Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 341: Round 4

"So, is this what you fear? Taken away by them? Forced to be the queen of someone you don't like?"

  Uran did not care about these clowns, but said with a comforting tone with the people in his arms.

   At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing has completely lost the cold and snowy appearance of an iceberg. Now she is like a helpless and scared kitten, eager for a safe haven to avoid danger from the outside world.

   "Uranium, what should I do..." Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth and asked at a loss.

   She does not want to be taken away, nor does she want to commit herself to anyone, but in the hands of those spirit masters who have a sense of surveillance, she is too weak...

She is just a soul sect, and those who come to'accept' her, in her perception, absolutely have the level of Soul Saint Contra, which also confirms the importance of the Star Luo Empire royal family to her, perhaps, this is a time An action that cannot be missed, an action that must invite her back!

   But Zhu Zhuqing couldn’t bear to let Uranium shelter her from the wind and rain. This is an empire!

   How can Uranium face an entire Star Luo Empire alone for her?

This is what makes Zhu Zhuqing the most helpless. If Anxin hides behind Uranium, Uranium will inevitably be threatened and assassinated, and even because it is related to the majesty and face of the future emperor, even the queen cannot Taking it back, what Uranium has to face is definitely the pressure of a landslide and tsunami. For her who loves uranium, this is even more uncomfortable than killing her.

   might as well... might as well sacrifice oneself... Zhu Zhuqing had such a thought flashed in her mind.

   Immediately, Zhu Zhuqing continued to think deeply about the feasibility of this method. If this can really protect uranium from these unwarranted disasters, she...she can do it!

   "Perhaps...Imperial people don't deserve to have love..." Thinking like this, two lines of tears slipped down Zhu Zhuqing's face.

   "Don't think too much, Zhuqing, you are mine, even if the gods come, I can't take you away." Suddenly, Uran straightened Zhu Zhuqing's body, and looked directly at Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

"My power is enough to protect you, whether it is Soul Saint, Contra, or Titled Douluo! I have suppressed my ability since before. That is the ultimate power of taboo. I can't explain it. What, but I can assure you that if anyone tries to take you away, they will perish themselves!"

After saying this, Uranium also breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said in his heart: "Have you reached this point, Uchiha Uranus, Uchiha Uranus, the price of using this power means that you can no longer act low-key... .. Once I use this force to destroy state institutions, I will..."

   "I can't be a mortal..."

   The power he said is the ultimate nuclear kick!

   No one can survive his attack, no matter what soul master, no matter what city, he is a humanoid nuclear weapon!

Less than in case, he really does not want to use this ultimate power, because it means that his threat will be infinitely elevated, and any organization or family that does not intend to absorb him will pull him into the list of potential elimination. And the ranking will be very high.

This is the real world. Nuclear weapons that no one controls and no one controls are the public enemy of everyone. They are the first existence to be wiped out. If they are not controlled, then they must perish. Otherwise, they will surreptitiously kill the family. Residents, colleges, imperial palaces, Wuhundian headquarters, etc. were directly razed to the ground, but it was too late.

   In other words, in the future, he will become the public enemy of the Douluo Continent, and his opponent is not just a Star Luo royal family.

   "Uranium..." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Uranium with a complicated complexion. She saw no fear in the opponent's eyes, nor did she hear the panic of facing the Xingluo royal family.

   There is only love and determination.

   "For you, I am willing to take the world as an enemy!" Uran closed his eyes, then opened them again, with a bright light flashing in his eyes, and said with a very solemn tone.

   "The big deal, we just ran away, what's the big deal, a drill in the old forest in the mountains, or even live in Brother Xue's palace directly, hehe." Uran suddenly thought of something and said with a smile.

   "Puff......" Zhu Zhuqing's sad expression couldn't hold back either, and he burst out laughing, no longer the look of helplessness before.

   "Hahaha~" Uran smiled and stretched out his hand to wipe Zhu Zhuqing's tears, and said softly: "Don't cry, it's like a tabby cat, it's ugly."

