Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 57: In battle

   into the night.

   The bonfire was burning quietly, making a crackling sound, illuminating the face of a young man by the bonfire.

   The majesty of the night wafted everywhere, blowing up silver hairs, fluttering with the wind.

   The surrounding area has been completely silent. With the radiation infection over the years, there are no more living creatures in this area at least. Even if there is, it is a radiation monster that eats people without spitting out bones.

   "If there is no accident, when I reach the Soul Sect, I should be able to fully grasp this radiation force, and I will be able to get out of the forest just around the corner."

The young man leaned on the dry wooden stake behind his back, lying halfway by the bonfire. He did not take off his clothes or put the knife that had accompanied him for four years into the scabbard. Instead, he placed it casually aside, letting it radiate. Sensuously cold.

   There are still five days away from the forest lake.

   During these five days, he wanted to absorb all the radiation monsters along the way, and strive to reach level 40, facing the monster that had fought against him in a prosperous posture. In the midst of it, he seemed to have a premonition.

   This is what he must do now.

   In the battle half a year ago, he fled in embarrassment, blood was dripping all over, his veins violent, and his mind was dizzy.

Today, half a year later, he will once again challenge the demons he once faced. Every night, that terrifying figure will appear in his head, and he will start endless killings in a shocking posture, or like a predator. Hunt him down.

   He has nowhere to escape, and he has been swallowed by the pain, every time he died, he would suddenly wake up.

   "I hope I don't die here."

Suddenly, the face of his death flashed in his mind, his death was extremely ugly, and in the end there was nothing left to be eaten. At this moment, the pain of bone erosion seemed to be the same as he felt, and he couldn't help but feel a little scalp numb. .


The young man chuckled lightly, with a little free and easy taste, raised his head high, glanced at the bright night sky, and then lowered again, in the light of the campfire, began to carefully check the knives and daggers, and whether the clothes on his body were tightly bound. Are there any flaws revealed.

The dagger that used to be in the monster's body has long been left in the monster's body. He is now carrying more than 80 handles with leftover materials, each of which is more than 40 centimeters long and has more than 35 blades. The ratio of blade to blade is completely nonstandard, and it can even be said to be deformed.

   In order to exercise this kind of deformed flying dagger, he trained for two months for this, and then he almost pierced himself to train where he was pointing.

   There is no doubt that this kind of blade is extremely long, the whole is quite heavy, and it does not fit the dagger of throwing objects. It is for dealing with that kind of behemoth.

He even had a giant leg knife with a length of about 2.5 meters and a blade length of about two meters in the soul guide space. It was sharpened from the longest part of the steel-legged spider's body, and he did not take it out right now. After all, I haven't reached the battlefield yet, and a 1.5-meter knife is enough for the time being.

It’s not easy to practice this kind of giant sword technique. He has been refining and cultivating for half a year before he is considered a small achievement. If he wants to deal with a four-story tall monster that is more than ten meters high, he will wash and sleep even more. Suitable, everything in the dream.

   It's not that he can't fight, but he is not strong enough. What can he do to damage large creatures? Even the first spirit ability trap, the explosive ground stab is still no one's palm, and the ground stab is full of radiation, maybe that monster ate the radiation and suddenly recovered.

The extreme nuclear energy reaction is also to send energy to the monster. In this situation, the monster has become stronger and stronger. There is no possibility of letting it eat and explode directly. He once looked through the current classics and found that its prototype is actually It is a giant giant ape. It is well known that the physical strength of giant giant apes is even higher than that of dragons. It is too difficult to expect radiation to kill it.

   The only chance to defeat the Radiant Titan Great Ape is the third spirit ring, the energy absorption aura.

The reason is very simple. Radiation is an important energy that sustains life and keeps the body from collapsing. It has absorbed too much, and even the intelligent thinking has been burned out. The only thing to let it is The reason for the continued existence is the strength of the flesh.

   is like building blocks. The more radiation it eats, the taller the building blocks will be. But what if Uchiha pulls a block from underneath?

   One piece is obviously not enough, but he can completely extract all the radiant energy it depends on by absorbing the radiant energy. If the energy in the body is not enough, naturally, it will die in his own hands.

   He had already used this trick before, but the object of extraction was the radiation force in the surrounding air, and the effect was outstanding.

   However, it is obviously impossible to collapse the body of the Radiation Titan by simply relying on absorption, and it is still unknown whether it can be exhausted within a certain period of time.

   The most important thing is that he must be close to the battle to be able to absorb to the maximum, then there is a problem, how should he close battle?

   This is the reason why he trained himself to practice super long swords. He must have the ability to survive close combat, otherwise everything is empty talk. The second point is that he will use this knife to deal with those long tongues that are deadly long and fatal.

   Those things are like tentacles, and they are extremely threatening to him, so it's like the first battle. They must be dealt with first, otherwise the next battle will not go on.

   Around the bonfire, Uchiha thought a lot.

   is not only the way of fighting battlefield layout, but also other thinking trends, he has to consider one by one. He encountered this kind of invincibility for the first time, and he was very restrained from his powerful enemy. Although he was more restrained from radiating the Titan Great Ape, this feeling of powerlessness made him quite uncomfortable.

   And it was at this moment that he realized that he lacked a powerful spirit ability to confront.

   Although the radiation is very strong, it takes time to destroy the body and spirit on the opposite side. If he does not last for a certain period of time, then the radiation damage is meaningless. Although he is already fast, he can be called the fastest man of his age, but not fast enough.

   He needs more life-saving skills, or the power of frontal confrontation, otherwise just running away will not solve any problems.

The boy was silent, and many thoughts flashed in his mind, but they were dispelled one by one. He was not so smart, even in his previous life, he could only be regarded as an ordinary student. Even the direction of study was not such nuclear energy, radiation, fusion and fission. Such things as nuclei, neutrons and nuclei are ordinary garden designs.

   He once dreamed of life after controlling nuclear energy, whether it was going deep into the body, extracting these powers, and using them as a power source for certain things, such as Gundam and Mecha.

   still rely on the huge and endless energy in the body to make some interesting things, such as the big Ivan, the little boy, the hydrogen bomb and the neutron bomb. Whenever the forces want to kill themselves, he will send some gifts to them and send them nuclear peace.

   But at this moment, after the fantasy is over, he is still just a weak human being.


   wiped the blade, Uchiha Uranus stood up straight, and after placing traps around him, he lay down by the fire and gradually closed his eyes.

   Five days later, it's time for a decisive battle.


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