Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 380: victory!


The dust rising in the deep pit also gradually fell, and the situation in it finally appeared completely under the attention of the audience.

In the deep pit, there is a relatively flat open space. In this open space, there is no gravel, but there is a thick layer of stone dust. Obviously, the center of the energy exchange between the two sides, the terrifying energy explosion, has been Shocking the rubble on the edge into fine dust, it can be seen that this time how powerful the spirit abilities of the two people are!

This deep pit is very big, covering almost the entire square of the Papal Palace, and it is more than ten meters deep. Among them, the huge boulders and soil that existed are almost like an area completely annihilated and empty.

You must know that the total amount of external rubble is not enough to make up one percent of this deep pit. It can be seen that the collision between the two is intense.

In the open space in the pit, the six figures held their hands behind the stone wall to support their swaying bodies. At this time, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were extremely embarrassed. The dust covered most of their faces on their clothes. There are many cracks, and the faces of the six are pale, and there are still looming bloodstains at the corners of their mouths. The rapid breathing has lost the previous calmness. Obviously, even in Tang San and Uran's record, even if it is a strong spirit Douluo Under the explosion of the double blast that neither of them dared to force, Dai Mubai's six were truly hurt by the aftermath.

Countless gazes stayed on Dai Mubai and the others, faintly unbelievable in their gazes, this level of power was unprecedented in the previous Soul Master Competition, and at such a close distance, there was no serious injury?

"Where's uranium? Where's Tang San?" Wiping off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Dai Mubai raised his head and looked around. A rosy voice appeared on his pale face and said hoarsely: "It seems that the uranium was buried in the energy explosion. In the ruins, it is indeed arrogant to have one enemy and seven, but there is no good end.

Xiao Wu on the side ignored him. What she cared about most was Tang San's life and death. She swallowed and moistened her dry throat. After a while, Xiao Wu walked around, leaning on the wall, and carefully exploring the corner. Are there traces of Tang San's existence?

Although she didn't want to believe it, there was no trace of Tang San from the beginning to now!

"He is very strong, stronger than us!" Dai Mubai raised his head. The Shrek uniform on his body had broken a lot, so a large piece of bronze skin was exposed, "But no matter how strong it is..."


Before Dai Mubai's words fell, a huge boulder suddenly burst open at the edge of the ruined pit, attracting the eyes of the audience and the crowd of Shrek with their mouths open.

At the place where the boulder exploded, a faint dust filled with it.

"He's not dead yet! I can feel his breath!" The cardinal, who was the referee, took a deep breath of dust with a deep breath, and slowly faced the Pope's Palace with his eyes fixed on the dust. Said the direction.

Under the gaze of the audience, amidst the dust, there was a faint sound of feet stepping on the gravel. After hearing the sound of footsteps, the expressions of Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu couldn't help it. The change has changed.

There is only one footstep!

This caused Xiao Wu's heart to grab suddenly.

The sound of footsteps got closer and closer, Xiao Wu blinked and stared at the dusty area. After a while, her pupils suddenly shrank. A young man in black uniform, still dressed as neatly as before the battle, slowly stepped out of the dust. Appeared under the attention of the audience!

It's uranium!

Just when Xiao Wu couldn't help but her eyes were red, she suddenly discovered that there was a figure between Uran's waist!


p; Uranium and Tang San stood on the edge of the explosion intact.

No, it can't be said to be intact, at least, it seemed that Tang San had fallen into a complete coma.

Looking at the young man in his black uniform, as if brand-new and his face was as calm as when he entered the stadium, the audience was suddenly quiet!

Who would have thought that after experiencing the previous terrifying energy explosion, not only did this guy not break his arms or legs as Dai Mubai expected, but his spirit power aura was only slightly unstable, his breathing was still calm, and his appearance was still neat. , Such a performance, and the embarrassed image of Dai Mubai and the six others, almost like a world!

And Tang San, who was caught in a coma by Uranium, was also so, extremely clean, it was not like the two of them had used powerful spirit abilities to fight each other.

Weird, totally weird.

And this image difference also completely highlights the winner this time! No one would think that in such a fierce battle, still maintaining the original image of Uranium, would not be eligible to win the title of the Soul Master Competition!

After this fierce battle, the strongest person in the Soul Master Competition has obviously gradually become clear.

"Huh... Xiao San... you're fine..." Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's peaceful face that seemed to be asleep, and just about to come forward to greet him, she heard a sigh beside her.

Suddenly turning back, Xiao Wu saw that the master had appeared in the center of the game and appeared next to her for some unknown time.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man, who was nearly forty to fifty years old, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing that Tang San didn't seem to be seriously injured.

He knew too well how dangerous the spirit power Tang San used before was completely poured into this trick. He had read countless classics in the Wuhun Temple and also learned a lot of spirit power knowledge. The master knew very well if Tang San really If he is forced to come out, with his underdeveloped body, there is only one way.

That is to burst into death.

But fortunately, although Tang San’s Xeon Clear Sky Hammer was very powerful and explosive, Uranium’s fifth spirit ability was not weaker than Tang San. With the explosion and the sudden appearance of strange annihilation, it directly made the collision the most. The horrible shock wave, the splash of gravel, the shock of the already dissipated spirit power was completely absorbed, like...

If the master knows what a black hole is, perhaps he will use this word to describe Uranium's spirit ability.

Yes, the explosive power of the strongest spirit abilities between the two was only controlled within a square, forming a deep pit similar to a circular pit. Logically speaking, with this level of impact, the gravel would be directly Impacted into the Pope Hall, the Elder Douluo Hall.

But in the end it did not happen.

"Tiandou Royal Academy, win!"

The cardinal was silent for a long time, and finally announced slowly!

With this announcement, this continental senior elite competition has finally come to an end!

In the next moment, Ning Fengzhi beside Bibi Dong stood up and raised his hand. The Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda quietly appeared in front of him with the shining light, Ning Fengzhi gave a soft voice, "Go."

I saw the pagoda in his hand swirling around for three weeks, floating out, the pagoda zoomed in the air instantly, and in an instant, the entire papal hall suddenly became a masterpiece, and Ning Fengzhi’s Qibao glazed pagoda drifted forward, expanding rapidly in volume, blinking. His work has turned into a ten-meter-high pagoda, floating in the air. A faint halo shot from the center of Ning Fengzhi's eyebrows and directly injected into the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda, and his body also shone with the same light as the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda.

This is the true body of the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda, also known as the true body of Qibao.

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