   Describes that the appearance of ugliness is indeed a natural enemy of women. No matter what the situation, there will be special effects. Zhu Zhuqing's face changed slightly, grabbing Uo's palm, and said viciously: "Who do you call ugly?"

  At this moment, the atmosphere finally became milder, as if the serious topic about the original enemy Star Luo Empire's royal family had flown away.

   Zhu Zhuqing understands Uranium's will, knows Uranium's thoughts, and Uranium will protect her anyway.

   When my heart is calm, there is a strong sadness rising.

   She knew that she didn't have the ability to help Uranium, and this was what made her most uncomfortable.

   "Alright, let's rest. There will be a game tomorrow. I will solve these soul masters." Uran gently comforted Zhu Zhuqing, as he said, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

   In the next moment, Uran directly shielded all perceptions in this room with mental power, and his tyrannical mental power swept out instantly!

"Hmm!" A mysterious man in the street held his head in pain and supported the wall. He was unstable and swayed again and again. He was shocked, nausea, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, accelerated heartbeat, and many other symptoms. It reflects on the body.

"Is this... a warning?" The Contra raised his head with a look of horror, and looked at the place he was monitoring. At this moment, the mission target and the kid that could be easily sensed had been completely destroyed. Shrouded in a dense mist, no one can feel anymore!

On the other side, it’s even worse. In a house, a soul master is standing in front of a window, quietly observing not far away. As a soul sage, he is a sensitive attack type soul master, although the sudden spiritual shielding made him slightly Uneasy, but it doesn't matter.

   There was no sign, but the mental shock that accompanied the shielding hit him on the head like a heavy hammer!


   The eyes of this soul sage turned black, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears, but in an instant, blood was flowing from the Qiqiao!

   He staggered a few steps, swaying his body, holding his head desperately with his hands, the heart-cracking pain made him want to tear his head apart.


   He only heard a dull sound of smashing the ground. The soul sage directly knelt on the ground, his head slammed on the ground, making a crisp sound.

   fell on the ground, and there was no sign of movement for a long time.

   And the owners of the other two breaths also reacted to varying degrees. The breath was sluggish a lot, and the blood surged, and each suffered heavy or small injuries.

   But direct brain death like the previous person did not happen again.

   "I don't want to go out anymore." Zhu Zhuqing shook her head. She didn't want to sleep under surveillance. She couldn't even guarantee that she would be tied to the Star Luo Empire when she woke up.

   "...then...right here." Uran looked around, then patted the bed and said.

   "Yeah." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, first went to wash his face, wipe off the tears and so on, and then sat directly on the edge of the ready to take off shoes and clothes, take a good rest.

   Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing turned back to look at Uranium, and asked with a strange expression: "You...Do you still want to sleep with me?"

"Um..." Uran choked for a while, and some didn't know how to get back. Suddenly, he thought of something and coughed and said solemnly: "Look, there is only a bed here, it's better... ...."

   Zhu Zhuqing looked at Uranium with a perverted expression, pointed to the sofa on one side, as if silently saying: Go there.

   "Uh...huh." Uran suddenly thought in horror, Zhu Zhuqing was only fourteen years old!

  What was he thinking just now, did he sleep with the fourteen-year-old loli?

   This is going to be put in the previous life, starting in three years!

   "It's all to blame for her being too anxious. At the age of fourteen, someone else is twenty years old. Just looking at her face and figure, she is only fourteen years old..."

   While thinking about it, Uranium reluctantly returned to the sofa, picked up a thin blanket at random to cover her body, and whispered to Zhu Zhuqing, "Good night..."

   "Good night." Zhu Zhuqing responded.


   The lights were turned off and everything fell into darkness.

   "Soul Master Contest..." Uran muttered silently, and no one could understand the meaning.

   The next day.

   The fourth round of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition began after a day’s rest.

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