Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 334: Emperor Fighting Team

Soon, Uranium came to the preparation area of ​​Huangdou First Team and saw Yu Tianheng and others.

   And the other party naturally saw him.

   "Oh, Uranium! You are here." Yufeng's eyes were sharpest. He saw Uranium for the first time, and then greeted him with a smile.

   Immediately afterwards, Oslo, Yu Tianheng, Dugu Goose, Brother Shi Family, Ye Lingling all stood up, looking at Uranium with surprise on their faces.

   Yu Tianheng walked forward, smiled at Uranium, and laughed: "Haha, Uranium, we have all heard of your fame, it's amazing." He said, giving him a thumbs up.

Faced with this leader, Yu Tianheng, and the two have known each other for two or three years, naturally they will not be polite. Uran smiled and patted Yu Tianheng on the shoulder and said, "I originally wanted to hide in the finals. There are a few tricky guys out, today bye, I will cheer you on."

   "Wuhu!" Hearing Uran specially coming over to cheer them up, Oslo screamed, jumped up and winked at Yu Tianheng on the side, as if he was beating.

   Yufeng took exaggerated steps and walked towards Uranium step by step, and stopped one step at a time, but only halfway through, he was glared at by Dugu Goose, immediately bewitched like a good baby, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.


   Ye Lingling looked at the look of the funny duo and couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling.

  The most calm Shi family brothers glanced at each other, shrugged without surprise, with a smile, the atmosphere of the Emperor Fighting team suddenly became a little lively.

"It's been a long time. You are still the same as before. It's great." Uranium looked at the chasing Yufeng, Dugu Goose Oslo and others with a look of envy. This kind of intimate friendship, no matter what When encountering a group of seven people who can face everything together, he may never understand their feelings.

"Aren't you the same? From the beginning to the end, you were very strong at the beginning, but you can still see your back, but now, you may not even see your footprints. Hahaha, but I also recognize it. The difference between them may be bigger than that of humans and dogs." Yu Tianheng's face was full of calmness, and said in a teasing tone.

"You can really say that it seems like a compliment to me, haha, but it's no good to say my good things first." The smile on Uran's face became more and more overflowing. He liked it very much, similar to The feeling of friendship, although the gap between the two has grown wider, there is no gap at all, and it is very comfortable.

This is also one of the few people he can value. Yu Tianheng's handling of people, resilience of mind, and talent are all the best choices. Although it is not comparable to Tang San's open wall, it is still considered in Douluo Continent. The young man in the row is handsome.

   As Yu Tianheng just said, the difference between people is the difference between people and [ ] on the wall.

   "Who are you going to fight next, have you decided?" Uran asked curiously, looking at the Shi family brothers who were warming up.

   "The third-ranked team of the Star Luo Empire, the problem is not too big." Yu Tianheng said with a calm smile, looking at the game table from far away.

   "Oh? Do you have any hole cards?" Uran continued to ask. Anyway, they are all his own. It doesn't matter what secrets are not secret, after all, they will definitely be used in the finals.

   "Haha, keep it secret, but you will see it in the next few games, I promise to surprise you." Yu Tianheng laughed and said mysteriously.

   "Then I will wait and see." Uran smiled slightly, he was also a little curious, but Yu Tianheng knew his strength, and the tricks that made him feel surprised were a bit interesting.

   After that, Uran walked up to the other people and talked a few words, and then watched Yu Tianheng and others come to the stage to compete.

The battle ended very quickly. As the seed team appointed by the Tiandou Empire, even the third place in the promotion match against the Xingluo Empire also played a strong demeanor. Among them, the 49th-level Yu Tianheng was in the two forty-five. With the assistance of the first-level basalt shield spirit master, a lol stone man entered the arena with a clockwork demon ball, and violently entered, and then the two basalt shields suddenly exploded into bursting fragments, causing a heavy burden on the gathering crowd. aoe blow.

