Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 396: Today is another day full of nuclear peace

"No one can threaten me when I can release a nuclear kick." Uranium said slowly in his heart.


Bibi Dong is like this.

The same is true for Qian Daoliu!

"Oh? Don't you think that this powerful spirit ability can attack me?" Qian Daoliu couldn't help laughing as he looked at Uranium who was ready to explode.

It was just that a clone of Bibi Dong had been destroyed, and he was still barking snarlingly in front of him.

Although the power is really good, it has the power of Contra-level, and even exceeds it, but he has seen it from afar, but it is just high temperature and high heat. As long as the center is avoided for the first time, then nothing will happen. .

As for the impact of the surrounding special energy particle stream, Qian Daoliu didn't take it to heart, because the uranium field skills were of no use to him.

In other words, it is useless to treat any existence of the ninety-nine level, because at this level, it is completely possible to break away from the level of ‘human’.

For example, Bo Saixi, who is in the same body as the sea, is known as Seagod Douluo. As long as he is above the sea, even a powerhouse at the level of a demigod can't help her.

Another example is Qian Daoliu. He is already at the top of the continent. As the guardian of the angelic god, he possesses the lower-level characteristics of a **** to a certain extent. In terms of uranium, a radiation field that has not yet been developed, if you want It was only a matter of time to kill ordinary Title Douluo and Contra.

But if it is to deal with such strong people, it is still a little weak.

So even if Qian Daoliu knew that Uranium's spirit abilities were powerful, but if he couldn't hit him, it would just be fishing for the moon in the well.

"Try to see if you don't know." Uran replied calmly, and then, the fourth spirit ability, the black ten thousand year spirit ring, nuclear explosion kick.


Blue, white, green, red, black, gray, endless energy began to gather.

The unparalleled pressure instantly caused a faint distortion between heaven and earth.

Under the distorted world, Uranium's face was also distorted.

Everything around it began to squeeze toward the innermost side, as if attracted by the pressure, just like the bright luster in the vortex.

A majestic force abruptly condensed under his feet, invisibly, all high-energy particles, radiation energy, including all the soul power in the uranium body were absorbed by the soul power contained in the feet, extremely terrifying soul power fluctuations It was produced in an instant, and under the control of uranium, it did not explode immediately, but condensed in the feet.

Infinite energy gathered under Uran's feet and turned into the right leg that exudes a strange light!

All soul power, maximum output.

"Nuclear kick!" With a low cry, Uranium suddenly stomped this extremely strong nuclear kick spirit ability toward him!

"Are you here?" Qian Daoliu looked at Uranium's movements at the moment, and his calm expression changed slightly. I have to admit that the young man in front of him, this Eye of Destruction Martial Soul, is indeed Destroy II. Words, but, just relying on this attack speed, if you want to kick him, you look down on him too much, right?

But having said that, Qian Daoliu still didn't dare to go straight ahead and take down the uranium directly. This kind of power, and this kind of high-temperature environment, even if it is stronger than him, does not want to try hard, the person in front of him is just Just struggling to death, he originally thought that the other party would hold this tricky spirit ability in his hand, and he would die when he got closer.

Unexpectedly, he still looked up at him, and when this spirit ability dissipated, wouldn't it be left to him?

boom----! ! ! !

Dispelling all the gloom, a round of rising sun slowly rises under Uran's feet!

The next moment, infinite heat and pressure descend on this unnamed forest!

Ultra-violent shock waves gushing from the ring toward the surroundings, with endless potential energy, crushing all the plants blocking the road!

In an instant.

A huge round of smoke rose slowly on the spot and rose to the sky, forming a mushroom-shaped cloud.

In an instant, the ultra-high temperature burned everything around, and no signs of life were visible.

The radiation haze soared into the sky, and the dense radiation field scattered towards the surroundings, covering the entire battlefield.

The terrifying light radiation burst out in an instant, and then, there was an endless stream of turbulent particles, various ray energies, and soul power energies were torn apart in this crazy and restless space, together with Qiandao Liu's own Sensing ability can't accurately capture the trace of uranium.

In the extreme distance, Qiandaoliu stood quietly, letting that wave of violent shock waves hit, like a reef, no matter how surging the waves, they could not shake him.

After seeing that Uranium really used this explosive spirit ability, he immediately took action. He didn't choose to go head-to-head, but quickly escaped to avoid this devastating blow, but his perception was always Staring at Uranium, so as not to be escaped by the other party.

But now, the breath of uranium disappeared without a trace in this violent energy disorder!

Suddenly the smell of uranium disappeared, Qian Daoliu couldn't help frowning.

"So that's the case, with this deterrent spirit ability, has you escaped once again?" Qian Daoliu's twilight penetrated everything and gave a clear view of the nuclear explosion center that was completely covered by smog.

Uranium's figure disappeared in this area.

However, his masterpiece was left behind. It was a place like crystals of golden red glaze.

This crystalline land covers all the central area, and radiates to the surrounding areas, forming a uniform circular shape.

As the high temperature has not yet cooled, there is still scalp-numbing temperature remaining in the core area at this moment. If there is no accident or no one handles it, then this high temperature can remain at least one day and one night.

But for Qian Daoliu, although the temperature was strong, it was not a big threat, and soon he broke into it.

In just an instant, endless electromagnetic waves, particle stream rays passed through Qiandaoliu's body.

Feeling this uncomfortable energy impact, Qian Daoliu let out a cold snort, and his body began to glow with golden light in an The collision of two energies, on the one hand, is an almost endless stream of particles. , On the other hand, he was the top powerhouse who was strong enough to shake the earth. Although the center of the nuclear explosion was terrifying, after all, Qian Daoliu broke in.

Qian Daoliu turned his head and looked around, unearthing traces.

There was silence all around.

There is neither a figure of uranium nor any breath he has ever existed.

The surrounding ground is very messy. It seems that with Uranium’s super soul skill, even the surrounding environment has changed. What's more, here, there are very severe high temperature and energy turbulence interfering with Qiandao Liu’s perception. .

Just a little bit of perception, the various spirit powers and explosive impacts here, the particle energy rushed into his perception horizon, not only the interference was serious, but it also made him feel sick!

In any case, anyone who dares to physically enter the center of a nuclear explosion will be under tremendous pressure, and even he cannot avoid it.

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