Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 390: Pope shot!

"Elder Wuhun Hall..." Uran's eyes also showed cold light. He knew that if he didn't solve the opponent, he might be difficult to leave!

"It's not right, my sixth sense is telling me that there is still a bigger crisis waiting for me!" Just as Uranus intends to open the claws of this Ghost Leopard Douluo, directly use the combination of time stop + nuclear explosion kick When solving the opponent, suddenly my temples bulged, and my heart was filled with anxiety, as if it was foreshadowing a crisis.

When he reached the level of his spiritual power, he already had some superpower premonitions similar to a whim, and this kind of dangerous feeling only appeared when he faced the 100,000-year soul beast blood last time.

And this time, this sense of crisis has appeared again!

"No, I want to defeat him with physical skills. I have to keep my hole cards and make quick decisions. Otherwise, when most of the teams in the Spirit Hall arrives, I won't be able to return to heaven." Uran thought for a moment and concluded. in conclusion.

In the next moment, Uran, who had made up his mind, took the initiative to seek opportunities, and shook the place where the Ghost Leopard Douluo's claws on his arm met with strong force!

"Huh?" Ghost Leopard Douluo snorted, and immediately showed a completely different speed from the previous three soul Douluo. When the uranium turned fists into claws and wanted to grab the Ghost Leopard Douluo's arm, the opponent However, his strange posture trembled, and quickly broke away the five claws of uranium like a fluid.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow flashed quickly, and with the silent whiptail attacking Uranium's bottom plate, Ghost Leopard Douluo's other claw also stretched out at the same time, and the sharp claw pierced Uran's eye!

Ghost Leopard Douluo’s double attack is as smooth as running clouds and flowing water. After all, it is a strong Douluo level. The rich experience is not comparable to that of Uranium. What's more, the age level is placed here. The battles experienced are uncertain. More rice than uranium has ever eaten.

But the other party obviously doesn’t understand the tenacity of Uranium’s Cronus Soul Guidance armor. The origin of this pair is unknown, and the armor is far from the Douluo Continent. The defense is so high that even Uranium doesn’t know it. , The spirit ability attacks of the previous two major Spirit Douluo, let alone the ordinary attacks of Title Douluo, it should be easy to defend against.

Therefore, Uranus decisively gave up the sharp claws that hit his head, but turned his hands into hand knives, slashing fiercely at the extremely fast whip tail!



A dull and piercing collision sounded at the same time. Almost after the collision sounded, Uranium was immediately flew out by the thrust generated by the attack and fell to the ground!

Ghost Leopard Douluo didn’t get better either. The tail was the key to the balance of the soul beast’s body, and it was rich in capillaries and nerves. Although he was a product of the soul master’s entry into the martial soul’s true body, he almost broke his tail anyway. The pain also made this Douluo mian unable to speak, his tongue knotted.

"Ahem, I underestimate Title Douluo's attack, it's almost concussed, Nima, Title Douluo's ordinary attack is actually so much stronger than Soul Douluo's spirit ability attack, which is already several times the gap. Let's go!" Uranium fell to the ground with his arms covering his face. Although there are armor reductions, shock reduction, impact reduction and soul reduction attacks, the huge attack power will not disappear.

In fact, Uranium didn't know that the three Contras he had fought before were all eighty-two and three-level primary Contras.

And this Ghost Leopard Douluo is a ninety-fourth-level Title Douluo, a martial spirit black-patterned ghost leopard, a sensitive attack type!

You know, the difference in spirit power levels between Title Douluo can be said to be the difference between each level!

This is why Uranium feels so difficult to fight.

Under the spirit power armor and the increase in his own physical fitness, Uranium's conventional combat power can already touch the threshold of a titled Douluo, but if you really want to defeat the real Douluo by physical skills, it is still a foolish dream.

Not to mention anything else, the power of the sensitive attack type Ghost Leopard Douluo completely surpassed the power of uranium, let alone speed.

"Damn, why doesn't he use spirit skills? I used a nuclear missile fist in a match before, and my spirit power was less than 50%. Then I fought with three Contras. I kept using spirit power to increase my body. If I drag it down, I don't even have enough spirit power to escape." Uran gritted his teeth, got up straightforwardly, and rushed in the direction of Ghost Leopard Douluo again!

That's right, before he could use the energy absorption halo to absorb the combined attack of the Golden Moon Demon Wolf Contra and the Silver Moon Demon Wolf Contra with the energy absorption halo, but in this case, he would not be able to quickly kill the opponent!

The thought of if oneself is greedy for soul power reserves, causing oneself to fall into the siege of a Title Douluo and two Soul Douluos, even if it is as calm as him, he can't help but feel afraid.

"Good boy, today, you must stay here!" Ghost Leopard Douluo is not a good stubble, after the spirit power moisturizes the tail, the amber beast pupils appear astonishing killing intent. The advantage of speed, before the arrival of Uranium's attack, the claws were swung one step in advance.

In an instant, the dark claws of Ghost Leopard Douluo changed to scarlet, exuding blood, and hit Uran's chest!

"Spirit ability?" Uran's heart was overjoyed, and he decisively stretched out his right hand, and then an invisible energy vortex was generated in his hand, facing the sharp claws of Ghost Leopard Douluo.

"Huh!" But the next moment, Ghost Leopard Douluo let out a cold snort, his left paw changed, his spirit power suddenly converged, his right hand suddenly increased in speed, and the sharp light was released. The attack just now was a feint!


The right paw abruptly patted Uranium's chest, and Uranium took the blow firmly!

Under this tremendous force, the uranium was shot and flew above the tree, making a violent creaking sound before falling.

"Ahem, you can lie to me..." Uran's heart was shocked. His elemental pupil had not been closed. From his perspective, the other party could suddenly cut off the flow of spirit power and let the body. Speed ​​up again!

"Is this Title Douluo? Both physical fitness and consciousness have been crushed..."

It wasn't until then that Uranium remembered that, yes, he had exposed all his spirit abilities in the Soul Master Competition, and the Title Douluo of the Spirit Hall must have all his information, but he has nothing to the other party. Known.

The information is too different.

"Although I don't want to admit it, if I don't rely on time to stop and the spirit ability combination, I am afraid I am really not an opponent." Uran had to admit that he underestimated Title Douluo, the existence at the top of Douluo Continent.

Suddenly, Uranium felt a great pressure!

A breath he was familiar with came here!

"Bibi Dong?!" Uran could not help exclaiming and stood up with a loud voice, looking at Ghost Leopard Douluo's side.

That is a beautiful woman.

He is not tall, he wears a luxurious black robe with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown, and holds a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless precious stones. He has white skin and a nearly perfect face. It makes her look so different.

Especially the kind of invisible nobleness and sacredness that reveals on the body, it is even more tempting to worship.

"A title Douluo can't hold a child, you can really disappoint me under the title of a ghost."

As soon as Bibi Dong arrived, a reprimand sounded, a soft and pleasant voice, which could easily make people feel like a spring breeze, but in Uran's ears, it was like the sound of a ghost calling for life.

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