Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 295: Burning storm

At this moment, the blazing storm on the stage had been smaller for a few laps, and after being sucked by the fierce fire, it seemed to be a little wilting.

"There are three people left, one from Huo Wu, one from Huo Wushuang, and you, Huo Yun's brother, Huo Yu."

Although the game has already started, Uranium did not start, but began to chat.

"Yes, so what." Huo Yu immediately summoned the spirit of the enemy, and it was the same as the previous Huo Yun, and they were all the spirits of the fire crane, but as a brother, he was even more powerful. some.

"I'm actually quite interested in your fire storm. If you don't mind, please feel free." Uran put his hand on his back, allowing the hot wind to rub his face constantly, bringing a hint of warmth.

"You regret this idea next." Huo Yu gritted his teeth and flew directly to the sky. Three spirit rings on his body flashed one after another, and the turbulent flame spirit power rushed out and spread in the fiery storm.


In an instant, the fire storm seemed to be ignited!

New spirit power and new flame injection made this somewhat shrinking fire tornado begin to expand, and under the infusion of Huoyu's unreserved spirit power, it began to gradually expand.

"Referee, can this kind of fire tornado be regarded as a violation of the rules of the game? With such a thing, you must enter the center to play the game, or you will be forced out of the game platform. Isn't this too unfair?" Kai Ying on the bench suddenly asked the referee.

"Of course it doesn't count. This is the result of soul skills. If you have the ability, why don't you just extinguish the fire tornado? Of course, you can also do this. This is in line with the rules of the game." The referee shook his head. , Bluntly rejected Kay Ying.

But as soon as the referee turned his head, he said in the direction of Blazing Academy, "When the game is over, you will have to collect the fire dragon. Also, you have to compensate for the damage to the playing table. Finally, This kind of fire tornado will make the competition table very bad, which seriously interferes with the competition of other academy teams. Please pay attention to the frequency and timing of use, and don't make other academy teams embarrassed."

Although the Blazing Academy is quite famous in the Tiandou Empire, and even the backstage is hard, the referee can't punish Blazing Academy because of its reputation, otherwise the Soul Master Competition is more than anything else, it will be better than the backstage. The Dou Empire imperial family is the largest, so why don't you just arrange the Tiandou Royal Academy to be the first?

"Yes, yes, I know." Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Academy team quickly responded, indicating that he would comply with it in the future.

Then, Huo Wushuang watched the game again, looking at Uranium as he walked leisurely in the courtyard, saying that it is impossible without pressure. Zhu Zhuqing alone asked them to rack their brains to think about countermeasures, that Uranium is stronger than her. What kind of horror should it be?

"How strong are you...soon, you will know." Huo Wushuang whispered softly.

Soon, the scale of this fire tornado was so huge that it swallowed the entire game table, but for some reason, this hot and expanding storm did not continue to expand after engulfing the playing field, but maintained it. Let the other members of the academy team watching the show feel a little disappointed.

They also want to see if the fire tornado will be cancelled by the referee after it expands to the audience, but unfortunately, they can't see it.

However, it is obvious that there is no soul master present, and he can have such an amazing ability to control this fire tornado. This surprised everyone. Fortunately, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy forced this trump card out, and some people felt that Blazing Academy This is an overkill. Losing to Tiandou Royal Academy is nothing at all. There is no need to expose the cards on the first day.

After Banzhuxiang, Huoyu's spirit power was exhausted, struggling to fly down from the sky, canceling the spirit possession, and raising his hand to signal the referee to admit defeat.

This shocked many people.

But some people understood, and said to a companion who didn’t know what was going on on the side, “Look, has this storm grown a few times, and even the spirit power deterrence is terrifying? All soul power has been injected."

"This is probably a special venue soul skill, which can change the surrounding environment."

The master frowned slightly, "This kind of venue spirit ability is rare, and it often takes a certain amount of time to play its role, but once it is played, it should not be underestimated! The first few spirit masters are on the court, and it is a beginning. It can store flame energy and store it in the arena, just like a volcano waiting to erupt. It only needs to reach a certain amount of energy..."

"At that time, it will be like an erupting volcano, either pouring into one person's body, equivalent to the power of a few people in a certain period of time. Or it will completely change the surrounding environment, greatly weaken the enemy soul master, and at the same time strengthen all the souls in the side. Master, maybe there are other usages, which are really interesting and rare soul abilities."

Everyone watched intently.

The flames on the arena condensed more violently, like dark clouds surging before a storm.

Uranium, I don't know when he has been in the center of the competition platform. The most strange thing is that it seems that the high temperature of the flame has no effect on him. The fiery tongue licks the even the surrounding ones. The air was distorted, but around the uranium body, there seemed to be an invisible barrier that cut off all the burning temperature.

The Fire Crane Soul Master was gone, and Huo Wu followed closely.

As a control type spirit master, her own combat effectiveness is also extremely strong, although not as good as Tang San, but it is much stronger than Ning Rongrong's auxiliary type spirit master.

Most control system spirit masters actually possess a certain melee ability.

Moreover, the Naruto Martial Spirit, from its own point of view, is actually a type of Beast Martial Spirit, and it is listed as a control system because Huo Wu has stronger control ability.

At this moment, Huo Wu has an orange-red figure on her body. This figure is very illusory. It is Huo Wu's martial soul, Hokage. After the possessed, Huo Wu's body is filled with a fiery aura. The four spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple gleamed slightly.

At this moment, she looked at Uran's figure, her eyes full of fiery fighting spirit.

"I said, you will definitely regret it." Huo Wu said coldly when he came up.

"Is that right? Come on." Uran smiled and hooked his finger towards Huo Wu.

After the referee called the start.

Almost instantly!

"The first spirit ability, the hot wind burns out! The second spirit ability, the flame ball!" Huo Wu's body was also exposed to a rich red light, the power of the flame rose, and the fireballs smashed directly in the direction of the uranium. past.

Huo Wu did not stop. After the two spirit abilities were used in succession, a red whirlwind suddenly broke out from the field. The dazzling purple light combined with the golden red halo bursting out of her body into one, dazzling ring flame It burst out in an instant, spread to the most needed place in an instant, and the fourth spirit ring on his body immediately lit up!

Her palm was raised to the sky, and the flame tornado on the ring frantically condensed toward her location!

"Fire Dance Yaoyang!"

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