Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 288: Kai Ying vs. Fire Cloud, the Scythe of Slaughter is first shown

???? With the sound of the referee's voice, Huo Yun of Blazing Academy took the lead in summoning the Wuhun: Flamingo.

???? Behind the fire cloud a pair of gorgeous wings spread out in an instant, and a cluster of feathers was completely formed from the burning flames, which were sharp and vivid. At the same time, Kai Ying also summoned the Darkborn Scythe. He rushed to Huoyun without hesitation.

???? Kai Ying understands that although this Huoyun is a spirit master of the agile attack type, he also belongs to the flying type. What he has to do is to get closer, and then directly cut him down.

???? Although there is a big gap between the spirit power of the two, Kai Ying is not afraid, so at this moment, he also showed the amazing fighting spirit that made the scalp of the Fire Crane Spirit Master numb.

???? "He actually dared to attack!" Huo Yun frowned slightly. After reminiscing about the opponent's record, his expression was slightly condensed, and his soul power moved on him. He immediately flapped his wings, without a run-up. Flew up towards the sky.

???? Although it has exceeded the attack range of ordinary soul masters, it has just been stuck within the height limit set by this soul master competition.

???? And this height is beyond Kai Ying's attack.

???? This is exactly what the flight-type spirit master is pitted against. Before long-range soul skills, it would be difficult for ordinary soul masters to attack flying-type spirit masters flying around in the sky.

???? Kaiying is fast enough, but still rushes for nothing.

???? "How to fight in the sky?" Kai Ying frowned, jumped a few times, and retreated to the center of the competition stage, focusing on the fire cloud in the sky, thinking about how to respond.

???? "Huh, the thirty-fourth-level soul sovereign also wants to compare my soul power reserve with me. Although the previous record can wear seven in one, it can only be achieved with the help of six auxiliary soul masters. It's me, it's not difficult to do it." The Huoyun in the sky at the moment, after seeing Kai Ying doing nothing, couldn't help thinking in his heart.

???? "Forget it, it's better to solve him as soon as possible, flying in the sky also consumes my soul power."

After flying to the sky, Huo Yun began to act, and the first spirit ring on his body lit up. He circled in mid-air for a few times, and then, without hesitation, he galloped towards Kai Ying's direction. .

???? "Hmm!" A sharp cry sounded, and the soul master with the flamingo spirit rushed towards Kai Ying, their bodies were full of thick flames, and a pair of gorgeous wings spread out. At the same time, the edges of the wings were extremely sharp, burning with a rose-red flame.

???? The first spirit ability, flame wing strike.

???? Although the strategy of using the advantage of flying in the sky to drag the ground spirit master to death is very good, but there is one thing to pay special attention to, this is the soul master competition, every minute and every second is important, if it is other Encountered in a place where life and death are struggling, perhaps Huo Yun will still use this advantage to grind the enemy to death, but here, in the eyes of countless Tiandou empires, he wants to fight more.

???? In Huo Yun's heart, he also had the idea of ​​defeating Kaiying head-on. This was a member of the Tiandou Second Team who won the qualifier.

???? In the current heads-up environment, I can prove my strength!

???? With the help of rapid speed, Huo Yun flew towards Kai Ying.

???? "Come on!" Seeing Huo Yun pounce directly at her, Kai Ying was not surprised and rejoiced, head-on? This is exactly what he wants.

???? Talking, Kai Ying's figure moved, and her feet suddenly became illusory. Some special things appeared inexplicably all over her body, like soul power escaping all over her body, and like a thin layer of mist. People can't perceive the specific situation.

???? Next moment, Kaiying

continue reading! After stepping on her foot, she suddenly drifted to the side, and behind Kai Ying, there was still a series of phantoms.

???? Huo Yun carrying the might of the spirit ability immediately rushed into the air, and the first spirit ability, Flame Wing Strike, slashed above the afterimage of Kai Ying, and the momentum was so great that Huo Yun directly hit the ground.

???? "What?" Huo Yun's expression changed, and the alarm bell in his heart.

???? There is no hesitation, because the attacking Huo Yun directly turned his body when he was about to land with his agile physical quality, and resolved the huge potential energy in a rotating way.

???? After several consecutive rotations, Huo Yun landed in a thrilling manner.

On the competition stage, Kai Ying has been waiting for a long time. Seeing Huo Yun land at this moment, he directly held the Darkborn Devil Scythe upside down. The first and second spirit rings on his body were shining, forming a blood red color. The human-sized terrifying giant sickle swept directly at the fire cloud.

???? The stern wind resounded, and the intrepid blood enveloped the audience. Kai Ying's second soul ability, the dark-born incarnation, directly increased his first soul ability.

???? The first spirit ability, the giant sickle swept across.

???? As one of the members of the Blazing Academy's clan, Huo Yun is not a weak person in the Soul Master Competition. After realizing that he must enter the close battle, he decisively attached his arm to the wings behind him without hesitation.

