Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 259: Preparation before the war

The latest website: "You don’t really feel that you are strong, do you? No? When I discuss with Yu Tianheng, if I don’t exert my full strength, I may suffer a loss. For you, half of my strength is considered worthy. You, as his brother, why is there such a big gap between the two?"

Zhu Zhuqing's mockery of Yu Tianxin suddenly recalled something funny, his lips couldn't help but raised slightly, but before Yu Tianxin's eyes, there was a very mocking sneer.

And her words just happened to be able to be heard by Yu Tianxin on the opposite side, as well as by the surrounding audience.

A group of Huang Dou first team watching the battle from the audience, especially Yu Tianheng, who was in the lead, immediately showed an extremely embarrassing expression.

That's right, she did her best, but all her attacks couldn't touch her at all, so how could she say that she would suffer.

In order to provoke his elder brother's anger, Zhu Zhuqing dragged him into the water. He was too wronged.

Oslo, who was on the side, immediately showed a sudden realization, and whispered to Yu Feng next to him, "Sure enough, the captain is still amazing. It seems that we saw the situation where Zhu Zhuqing was hanging and beating. It’s the captain who is letting Zhu Zhuqing out, or he will defeat her at once, which is too bullying."

"Yeah, I think so too. Although the captain is about to be beaten into a pig, he still upholds the spirit of a gentleman. Alas, I misunderstood the captain before. I thought he really couldn't beat it. He actually has such a golden spirit." When Yufeng heard Oslo's words, he nodded in agreement and began to pretend to repent of his misleading.

When talking about the captain, Yufeng and Oslo couldn't sit still, and immediately began to whisper and whisper around this topic.

But they didn't even notice that Yu Tianheng's face became darker not far from them.

For a long time, when both of them were somewhat satisfied, Ye Lingling's soft voice suddenly sounded while sitting behind.

"I want to remind you that the captain can hear you clearly at this distance."

As soon as Ye Lingling's words fell, Yu Tianheng's cold voice also sounded at the right time, "Don't stop, go on, I was beaten into a pig head, what's next?"

Oslo and Yufeng were immediately stunned, their faces instantly pale.

After seeing the team leader Yu Tianheng directly pinching the back of the two people's necks and making a gesture of lifting them up as rabbits, Ye Lingling couldn't help covering her mouth and snickered, making a silver bell-like laugh.

"Hee hee, it seems that these two brothers are going to practice again. I remember it seems that the last time, the last time is not finished yet." She can remind them the first time, but out of a certain desire Because of the excitement, Ye Lingling chose to wait for them to finish, and then hit them again. It was so interesting.

On the stage, after hearing Zhu Zhuqing, the deputy captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team, belittle himself and praise his younger brother, a chill flashed across Yu Tianxin's eyes.

"Not ashamed!" Listening to Zhu Zhuqing's words, Yu Tianxin clenched his fists, and his anger rose. This Zhu Zhuqing, he must take a good lesson later, let her know what she can say and what she can't say!

Although his Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng are both called the twin stars of the Blue Lightning Overlord Zong, his age is a bit older than Yu Tianheng, but his strength is slightly inferior. Although he is the cousin of Yu Tianheng, he most wants to prove Yes, he is stronger than Yu Tianheng and more qualified to inherit the family.

"Are you not embarrassed? I'll know when we compare." Looking at Yu Tianxin, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were light. Yu Tianxin's level had been known through the list before, forty-five, and she was also forty-five.

Although the opponent is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Martial Spirit, the top beast martial spirit, her ghost cat, which has been supplemented by the fairy grass, is not weaker than humans.

"The players from both sides are ready." Just as Zhu Zhuqing and Yu Tianxin faced off, the referee's voice immediately sounded.

The judge's voice fell, and only seven people headed by Yu Tianxin showed their martial arts!

The purple-blue thunder flashed all over the seven of them, with an aura that rushed into the sky, centered on Yutianxin, and scattered around!

Audiences who are closer, seem to be able to feel a slight static electricity.

For a while, the seven members of Thunder Academy were ready to go, thunderous, and just standing there gave people an indescribable pressure.

Thunder itself is the power of the heavens, and a martial soul with the thunder attribute, in addition to its strong offensive power and paralyzing effect, will also have a special power.

Even the soul masters of the same level are slightly suppressed.

If it is a person, the suppressing power may not be obvious.

But if it is a martial soul with seven thunder attributes, it will form a special momentum to suppress it.

This is also the reason why the Elemental Academy has to go to the limit current. In each Elemental Academy, the seven players on the field will more or less have some special effects on the enemy.

The movement on the side of the Tiandou Royal Academy made people frown again.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing, everyone else stepped back together, rushing to the corner of the fighting spirit platform, looking like they were ready to jump off at any time.

"Is this deputy captain the same way as Kaiying?" Seeing this scene, Yu Tianxin raised his brows slightly, and thought to himself.

Since it is the same way as Kaiying, the targeting tactics they have previously studied should also apply to Zhu Zhuqing?

This kind of six-person support will not be on the stage after all, as long as it is slightly targeted, it will be self-defeating. This is the conclusion reached by all the college tutors after seeing the strength of Kaiying.

They didn't think that it was because of the strength of Kaiying that led the team. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Kaiying was just a thirty-third level soul sovereign. If it was thirty-ninth level, maybe they would pay more attention to it.

Therefore, the eyes of the academy teams were all on the deputy captain and captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team.

And Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing also took advantage of the trend to enter everyone's eyes, and what is surprising is that in the collected information, the spirit power, martial spirit, and birth of Captain Uranium are all Is unknown.

The three unknowns immediately caused most people's brows to frown. Not only was Uranium's fewer appearances, but also because Uranium was so powerful that it was beyond imagination.

No one can force him to fight with his spirit abilities, it's a mystery.

The same is true for Zhu Zhuqing. According to the collected data, she and Uranium have always entered and exited all places in pairs, whether it is a hotel, going out, training, or even residence. It is hard not to continue to associate To what.

And right now, Zhu Zhuqing played against the Thunder Academy. This was an opportunity for all the Academy teams that watched the game.

An opportunity to understand Zhu Zhuqing's strength and guess the strength of Uranium.

"The game begins!" The referee's voice fell heavily! Immediately afterwards, he immediately jumped away from the center of the arena!

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