Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 302: Shengma Hongjun

Ma Hongjun stood up and faced Zhu Zhuqing.

As soon as the match started, Ma Hongjun immediately used his third soul ability: Feng Xiang Tianyi, flying into the air, with a rose-red flame burning all over his body, looking like he was waiting.

Although Ma Hongjun is a long-range attack, his speed power is not weak.

It's just that the skills are biased towards long-range.

Jing Ling's rapid defeat made Ma Hongjun afraid to stay on the ground. Although this ability to fly was only temporary, it also meant that if Zhu Zhuqing had no anti-air means, he could delay her soul power for a while.

With the improvement of spirit power, after Ma Hongjun's use of martial spirit, the moxi dry hairstyle on his head has completely turned red. After eating the fairy herb Cockscomb and Phoenix Sunflower given to him by Tang San, there is no more Despite the threat of evil fire backlash, his phoenix power was thoroughly purified. Even the master said that among the Shrek Seven Devils, in terms of explosive power, Ma Hongjun was the strongest one.

It's just that the master's requirement for Ma Hongjun now is not to rely on explosive power to defeat Zhu Zhuqing, but to use his third spirit ability to obtain a short flight state to delay.

However, Ma Hongjun’s temperament was not blindly defensive. After flying into the air, the fat man started his hand. With a bang, accompanied by the shining of the second spirit ring, the surging magenta flame rose into the air, and then, A line of fire spewed out and went straight to Zhu Zhuqing.

After taking a sigh of relief, Zhu Zhuqing finally started to move, his feet sinking slightly, and Wuhun immediately possessed his body. Under his arch, he looked like a swift civet. With a low drink, Zhu Zhuqing directly followed Ma Hongjun’s line of fire. Rushed straight.

Unparalleled agility gave her infinite self-confidence, she was very confident, Ma Hongjun's flame could not burn her!

"Bang!" After a few steps, Zhu Zhuqing slammed on the ground, instantly rose into the air, twisted his palm, and immediately displayed the first spirit ability, Nether Spike, with strong spirit power lingering on the cat's claw, flashing towards Ma Hongjun's position. go with.

"Damn!" Ma Hongjun's expression changed immediately. Facing Zhu Zhuqing who was soaring into the sky, he was not an orthodox flying spirit master. He hadn't learned how to fight in the sky systematically, let alone how to deal with Zhu Zhuqing's touch and lose. Strange spirit skills!

Under the pressure of Zhu Zhuqing's close eyes, Ma Hongjun had no choice but to no longer retain his spirit power, Feng Wing Tianxiang opened at full speed and rushed straight to the side.

Boom, Ma Hongjun's body slammed heavily on the ground not far from Zhu Zhuqing, crossing Zhu Zhuqing who jumped to the highest altitude.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Ma Hongjun's eyes reddened. The moment he landed, immediately afterwards, the fourth spirit ability was launched, the target, under his feet!

Ma Hongjun’s fourth soul skill, Phoenix Howl Sky Strike, was originally a backhand skill. The biggest drawback was that the opponent could dodge and could not be locked. But at this moment, Ma Hongjun knew very well that he who fell on the ground had already entered Zhu Zhuqing’s The soul bone is within the attack range!

In other words, if he doesn't hurry up, he will lose immediately!

In the loud noise, the moment Ma Hongjun landed, the shock of the Phoenix's Sky Strike had already erupted.

While in mid-air, Zhu Zhuqing frowned and felt the extremely intense heat at Ma Hongjun’s feet and the fourth spirit ring flashing on Ma Hongjun’s body. He could not help but sigh in his heart, then quietly landed, without directly using his spirit bone skills to jump to it. Thoughts around Ma Hongjun.

She could see that Ma Hongjun’s approach is one step at a time. Even if she wants to land, she must ensure safety. Just now, she had a chance to defeat Ma Hongjun in one fell swoop, but he wisely used the fourth spirit ability. When she gets to her feet, if she tries to go up forcibly, she may suffer burns and a vertigo effect.

"In other words, it was a trap that Ma Hongjun landed just now. It is estimated that this should have been figured out by Tang San. If Zhu Qing goes up without any consideration, she will lose." Uran looked at Ma Hongjun's slightly fat figure gradually. Flew into the air, confronted Zhu Zhuqing again, and said with some sigh.

Ma Hongjun is easy to deal with, but there is a protagonist group behind him who gives him advice. There is no doubt that Ma Hongjun is an extremely difficult opponent to others. After all, he is an explosive spirit master of the Shrek Seven Devils. Responsible for the overall scope output.

"It's just, how long can you delay..." Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was constantly looking for opportunities to jump into the air in the competition arena. On the other side, Ma Hongjun, who was constantly dodge and counterattack with soul skills, whispered softly. Tao.

Zhu Zhuqing has no anti-aircraft means, but the jumping ability of the soul sect cannot be underestimated, not to mention that Zhu Zhuqing is a sensitive attack type soul master.

After a while, the temporary flying ability attached to Ma Hongjun's third spirit ability Feng Xiang Tianyi disappeared.

Zhu Zhuqing is approaching quickly. Ma Hongjun’s phoenix line of fire blasts the incredibly hot surroundings through the air and shoots towards the target as if he does not need soul power. However, Zhu Zhuqing seems to have the instinct of a beast-like crisis and can always release his soul in Ma Hongjun. Turn immediately before the skill.

The distance of tens of meters quickly shortened, and Zhu Zhuqing's cold face clearly appeared in his vision!

"Damn, I hate the Mind Attack Spirit Master!"

Ma Hongjun cursed secretly, and hurriedly used his first spirit ability to save the field again. The Phoenix flame ignited the flames, releasing all the spirit power, and then fled back as if showing weakness.

Zhu Zhuqing was faster than him. She approached Ma Hongjun in a few steps. She stepped on the lit ground and immediately noticed something was wrong. Her expression changed and she jumped into the air. The spirit ring was shining secretly, like an invisible ghost, with a feeling of dissipating at any time.


A fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Howl Skystrike, which was covered by the burning flames on the ground, broke out!

The fire swallowed Zhu Zhuqing!

"Did it succeed?" Xiao Wu looked forward to the fourth spirit ability released by Ma Hongjun. If Zhu Zhuqing failed, it would be great!

"No... She suddenly activated the third spirit ability, hey, Fatty is in trouble." Tang San opened the purple magic pupil, he could see the scene in the smoke, and said with regret.


Zhu Zhuqing rushed out of the fire, without a trace of embarrassment. He was very tidy and tidy. He still rushed towards Ma Hongjun in the same cold as before. With a wrong footstep, a person came like a slippery wind, and he deceived him in the blink of an eye. The claws used in an instant, and the sharp cat's claw with a barb hit Ma Hongjun's body frontally!


In the competition stage, a flaming red figure flew out and crashed onto the outer ring of the competition stage.

And Zhu Zhuqing still stands in the playing field, standing proudly like an iceberg goddess.

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