Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 371: 8How to lose when Spider Lance rides on the face?

Tang San knew that if he didn't use the Eight Spider Lances, he probably wouldn't have a chance.

So this time, he did not waver again, but was very decisive.

After all, his soul bone had already been exposed yesterday, and the Spirit Palace must have known it, but this time, it was for all the audience to see that he had a torso soul bone.

Although it is possible that exposing the soul bone will cause him to fall into the danger of being remembered by other soul masters after the game, at this time, he can no longer take care of so much.

Only defeating the powerful enemy of uranium is the most important thing.

As soon as the Eight Spider Lances came out, everyone in Shrek understood that Tang San was going to use the last hole cards, which also meant that if even the three of them were besieging, it would be useless to use all their power, and there would be nothing left. The only chance is that the seven are one, but it is difficult to say whether Uranium will give a chance.

Before the game, the reason why the master guessed that they could use a seven-person one with a high probability, it was because he guessed that Uranium's personality would not make the kind of disappointing behavior that interrupted the casting. He believed that Uranium was planning. He established himself above all young spirit masters with absolute strength, and right now, there is really nothing that can prove Uranium's strength better than defeating Shrek's seven.

But it is also possible that Uranium will be afraid that he is not an opponent of the seven, and thus interrupted in advance, but in this way, the master feels that it is not very suitable for the current performance of Uranium. Absolute confidence has created Uranium’s strength, and if Retreat, I am afraid this will also produce some changes in Uranium's mood.

Considering this aspect, no matter whether you can successfully open the Seven in One, it seems that you will not lose it.

This is the conclusion that the master came to after watching dozens of uranium games, because there is really no way, a single soul master can be so powerful that even the seven Shrek monsters he cultivated are trapped In such a difficult situation, sometimes the master even wonders whether Uranium is a soul master?

Could it be that after the soul beast was transformed, he still possessed the original natal supernatural powers, so that he could achieve this point?

Speaking of genius, the Golden Generation is already outstanding, and it is considered to be the top group, but how can the Golden Generation, who only stood at the threshold of the Soul King in their twenties, compare with the uranium that stood on the top of the Soul King at the age of 14 or 15 ?

After Tang San turned on the Eight Spider Lances, Diana gave in a bit, leaving a part of the fighting space for Tang San to enter the arena, while Uran looked at the mixture of methamphetamine, fire poison, and her own human face behind Tang San. The Eight Spider Lances attached to the Demon Spider also had a slight headache.

It’s not that it’s hard to fight, but it’s hard to fight and not hard to fight. The hard thing to fight is that once you touch it, maybe this toxin will erupt immediately, and you lose your fighting ability.

The reason why it is not difficult to fight is that with his dynamic vision and reaction speed, he completely surpasses Tang San, which makes his fault tolerance rate very high. However, this is only an ideal state. If you are really engaged in combat, you may not Not satisfactory.

"Uran, be careful!" Tang San yelled, and quickly stepped on Diana's side. Then, the four spider legs below propped Tang San's body in the air, increasing the length to four meters of eight spider spears. It looks more terrifying, especially the added barbs on the top, all with a layer of blue light and shadow, and the four spider spears on the top extend directly from the folded state, piercing in the direction of the uranium like lightning. !

Although the two are opponents, it does not mean that there is any enmity between life and death. Therefore, Tang San reminded Uranium in advance to make him pay attention. At the same time, Tang San was also ready. Once Uranium was defeated, he would immediately give it to him. Detoxification, after all, the poison of his Eight Spider Lances, he himself couldn't see it.

"Don't underestimate me." Seeing Tang San's attack approaching, Uran smiled and said.

The next moment, Uran's feet were a bit illusory, and he clearly didn't seem to be running, but every movement he moved was like a translation, constantly and rapidly, and there were illusory afterimages.

Almost when Tang San's spider spear was pierced out, Uran's body was already moving.

"This body technique..." Tang San was a little silent, using the ghost shadow body technique in front of him to dodge his own attack, calm like him, a hint of irritation inevitably rose in his heart, but he soon Suppress it, so as not to be disturbed by this kind of restlessness in his performance in the battle.

Once, twice, three times!

Tang San's first three spider spear stabbings, even if the back of the spider spear was completely moved from the back, but where Tang San wanted to attack, it seemed that Uranus had noticed it in advance!

"Could it be...can he know where I plan to attack from?" After these three spider spear stabbings failed, Tang San's heart flashed a horrified thought.

"I originally thought I had overestimated him as much as possible. Unexpectedly, Uranium is still beyond my imagination. The stab speed of the Eight Spider Lances is very difficult even if I use the purple magic pupil to capture it. I know very well, but he can do it to this degree...This man... is really terrifying!" Tang San's heart gradually sank, he knew that if the first few attacks of the Eight Spider Lances hadn't If it works, it might be even more useless later.

Because this is his hole card and is rarely exposed, it also means that no one can be prepared to face the Eight Spider Lances. Naturally, once the initial surprise attack does not work, then it is already a failed attack. .

"I am afraid that even the Clear Sky Hammer is useless. Uranium's speed is very fast. With the clumsiness of the Clear Sky Hammer, it may only be a waste of soul power. It is necessary for me to save soul power for the last blow... .." Tang San thought to himself in his heart, but the battle continued, and he couldn't tolerate his distraction for too long.

There was a cold light on Tang San's face, and his hands were closed on his chest to avoid any friction between his arms and the rapidly piercing spider spear, otherwise his skin might be cut.

Under this swift and violent thrust, it seems that even Mars flashes in mid-air. The strength of the friction is obvious. Every time the light from the spider spear flashes, the air seems to become solidified a bit, and the eight spider spears behind it It was like eight spears, continuously piercing from incredible angles, and the movement of his body was completely controlled by the eight spider spears.

Uranium hardly had any contact with the spider spears, only to avoid Tang San's eight spider spears by constantly retreating and moving, only when Tang San intended to look for opportunities and stab many spider spears at the same time~www.mtlnovel .com~ Then he suddenly stretched out his right hand, spread the light blade and directly blocked the spider spear at the same time.

In the eyes of outsiders, Tang San’s attack almost made Uranium unable to fight back. He could only retreat again and again. It seemed to be dangerous for a while, even once he faced Tang San’s elusive blue silver grass entanglement and mixed spider spear attack. Later, it almost collapsed. This scene made the audience who supported the Shrek team suddenly a little excited.

Even Dai Mubai couldn't even fight back when he saw Uranium, so he could only get tired of avoiding it, and his eyes became a little hot.

Although the others are a bit on the top and feel that this wave is stable, how can the Eight Spider Lance ride their faces to lose?

But only Tang San, who was continuously attacking, knew very clearly that Uranium was adapting to the rhythm of his Eight Spider Lance attacks!

From the beginning to the present, although his hole card was exposed, he never hit the opponent once!

Looking at it this way, Tang San suddenly even raised a ridiculous thought: Even if he used the Seven Ones and temporarily merged into a Soul Sage powerhouse, I'm afraid he would not have a chance to beat him?

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