Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 322: Start again

Uranium’s safe return has caused murmurs in the convoy. Many people have seen Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing being chased by three men in black with great pressure. But now, Uranium is unscathed. Those senior souls The teacher has disappeared, which can clearly explain things.

It's just that the protagonist of today's scenery is not Uranium, but Shrek Academy.

Because this time the attack by the man in black made it clear that Tang San and the others were to be left behind, only then was it possible to draw a whole four Title Douluo!

In the Douluo Continent at the moment, there are only more than a dozen powerhouses at the Title Douluo level. This remote path has attracted so many top powerhouses, and it shocked everyone.

And they are most surprised than the two Title Douluos from the black clothed men's side, can they still be bandits?

The bandits can produce a few soul emperors, it is considered the best!

However, those soul masters who were sensitive in mind and observant did not continue to study this issue deeply, and kept silent about it.

They knew very well that there was only one place in this world that could dispatch so many powerful soul masters and top combat power at once.

Wuhun Hall!

But since the other party is reluctant to speak up, but hides their faces, it means that they still dare not tear their faces.

When these college students thought that they had actually walked in the land of life and death, cold sweat broke out immediately, no longer daring to say anything, each of them closed their mouths tightly.

On the other side, Xue Qinghe returned to Ning Fengzhi after doing what he was supposed to do, and said respectfully: "Teacher, what do you think we should do next?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled indifferently, "Go ahead as originally planned. With this lesson, they will never act rashly. After all, they will not pay too much for us."

"Yes. Keep going."

The whole team continued to advance, but the atmosphere had obviously become tense. Tang San and Diana boarded the carriage of Shrek Academy for the first time. He knew that now he had become the focus of everyone.

The task of the two Title Douluo before was obviously to kill himself.

One failure does not mean that they will fail next time. Being worried by a strong person of Title Douluo level, it is not as simple as a thorn in the back.

None of the other Shrek Seven Devils got into the wagon. It was Ning Fengzhi, Chenxin, and Dugu Bo who got into the wagon. They all thought it was necessary to talk to Tang San carefully. There was still a uranium, after all. He and Tang San were both potential seeds that were missed by the Spirit Hall, but the other party and Ning Fengzhi, Chenxin and others were not familiar with each other, and they had no interest in them, so after Uran verbally refused, he gave up.

Realistically speaking, the relationship between Tang San and Dugu Bo is not only the tacit understanding between the old monster and the little monster, but also the mutual benefit entanglement between the two sides. The Qibao Glazed Tile School is even more realistic. They are investing in the Shrek Seven Monsters, after all, their baby daughter. It was also one of them, so the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect was willing to stand on Tang San's side.

As for uranium, there is a supporter of the iron prince Xue Qinghe. Although Ning Fengzhi, as Xue Qinghe’s teacher, always takes care of it, if it is said that it is for uranium to go to the hostile spirit hall...

Then this joke is too big.

But having said that, the previous three soul sects attacked and killed him, and they all disappeared. It is estimated that there should be elders guarding Uran's side, and the level is definitely the top Titled Douluo powerhouse!

Therefore, they do not need to worry about it.

Thinking about it this way, Tang San and Uranium are both young geniuses, but why is the gap between the two so large?

"Ahem, let's talk about today's matter first."

Tang San was a little uncomfortable with the look in Ning Fengzhi's eyes, "This should be someone from the Spirit Hall, right?"

Tang San changed the subject and immediately silenced everyone.

Tang San can be said to have guessed it a long time ago.

This must be the person sent by Wuhun Palace.

"Not bad..."

Ning Fengzhi's face changed slightly, and he sighed softly, "Only the Wuhun Temple has this ability to dispatch such a large-scale, well-trained team. You should have guessed the reason?"

Tang San was silent.

Dugu Bo had already told him.

"Is it because of my brother's twin spirits?"

Xiao Wu asked suddenly.

"It's not just that..."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "If it's just a twin spirit, the other party will not send a Title Douluo to intercept you, because of the Clear Sky may not know what this means."

With Tang San's talent, this meant the next Clear Sky Douluo!

How could Wuhun Palace allow a second Clear Sky Douluo to appear?

Tang San also understood that a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"What about the uranium?" Tang San said solemnly, "It's just that they killed me for a reason. Why do they kill uranium?"

"Because they feel that the emergence of Uranium threatens their Wuhun Temple's control of the game."

Ning Fengzhi replied, "The seven of you may not be a threat, but with the power of uranium, it is enough. You can see his combat effectiveness. You may not be able to fight together, and even those fifty The multi-level golden generation may not be able to resist this attack."

"But Uranium is only one person after all?" Tang San frowned, "Uncle Ning, Uranium has played very few times. You can tell by just a few shots."

"But judging from the few games Uranium played, especially the game against you, it was threatening enough." Ning Fengzhi sighed, "I suggest that you don't go to Wuhun City. Otherwise, even you Winning the championship may not be able to come out alive, even our Qibao Glazed Glass Sect will not be able to protect you by then. As for Uranium, he has his own elders to protect, so we don’t have to worry about it."

Tang San was silent.

Diana smiled and said, "No. Uncle Ning, why do you think they came to assassinate us? They are still covering their faces? Even the people in black, but they just don't want others to know that they will do it. Has this happened."

"If we really get to Wuhun City, they can't dare to kill us blatantly. If we die in Wuhun City during the match, I don't know how many soul masters will be chilling, and after today's attack, Wuhun Palace I won't have much thoughts about us for the time being."

"Of course, going to Wuhun City is still very dangerous, but if we just give up because of the danger, wouldn't we have been playing for so long and the game was in vain?"

Having said that, Diana couldn't help but glanced at Tang San.

Tang San is a member of the Haotian School and was on the Wuhun Hall's must-kill list. Although what she just said will inspire others, for Tang San, it is still a boldness to pin his life on the other's morals. try.

"It feels like selling teammates..." Diana immediately figured out the key, her face became a bit very embarrassed.

However, Tang San didn’t care about it. He lowered his head and thought for a while. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at Ning Fengzhi, and said, “Uncle Ning, thank you for your kindness, but I can’t just give up. Shrek Academy is a senior It’s not the result of my efforts alone that the Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has reached this stage."

"If I give up my teammates because of personal safety, then I will never forgive myself. Once I have a heart knot, then my future training will inevitably not go smoothly. Therefore, I must participate in this finals. "

"Since you have decided to continue participating in the competition, I won't stop it much. Besides, Diana has some truth in what she said."

Ning Fengzhi sighed, "But I can only guarantee your safety as much as possible."

The power of Wuhun Hall is beyond imagination.

This kind of power is reflected in the number of spirit masters, even if the two empires add up, they are not as big as the spirit hall.

The group talked about it, and the team set off again.

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