Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 368: Roaring white tiger

Watching Ma Hongjun release spirit abilities towards himself and others, Kai Ying and Zhu Zhuqing's expressions did not change, but their faces were still indifferent.

"Oh? Do you want to attack by this?" Uran's mouth raised. When the Phoenix Sky Strike was about to approach the Phoenix Fire, he simply stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, facing the front, as if sucking. See what it is.

"What is he going to do?" Tang San rang the alarm bell in his heart. He didn't know what was in Uranium's spirit ability, but he also understood roughly, the kick of the fourth spirit ability, the second spirit ability. Status, the trap of the first spirit ability, then this one is either the third spirit ability or the fifth spirit ability!

That's right, during Uranium vs. Wuhun Temple team yesterday, the Shrek team had been invited out, so they didn't know what Uranium's hand represented.

As for the Wuhun Palace team watching the battle, their eyes darkened.

It seemed that as Uranium used the third spirit ability, there was no suspense in all competitions.

At this moment, Uranium's third spirit ring flashed.

At this moment, all of Ma Hongjun's spirit abilities emerged from the field just right!

It seems as if the uranium has been calculated.


Numerous high-temperature flames suddenly appeared in the field. The Phoenix Howl Skystruck rose from the ground to the sky, and the straight rays of the Phoenix line of fire passed through half of the ring, like a burning wall of fire. The raging flames placed the uranium. Cover all places!

Even the other members of Huang Dou Second Team were under consideration by Ma Hongjun, and together with their spirit abilities, they also carried out a fire attack!

In the next moment, the lines of fire bathed in the fire, igniting the ground and shooting straight into the burning sea of ​​fire!

"Phoenix FireWire! Phoenix FireWire!"

Seeing the second team of Huang Dou was instantly engulfed by flames, Xiao Wu asked Tang San with an expression of joy, "Brother 3, did you succeed?"

Only Tang San's eyes were so good here, naturally Xiao Wu asked him first.

But Tang San's complexion was not so good-looking, his eyes were all purple, he had already opened the purple magic pupil, observing the situation in the fire scene.

"Haha, with my outbreak, do they still want to be okay? They don't want to think about who I am. I am Ma Hongjun, and I didn't keep my hands. I guess they will find a soul healer right away, otherwise don't blame me if you die." Ma Hongjun After using many spirit abilities, his face turned pale, but he still faced Xiao Wu triumphantly, Tang San said.

"Don't say it, Fatty." Tang San interrupted in a deep voice, his tone a little low, "Uran is okay, everyone in their Emperor Dou 2nd team is okay."

"What!" Ma Hongjun was choked and was taken aback.

"The third spirit ability, the energy absorption halo." Uran's indifferent voice sounded in the flames, and he did not receive the painful color that this flame spirit ability should have.

The next moment, the scene that made people feel numb of the scalp occurred, and the flames in the fire field suddenly began to rotate, like a whirlpool, condensing in the direction of uranium.

"No, it's not right, it's not condensation, but absorption!" Tang San watched as all the flames in the burning half were inhaled by Uran's right hand, with a vibrato in his tone.

"Absorbed my spirit ability!" Ma Hongjun almost jumped up, his face pale for a while.

The flames in the field dissipated completely, exposing the figure of Uran and his party.

"Hehe, this man can be defeated by people like Team Shrek. I am the first one to not believe. I have never seen such a terrifying guy. He is stronger than the teacher. No, he is stronger than the cardinal. People." Xieyue said with a sneer on her face.

"Look at it. With this spirit ability called Energy Absorption Aura, this man can easily kill all Shrek." Yan's tone also had a stern tone. Obviously, the golden generation did not like history. These people from Team Lake.

Although Uranium's strength is stronger, and it takes turns to put all three of them on the ground, it is reasonable-->>

Of course, uranium's super-specification is powerful, which has caused these people to exclude uranium from the ranks of their opponents by default. The strong uranium is the object of their learning, and they will surpass in the future. Insult, or look down on it.

