Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 394: Decisive battle 0 Daoliu

"It seems that it is still unavoidable." Uran sighed in his heart, and couldn't help but secretly regret that he shouldn't participate in the Soul Master Competition. He originally thought that relying on the powerful soul skill of nuclear explosive kick was enough to deal with all situations. Thinking of it, it is now when the mountains are exhausted.

Responding to Tang San, Diana, Dai Mubai, three Contras, a Titled Contra, and a clone of Pope Bibi Dong, his spirit power has been exhausted, and now, he has encountered even more Qian Daoliu's strongest opponent, level ninety-nine existence.

Even if he was hit in full condition, he might not be able to guarantee that he would survive this man.

"Just drag it for a least, to the third spirit ability: the energy absorption halo can be used. It only takes one minute, no, forty seconds!" Uranus thought so deep in his heart, but still on the surface. Calmly.

As if Qian Daoliu's sentence must kill him, it was referring to someone else.

Uran shrugged, with a trace of death in his eyes, calmly looked at Qian Daoliu who was ten meters away from him, and asked like a small chat: "If you die, at least, let me know your name. I don't want to Until I die, I still don’t look down on my purpose."

"An existence like yours, I am afraid that in the past, he was also a famous top figure, right?"

"Oh? Me?"

Qian Daoliu looked at the young boy in front of him, his eyes were gloomy, and his whole body inadvertently showed a helpless free and easy. He couldn't help but admired slightly in his heart. Such a mentality, in his age, eighty or ninety years ago, probably did not exist. At that time, Tang Chen, he, what happened to Bo Saixi.

He has an extraordinary talent, a stable temperament, and a free and easy mood. Although he has not yet reached his level, the ordinary Title Douluo may not be enough for him, but it also strengthens Qian Daoliu's determination to kill him.

"Haha, the old man's name is Qian Daoliu, a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo, title, angel!"

Qian Daoliu smiled and said his name indifferently.

But then, the other party's next sentence changed Uran's face slightly.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense with you. Now that you know my name, then you should also go on the road."

Senran's killing intent suddenly appeared, Qian Daoliu's pupils flashed with golden light, his aura skyrocketed, and he directly stretched out a hand and patted it in the direction of Uran!

Nima, don't play cards according to the routine, I can see through it at a glance, I want to delay.

Although they are more than ten meters apart, Uranium understands that this distance is nothing in the eyes of both parties.

"Radiation domain, turn on." He gritted his teeth, and when Uran's mind flashed, his body moved instantly. The opponent's speed somehow was not so fast that he could not react, but no matter what, he could not sit and wait for death. .

Flash to the left!

After a side jump, the uranium immediately disappeared from the spot.

But the next moment, a great fear suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart, as if I was facing the abyss!

Flickering to the ground, Uranus hadn't stood still, and felt a violent wind coming from behind him. When he twisted his head, he saw that Qian Daoliu, who should have been in the distance, had already appeared before him. Behind.

"Die." A whistling wind formed around the palm of the hand. The huge strength and unparalleled speed made Deura only have time to cross his hands in front of him, even if he felt the unimaginable huge force collide with him. On the hands!

"Boom!" After a muffled sound, Uranium flew directly and hit the big trees in the forest heavily. Suddenly, the hard woods were directly knocked apart by the huge impact of Uranium.


Before Qian Daoliu’s attack came, Uranium had already taken defensive measures. However, the difference in spirit power and physical fitness between the two sides was too great. With his strength that barely touched the high-level soul sage, although it was only a collision. , But it still made him pale with a squirt of blood.

Sliding down from the trees in the forest, Uran wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and looked at the figure slowly condensed by the light particles, his teeth creaking.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, at your age and soul power level, you can actually develop a domain. Although I don't know what domain it is, I can feel that there are countless soul power around you. There are special energies that are setting off a storm... and these special energies are attacking me."

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes and felt the existence of uranium in the radiation field.

Uranium caused him too much shock, killing Contra and destroying Bibi Dong’s clone, so even if Uranium showed in front of him this realm that ordinary people could not imagine, only the top powers could possess it. There will be no surprises, on the contrary, I will be even more happy that I can kill this genius in advance!

"But it's a pity that these special energies are useless to me. I have stood at the top of the soul master, and even the human body has changed accordingly. If I were at level 98, I am afraid that would not be the case. It's easy."

Qian Daoliu opened his eyes with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and then walked slowly in the direction of Uranium.

"Is the radiation field also ineffective to him?"

Qian Daoliu's figure continued to enlarge in the rose red eye pupils, and Uran's tightly clenched palms trembled more and more fiercely. In his mind, there was silence at this time, only the sound of his heart beating constantly.

In the quiet world, there seems to be an extremely large force, which is about to surging out...

The activation of the radiation field can make him reach several times the speed of soul power recovery, but for Uranium, the best thing is that the radiation field can kill the opponent, or even if it can't be killed, it can at least affect Qiandao Liu. .

But... why can he invalidate the field of radiation? Is it possible that he is no longer human? !

"I can't give up yet. As long as I can absorb my soul power, I can use nuclear explosive kicks or nuclear missile punches to cover my evacuation!" Seeing Qian Daoliu had regarded himself as a turtle in the urn, the madness in Uranium's heart was also stimulated, strong. He stood up on his body, wiped the corners of his mouth, a flash of chill in his eyes.

At present, he can be sure that Qian Daoliu knows that his third spirit ability is an absorption type spirit ability, so the opponent will use close combat to a large extent to end him in order not to give him a chance to struggle.. ......

Standing in the position of Qian Daoliu, Uranium thought of a feasible way almost immediately!

His current spirit power reserve has reached the level that can release energy to absorb the aura, but if Qian Daoliu only attacks him with physical fitness, then this spirit ability will not work.

Now, he still needs to hold on for a while. Nuclear explosive kicks and nuclear missile punches require soul power to brew. Now, with the expansion of the radiation field, his soul power recovery speed is at least four to five times faster than before!

He started acting when he thought of it. Uranium didn’t hesitate, and went straight to the forest in the distance. He was beaten into this picture with just one blow. Don’t look at him now, but he seems to be a little embarrassed, but in fact only Uranus knows. , His hands, under the heavy blow just now, had already shown signs of bone cracks. If he fights again, his hands will be broken!

"Do you still want to resist? It seems that your previous death was just a disguise." As soon as the shout sounded, Uranus was aware of it, and hurriedly twisted his head, a dark shadow flashed across his eyes, and immediately Senran's face emerged, and it was Qian Daoliu who was still not far away!

"Stop playing around with's all over."

The fist was mixed with the sound of the sonic boom, and the huge pressure directly caused ripples in the space around the fist. The fist wrapped in soul power energy, in Uran’s constricted pupil, was almost like a wind, thunder and lightning. , Hit him on the back who was caught off guard.


A huge force came from behind, Uran's face paled for a while, and a mouthful of blood finally squirted out. With the help of this huge thrust, his body shot back.

With the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, Uranium wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his figure constantly adjusted in mid-air to ensure that he flew upside down in the best streamlined posture, and Qian Daoliu saw Uranium's plan at this moment!

"So, do you want to escape for your life with this thrust?"

Qian Daoliu smiled, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, and flickered towards the distant uranium!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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