Fortunately, fortunately, because of the diligence of soul power, the control ability has been greatly improved, which did not cause a large-scale bleeding effect, but it also quite affected the opponent's vital force, although as a strong team of the Star Luo Empire, it did not leave the field. , But fell directly into a disadvantage in the confrontation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, the continent's number one beast spirit.

After struggling for a while, the match ended in despair under Ye Lingling's seamless treatment. No one could imagine that Yu Tianheng was hurt hard in the last second, and a white light appeared on his body in the next second. When the wound is healed, the whole person will be alive and well.

But when Uran saw the opponent’s captain’s face turned pale, he couldn’t help but smile. Good guys, Tian Heng is also a lot stronger. They are much stronger than the original, maybe to a large extent. It's all because of his presence.

The existence of uranium is equivalent to the catfish effect. Originally, the Royal Fight team was still satisfied with its own combat effectiveness, but after Uranium arrived more than two years ago, they changed everything. They all realized that they are still a long way from true genius. Road, so I train myself more hard, so that I can stand by Uran's side instead of looking at his back from a distance.

Although it was finally discovered after the start of the Soul Master Competition that the distance between them and Uranium had not been shortened, but after the gap got bigger and bigger, they also had a short loss, but in the discussions with other teams, it was discovered that, unconsciously, the emperor fights. The team seems to have stood at the top of countless teams.

   Even if it is better than the Wuhundian team with three soul kings, they are sure they will not lose.

   All of this was driven by uranium, and his existence deserves to make the Royal Fight team work harder to train and cultivate.

Soon, the Huangdou team stepped off the stage, and each high-five said that the cooperation this time was very tacit, but Yu Tianheng was also silently calculating what needs to be improved this time, and the lone geese on the side reminded Yu Tian from time to time. Constantly missed points.

   Ye Lingling looked at her companions with a smile, humming an unknown ballad softly, while the Shi family brothers were discussing the cooperation between the two in the next match to pay more attention to, or discuss other tactics.

Oslo and Yufeng have already begun to celebrate. They are chasing around the team territory. From the words, it seems that they are betting. If you can catch it, please have a meal. If you can't catch up with the time limit, the other person Please have a meal, you come and me, it's so lively.

  Uran stood beside Ye Lingling, listening to the other's soft voice, looking at a group of long-known friends with a smile, and sighed in her heart.

"If there is an afterlife, I also want this kind of life. I don’t have strong strength or outstanding martial arts. I am just a member of an ordinary team, enjoying the life of playing and playing with I’m not cold-blooded, I’m not a cold-blooded upgrade madman, I want to enjoy life’s a pity, I don’t know if there is such an opportunity..."

Uranus knows very well that this picture has begun to count down. When the Soul Master Competition is finished, Yu Tianheng will go home to inherit the family business. Oslo Yufeng already has a noble title, and he must go home to fulfill his responsibilities, or to make a living. For the public institutions in certain cities that joined the empire, Dugu Yan might follow Yu Tianheng. Ye Lingling would go home to inherit the sect, and so did the Shi family brothers.

   And have to start your own journey.

After solving the drawbacks of Wuhun, he decided to set sail to explore how big this Douluo Continent is. He wanted to see how elegant the Sun and Moon Continent at the other end was. He wanted to see what Bo Saixi was known as the invincible naval battle. Can you shake the ocean in anger.

   He wanted to meet Qian Daoliu who was invincible in air combat, and he wanted to meet Tang Chen who was invincible in land combat.

There are too many people and places he wants to see in Douluo Continent. It is not everything on the journey to raise the spirit power level and obtain a powerful spirit ring. On the contrary, this is just the scenery on the road. Therefore, he is facing Diana’s moon silver trial. When fighting with Tang San, he would be excited, and he would use the ghost shadow stalking technique when fighting Tang San. He walked in the world with this capacity just to enjoy all this.

   Of course, he can use time to stop, he can use mental power to create illusion space, and many battles can be ended in one second, but if it is really to use power to blow everything up, it would be too boring, right?

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