The Shrek team that defeated them in a team battle naturally became a thorn in their eyes.

After a while, during the half-time of Huang Dou Second Team, there was no flame of Ma Hongjun, and even the ground didn't have the slightest burning sensation, as if Ma Hongjun's soul abilities wreaked havoc with all his strength and just soaked in a dreamy shadow.

But the scene where the flames burned and Feng Ming was loud at the last moment still remained in the minds of the audience and the Shrek team.

The aftermath of the spirit ability dissipated so quickly, giving people an unreal feeling.

"It seems that you have already broken through my first spirit ability. Then, let's do it together." Uran glanced at the surrounding explosive thorns. The number was already very few. Most of them were silently silent. Diana, who was doing something, ruled it out, and a small part of it ignited itself under the burning of the flames, and directly rose into the air to cause an explosion. This was something that had never happened before. This was the first time he saw his soul ability encounter. It will automatically trigger when it reaches high temperature.

While talking, Uran retracted the right hand that Xu was holding, facing Dai Mubai, Diana, and Tang San who had gathered at some unknown time, and gestured.

"Uranium" Tang San had a solemn expression, stepping on the ghostly shadow, standing side by side with Dai Mubai.

And Uran has clearly distinguished his opponents, Kai Ying, Zhu Zhuqing and others have also found their own enemies, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun.

"I'm going on first." Dai Mubai let out a tiger roar in a dull voice, his pupils united into one, and an unparalleled fighting intent broke out. He directly used the pressure box bottom that had not been used in the promotion, qualifiers, and finals. Skills, the awakening state of the Holy King!

"Roar!" Along with a loud roar, Dai Mubai's body suddenly showed a thick white hair.

Tiger claws, hair, and different pupils. At this moment, Dai Mubai is like a human-shaped tiger. His body is filled with astonishing coercion. The top martial arts spirit has undergone such an abnormal change, even Pope Bibi Dong is slightly open. He opened his mouth and set his eyes on Dai Mubai's body.

Is this the second awakening of Wuhun?

It stands to reason that even if a normal beast spirit is possessed, it is only a part of the spirit itself, and in the case of the spirit body, in the case of the white tiger spirit, it becomes even more directly A big tiger, not Dai Mubai in front of him, turned into a human head and tiger body!

"Sure enough! Your majesty, the future emperor, this is the symbol of your blood!" In the audience stage, there are some weighty soul masters whose eyes are dazzling. These are the worshippers from the Star Luo Empire. Douluo-level spirit abilities are naturally a guest in the entire Douluo Continent, let alone watching a game. Only those spirit masters with low spirit power levels can watch the game at the foot of the mountain.

And the purpose of these Soul Douluos coming here is only one, that is, no matter what, to protect the future emperor who has awakened the blood of ancient martial arts, Dai Mubai.

Seeing Dai Mubai's indomitable posture, Tang San and Diana looked at each other, nodded immediately, their bodies turned into streamers, and they attacked in the direction of Uranium from both sides!

"You have reached the fifty-fifth level of the Soul King? Yes, now with the ability of the Soul Sect to defeat the Soul King, when you truly bend into a Martial Soul Awakening, I am afraid you can go further." Uran looked at Dai Mubai's The gesture nodded slightly.

That’s right, Dai Mubai is not the real martial soul awakening. The real awakening should be Tang San’s. Lan Yincao’s promotion to the Blue Silver Emperor not only changes her hair color, increases soul power, and increases martial soul affinity, but also Changing his appearance, becoming handsome, raising the rank of martial arts, and so on, and Dai Mubai in front of him, there is nothing, it can only be regarded as a half awakening.

After all, Tang San’s mother is directly the Blue Silver Emperor of the Soul Beast, with a high bloodline concentration, so it is easy to advance. Dai Mubai’s bloodline concentration ghost knows how many generations of dilution have passed, and now it is very good to be able to change his body posture. Worthy of his Dai Mubai's efforts.


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