Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 271: Fantasy Land Reform, Dongfeng Organization Member Training Base

Yellow sand sea.

Quiet and no wind.

The sun hangs high in the sky, swaying boundless heat and light freely.

The sand dunes are connected one by one, undulating, like a series of unique tombstones.

And at the back of the sun on a sand dune, sand suddenly rustled down.

This movement grew louder and louder, and then out of the turbulent yellow sand, a hand came out violently!

Then the next moment, this hand seemed to react, very excited and frantically grasping and shoving. First, the palm of the hand, and then the arm came out of Sha Shuo, the sand hole was rapidly expanded, finally revealing a middle-aged head.

When the gray head half exposed the sand dunes, his mouth was opened to the largest extent, weakly exhaling all the stuffiness in his chest, and then greedily drawing the hot air.

Accompanied by violent breathing, a small amount of sand is ejected from the mouth and nasal cavity of the middle-aged person.

"Cough cough cough!"

Then, because the breathing was too intense, the middle-aged person had a violent cough.

After coughing for a while, he finally eased up and opened his eyes.

Although he was on the back of the gloomy sand dune, his pupils were still pierced by the hot sun, and he subconsciously narrowed his eyes into a slit.

But as all the pictures came into view, the smile on the gloomy middle-aged man's face because of his survival also freezes.

The gloomy middle-aged man is exactly Yake.

Their previous experience could not even be described as a nightmare.

They seemed to be trapped in a ghostly place, and they couldn't leave or hide. No matter where they went, they would unknowingly return to the origin of the battle.

Until, the Yinjie Soul Master couldn't help it, and proposed to divide the soldiers into two directions. He walked in the opposite direction alone, and to see if he walked, the two groups would meet again.

But in the end, that was the beginning of a nightmare..........

When he thought of this, Yake shook his head in fear, trying to make his head never remember the following pictures.

The three corpses with weird smiles are too terrifying, even if they can silently pass on his companions!

They tried to use spirit abilities, but it didn't work. On the contrary, because of the excessive use of spirit power, he even died in despair.

Except for him, the other four people have become smiling corpses!

It was because of the horror that he did not dare to imagine the scene of the past, but now, what is in front of him is not death, but a desert..........

"Where is this? Is the world after death?"

He almost died from suffocation. When he breathed in the first breath of air, the most dangerous moment finally passed.

Yake took a breath for a moment, recovered a little bit of strength, and pulled himself out of the yellow sand with difficulty.

After officially leaving the embarrassment of being buried alive, Yake had no strength to stand up and knelt directly on the ground, breathing constantly, coughing loudly.

He spit.

The sand in the mouth dyes the saliva light yellow.

He took out his ears and sprayed his nose again, then shook his hair with his hands, letting the fine sand fall everywhere.

These movements only lasted for a while, and Yake felt the limit of his physical strength. He was so scared that he immediately stopped his hands, changing from a full kneeling movement to a half kneeling movement.

There was no sound around, no wind.

The sun is shining and hot, baking the yellow-brown desert.

But the desert looked plain and unremarkable at a glance, with only eyes full of yellow, not a trace of green.

The only variegated color is him.

Suddenly, Yake's face condensed.

He saw it, man.

And the other party also saw him.

"Is it an enemy? No, I can't use my spirit power now. I'm very dangerous." Yake thought to himself, but he felt dumbfounded when he fumbled around.

Why is there nothing on your body except clothes? Where's his bag?

What about his props?

However, as the other person approached, Yake saw the other person's face clearly and was slightly relieved.

He knew it.

Moreover, it is not a pale face, it is a living person, a living person who can exhale a hot breath.

"Great, you are still alive, Siwang." Yake saw his familiar partner and immediately waved to him.

But all this can't help but make Yake start to think, where is this place?

Soon, the two met again.

He is a wealthy soul master with slightly squinted eyes, Wuhun is Burning Hedgehog, a very difficult defense type war soul king.

"Yeah, I'm still alive, everyone is still alive, and I'm still thinking about when you can be here." Siwang narrowed his eyes and patted Yake on the shoulder.

"What, you said everyone is here? It's great, you are not alone on Huangquan Road." Yake was overjoyed, his gloomy face bloomed with a touch of genuine joy.

"Not alone, definitely not alone, after all, I'm waiting for you, what if you don't come." Si Wang's tone suddenly became strange.

"By the way, is this really the world after death? It's all yellow sand, just like the real thing. I felt like I was going to choke to death at the time. Haha, I just died. Is it possible that I should die again? "Yake said as he looked around.

However, he didn't notice Siwang's somewhat sad look.

"Come with me, you are here, we can start work, because you have not arrived, we have been hungry for two whole days." As Yake regained his sight, Si Wang's low voice followed. Sounded.

"Uh." Visible to the naked eye, the smile on Yake's face was stiff.

"Don't worry, it's not eating you, it's preparing to mine and work. If you eat, you can eat three meals a day." It seems that he has noticed that his tone is not right, Si Wang immediately added.

"Huh, I was scared to death. I thought the first thing I would do after I came out was to give my brothers a meal." Yake wiped the sweat from his forehead and smirked.

But then, Yake looked at the crystal clear sweat in his hand in astonishment.

"Am I not dead? Why can I still sweat!" Yake suddenly exclaimed.

He didn't even hear the mining work in Siwang's mouth. Why, now, his attention is only in his hands.

Si Wang's face became more gloomy.

Yake felt that something was wrong in the world.

"Siwang, where is this? What the **** is this place? We are also brothers who are going north and kind of place in Douluo Continent hasn't been seen? I am very strange here. Tell me the truth Where is this place?"

After seeing Si Wang's look that was not right, Yake asked immediately.

Where exactly is this place?

Siwang couldn't help sighing at the pressing of Yake.

"This is the place of God's punishment."

With a few words, Yake was stunned.

"What are you talking about?" The gloomy middle-aged man couldn't help asking again.

"Divine Punishment Land." Si Wang whispered again with pain on his face.

"What does this mean? Siwang?" After confirming that what he heard was correct, Yake forced the premonition in his heart and asked tremblingly.

"The place of God's punishment is the place of atonement after the sinner dies. Now you and I are here. Every sinner who comes here needs to mine for thirty years as an atonement, so you feel right, this is indeed death. Later, but this is also another real living world, you see, your heart is still beating."

Si Wang said a lot in one breath, but he still wanted to continue.

"Listen to the foreman saying that only after completing the atonement can you have the qualifications to return to the Douluo Continent, and you can only join a mysterious organization, otherwise you will be allowed to dig to death in this land of divine punishment. I am here. Within two days of this world, I have seen many people go crazy because they can't stand it."

"That mysterious organization named Dongfeng, I heard that it was created by a great existence dedicated to creating a new world! That is to say, if we want to live again, we still have a chance, that is, the 30-year sentence expires. In the future, rely on outstanding performance to compete for the qualifications to join the Dongfeng organization!"

Yake was stunned.

His eyes gradually lost their highlights.

Thirty years?

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