Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 339: Hu Liena

A familiar voice rang in Tang San's ear, "Pay attention to this person carefully."

When Tang San turned to look, he didn’t know when Dugu Bo had already come to him, and Dugu Bo’s gaze was also on the woman. At this time, the other six teammates walking behind her completely became foils. The six people also obviously have the strength above level forty.

"Although I don't know why there is only one person, maybe it is because it is not necessary to expose all the personnel to Tianshui Academy, but you must pay attention to this person. She is called Hu Liena, the fifty-first control type battle soul king, and the spirit is a fox Such a soul beast, the specifics are unknown. She also has an older brother who has not played, his brother is called Xie Yue."

"Xieyue and Hu Liena respectively followed their parents’ surnames and inherited their parents’ martial arts. There are a total of three people who have the Purple Record Medal. Among these three, you should pay attention to the two assault type war spirit kings. Also pay special attention to this Hu Liena, Hu Liena has an extremely powerful charm ability, and her spirit abilities are mainly charm."

   Listening to Dugu Bo's words, Tang San nodded silently, taking Dugu Bo's words into his heart.

   even said several attentions, presumably this Hu Liena must have an extraordinary place, otherwise he would not stand out among the three soul kings, Tang San secretly warned himself.

After Hu Liena took the stage, she swept around at the first glance and glanced at Uranium. A provocative light flashed in her eyes. But the next moment, she was stunned to find that there was no Uranium in the rest area of ​​the second team. , Only Kaiying, Yadell and others.

   Where is this person?

  They don’t bother to watch the game of Wuhundian team?

   "Does this guy... look down on us? Don't even watch the game?" Hu Liena thought secretly, clenching her teeth, unknowingly, as calm as Hu Liena, feeling a little bit above.

"Fortunately, Yan and brother did not come, otherwise they would be furious..." Hu Liena suddenly flashed such a thought in her wild thoughts, and she couldn't help feeling ridiculous, but immediately, she set her eyes on the opponent, no matter what, Let's talk about the power of the Wuhun Palace team first.

   At the referee's announcement, the game started.

   Although Shui Bing'er understood that this was already the most difficult game and had to prepare for twelve points, when she saw the opponent's martial arts fully released, she still couldn't help but stagnate.

  Hu Liena, standing in the front, flashed with two yellow, two purple, and one black spirit rings, and she was the best spirit ring companion. This kind of pressure to face the soul king personally was unimaginable.

   Almost the first time, Shui Binger and Xuewu came together.

  They have to directly release the martial arts fusion skill, and they will have no chance of winning under the attack of the soul king.

Even, they are still secretly happy, because according to the intelligence, there are a total of three soul kings in the spirit hall team, and now the other party only sent one person, it means that the spirit hall team underestimated them, if you can’t grasp it. , It shows that the difference in strength is so great that it is impossible to resist.

  The first mover of the Wuhundian Academy team was Hu Liena.

Moving the lotus step lightly, Hu Liena seemed to have come to the forefront with just a turn of her figure, a faint smile appeared on her face, as the martial soul was released, she seemed to have become beautiful, and she was growing from behind. Out a big fluffy tail.

   A faint red light emerged from her, her eyes flickered lightly, looking at Shui Bing'er. Xue Wu, who was about to use her martial soul fusion skill, stopped once again, but Shui Bing'er beside her had rich combat experience after all, so she hurriedly shouted, "Don't look at her eyes."

"Is it okay if you don't look at your eyes? Others call me Sky Fox." Hu Liena's voice sounded a little hoarse, but in that hoarse voice, there was a special charm attached to the one she walked out and handed out. With a look and then this sentence, there was no one in the entire Tianshui Academy team.

   Shui Binger is also secretly anxious. She can resist Hu Liena's charm with her experience and soul power, but she still misses a little bit, Xue Wu!

That's right, Xue Wu doesn't have Shui Bing'er's reaction ability and spirit power level. She was charmed by Hu Liena at first glance. The martial arts fusion skill needs two people to release it wholeheartedly, and she is the only one. As far as people are concerned, there is no way to release the snow and ice withering!

After    Wuhun possessed, Hu Liena's charm greatly increased. There seemed to be no beauty in her whole body, but she was beautiful and not glamorous, with a fluffy tail growing behind.

A strange scene appeared, and the five spirit rings on Hu Liena's body flickered very regularly, first the black fifth spirit ring, then the fourth, third, second, and finally the yellow first spirit ring. , Every time the spirit ring fluctuates, the red light on her body will become stronger.

"Xue Wu, wake up!" Shui Bing'er saw that the situation was urgent, and slammed Xue Wu's back, a trace of cold soul power penetrated into Xue Wu's body, and instantly made Xue Wu wake up, and then flicked her fingers. , Shoots ice-cold soul power into other teammates.

   But at this moment, Hu Liena let out a soft laugh:

   "You are sleepy, go to sleep... go to sleep..."

   The enchanting sound like a magic sound ran through the brain almost instantly caused the four spirit masters who had just awakened to fall directly to the ground.

   Tang San shook his head, the difference in spirit power was too large, and Hu Liena's martial arts could only be resisted by superb spirit power, and they were not opponents at all.

   "If I were to face Hu Liena, what would happen to me..." Tang San thought silently. This time the game was not just a fight, it was a process of understanding.

"My mental power is not low, so there is a high probability that I can not be charmed, but that's not true. Xiao Wu also has charm spirit skills. If Xiao Wu is asked to interrupt, maybe There are some opportunities, otherwise the whole team will be charmed by a face-to-face, and this can't be played. Sure enough, it is the existence of the old monster that made me pay special attention. Her spirit skills are simply beyond defense."

   Tang San opened his face calmly, and secretly analyzed.

   The strength gap between the two sides is too large, relying on Hu Liena's first attack, it directly charms the four.

   Even if Hu Liena doesn't need to continue to take action, there are still six more than forty-level Soul Sects behind, who can solve these fallen people.

   But the Wuhun Palace team was still too cautious, and the seven people swarmed up and kicked Shui Bing'er, who could not achieve the martial arts fusion skills, out of the game.

   Tang San gently shook his head.

   Generally speaking, there is a huge gap between the strengths of the two As long as the strong side does not engage in moths, it will not give the other side any chance.

   What's more, on the side of the Wuhun Palace team, there is no care, very cautious, and they don't even give Shui Binger and Xuewu the opportunity to release the martial arts fusion skills.

Then Tianshui Academy has no chance of winning. With the huge difference in spirit power, even the martial soul fusion skill can't bring much chance. Coupled with Hu Liena's special charm, the four spirit masters almost completely lost the battle at the beginning. …

   then, as Tang San expected.

  The battle behind is very simple.

   After only a few minutes, Tianshui College was eliminated.

   "We admit defeat."

   Shui Binger coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said in a deep voice.

   Hu Liena snorted and waved her palm towards Tianshui Academy. The other cute girls who fell into a deep sleep suddenly woke up.

   The other six spirit masters followed behind her and retreated directly.

   This battle didn't end very quickly, much faster than the previous Tiandou Royal Academy internal battle.

   Because of Hu Liena's personal strength, Tianshui Academy almost lost most of its combat power and established the victory.

  While the Wuhundian team is in this battle, there are not many things exposed by their golden generation, even very few!

  Only Hu Liena showed some strength.

   Powerful and terrifying group charm!

   The rest is ignorant.

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