???? Under Uran's gaze, Huo Yun’s second spirit ability began to shine, and Huo Yun’s arms merged with the flame wings behind him, and then suddenly exerted force, the wings lifted flat, and used it again. The first spirit ability, with the edge of the flame burning sharply cut to the giant sickle of Kai Ying!


???? A piercing sound of gold and iron suddenly sounded in the field!

???? Huoyun's first soul ability, recklessly fight Kaiying's first soul ability!


???? A flaming red figure suddenly flew out in this spirit ability competition accompanied by a scream!

???? "What?!" Huo Wushuang stood up abruptly looking at Huo Yun's loss to Kai Ying.

???? And Huo Wu, Huo Yu and others also stood up, their eyes widened.

???? No one thought that Huo Yun, whose spirit power was five levels higher than Kai Ying, would actually be defeated in this first spirit ability competition?

????how can that be?

???? The thirty-fourth level Kaiying can actually fight the thirty-ninth level of the fire cloud!

???? Huo Yun was cut and flew out by Kai Ying’s Darkborn Demon Scythe, and fell on the stage with a look of pain. The big beads of sweat on his forehead kept dripping, and this pain almost made the fire. Yun couldn't say a word, he gritted his teeth, just to prevent himself from shouting.

???? The tingling on the right arm is still reminding him, it hurts, it hurts here!

???? Huo Yun could only cover the wound with his hands, but the bright red blood couldn't stop pouring out, soaking the team uniform and even reddening the competition platform.

???? Kaiying’s sharp sickle blade almost cut off Huoyun’s wings. Although the wings were possessed by martial spirits and condensed with spirit skills, they were not afraid of this cutting, but Huoyun’s The second spirit ability is to fuse one's own and martial spirit, so that all of his own spirit ability is enhanced.

???? But at the moment, Kai Ying's cutting almost caused Huo Yun to break his arm!

????The gap between Wuhun and Wuhun is clear at a glance!

???? Darkborn devil sickle, the most lethal sickle, was originally a killing weapon, how could it be an avian spirit master like Huoyun that can resist with wings?

???? Even if the martial soul is reckless, that's it

continue reading! It is the weapon spirit to fight, weapons and weapons, and Huoyun is sharper than the wings and sickles. In this case, the probability of casualties is very high!

???? As a discerning person, Uranium sees all this in his eyes.

???? And when he saw Huo Yun even when his spirit power was higher than the fifth level of Kaiying, he almost took the human arm off with a single knife, his face could not help being solemn.

???? "Raast's lethality is too great. We are just playing games and have no grievances against others. If this goes on, if we encounter a weak soul master someday, I am afraid that we may die." Uranium Holding his chin, thinking about countermeasures.

???? "Stop! We surrendered in the first game!" Seeing that Huo Yun's injury was not good, the leading teacher of Blazing Academy quickly threw out a white towel and hurried up to the stage to protect him. Stop Kaiying from fighting again.

???? And Kai Ying also retracted the Darkborn Demon Sickle Martial Spirit, and the scarlet aura in his pupils disappeared.

???? In the first game, Kay Ying won.

???? Although he won, Kai Ying still stood on the stage, watching Huo Yun being rescued by the Healing Soul Master and taken away from the stage.

???? This is not the first **** incident in the promotion, but it is the most serious injury in the first day. Huo Yun may have to recover from the injury for a long time before he can appear again. Perhaps, I can't even participate in the promotion tournament.

???? "I'm sorry, Huo Yun of Blazing Academy...I'm sorry for this kind of injury, but I couldn't keep my hand at the time. The game was meant to show my strength with all my strength. If I release the water, That would look down on you even more." After Huo Yun was lifted away and his figure disappeared, Kai Ying suddenly whispered apologizing to the direction where Huo Yun left.

???? At this moment, Kai Ying suddenly felt a tingling pain in his scalp.

???? Looking back hurriedly, Kai Ying saw the direction of the Blazing Academy team, a stream of real anger, mixed with Huo Yun's brother, Huo Yu's cold killing intent!

???? And Uranium also felt a little, and immediately cast his gaze on Blazing Academy. Among them, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang's angry gaze seemed to ignite everything!

???? And Huoyu, that gloomy killing intent, made Kai Ying get goose bumps.

???? "I made a mistake in a match, do you really want to kill?" Uran frowned, and then he was comfortable again.

???? "Brotherhood, it's no wonder that Huo Yun was so badly injured, but Kay Ying won't lose, the problem is not big, I don't have to worry about it." After thinking of Huo Yu's feelings, Uran sighed silently in his heart.

???? "The Killing Weapon: Raast... This is too far from the ordinary Wuhun, it was born for killing, the most suitable for it, I am afraid it is the endless **** battlefield, not This kind of point-to-point soul master game.

???? It seems that I need to send Kai Ying to the Slaughter Capital in advance, or wait for Tang San to explode the Slaughter Capital. Without the Evil Soul Master, it is impossible to give Kai an ordinary person and an ordinary Soul Master. Shadow Festival Sword? "

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