Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 398: Picked up someone on the road inexplicably

Qian Renxue stared blankly at the silver-haired, red-eyed young man in front of her, fainting directly in front of her, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

This is different from what she had previously expected.

In Qian Renxue’s expectation, Uran should be rescued only when she arrives at the rescue site. After all, she also knows her grandfather’s character. If she can be 100% sure that Uran is hers, then with grandpa’s temperament, The most is to open one eye and close one eye.

But what she didn't expect was that Uranium managed to survive her grandpa!

Her plan was in jeopardy, because today she is fully prepared to ensure 100% of the uranium can be accepted.

First, rely on Grandpa, a rank ninety-nine titled Douluo, to suppress Uranium, and let Uranium know clearly that there is someone on his head, so that he won't have any disagreements.

The second is to let Uranium report in front of Grandpa and leave traces of his own person. In this way, the two parties can be tied more firmly.

Third, it is to bind uranium in friendship and dignity through the appearance of a lifesaver.

Fourth, tactfully litigate her own difficulties, and reveal her true identity: Xue Qinghe was exposed and communicated with open hearts. In this way, Uranium would know that she already knew her own greatest secret, so that Uranium could have a certain degree of autonomy. Quan, rather than irritating him, made him feel that he had nowhere to go, leading to the possibility of death.

Qian Renxue is not that silly, white and sweet after all. As the Martial Soul Palace, she has already seen countless intrigues and deceptions. Naturally, she will not easily believe that someone will be completely loyal to her. In reality, only by standing on the same line of interest can we truly stand side by side.

Therefore, the uranium is completely tied to the chariot through pressure from the strong, life-savers and other means. If uranium is really stubborn and feels that it would rather die than surrender...

There is nothing more to say, just let Grandpa kill him.

There can be no discrepancies in the usurpation of the country, and her original appearance cannot be known. As for Uran's surrender, and secretly making small calculations, it is also in her expectation, but the general trend has been achieved. , No matter what Uranium thought, in front of the invincible Wuhun Empire, it was nothing but an ant.

Yes, Qian Renxue already has the consciousness that if Uranium resists, then she will kill him. In the face of the general trend of Wuhun Hall, her personal emotions can be completely ignored!

Qian Renxue is a person with the highest interests. As long as the benefits brought by someone are high enough, even the titled Douluo elder who is dedicated to her own forces can abandon it. She will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal, even if she kills her father. Set aside.

Tolerance and decisiveness have always been Qian Renxue's greatest characteristics. She is not eager for success, and prefers to achieve her goals in the most secure way. On the other hand, Qian Renxue has a general demeanor, respects the enemy and does not allow others to interfere. Fight yourself.

Although the previous abacus was very good, but now, everything seems to have been ruined, and now she can still use it, and that is the name of the last savior.

"It's really difficult, but it can only be done like this."

Qian Renxue stroked her golden hair and focused her attention on Uranium's faint state. It seems that although Uranium can escape from Grandpa, he has paid a huge price. Otherwise, he would not fall here. To the point of being slaughtered.

At the next moment, the long, curvy blond girl stretched out a hand, grabbed the back of Uran's jacket with a very rough movement, and looked around, the slender arm immediately used force, Uranium was supported on her back, and in the end, Qian Renxue seemed to be a thief, using her spirit power decisively, leading the uranium all the way to a small town.

Qian Renxue walked very quickly, and almost completely left this dense forest mountain range after a few jumps.

On the other side, on the edge of the dense forest, a middle-aged man with black hair and dark eyes has an extremely ugly face. With the speed of his 99th-level Title Douluo, he has searched almost everywhere, but he still has no sense of uranium. The breath, as if uranium disappeared out of thin air.

This is impossible. At his speed, he should be faster than that young man, but everything at the moment is showing one thing, and he has been fooled.

Soon, Qian Daoliu returned to the center of the nuclear explosion at the beginning, closed his eyes, struggled with the excessive consumption of mental power, and also felt where the uranium is now.

But at the moment he felt it, two familiar auras reflected in his mind.

One is uranium.

One is the same breath as his martial soul.

Although he did not meet with the other party, this familiar aura couldn't help making Qian Daoliu's face change drastically.

The answer has been revealed. In this world, there is only one person with the same spirit.

His granddaughter, Qian Renxue!

Qian Daoliu stood quietly on the spot, allowing the violent wind to pass by his side. At this moment, he felt extremely complicated and helpless in his heart.

After a long period of stunned, before returning to his senses, Qian Daoliu looked towards the direction where the two breaths of Qian Renxue and Uran almost overlap, and muttered in a low voice:

"Xiaoxue... why are you?"

He never expected that the person who appeared at this moment turned out to be Qian Renxue! The granddaughter who has been hiding in the Heaven Dou Empire.

How could she appear here?

But soon, he remembered that, as the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Qian Renxue came to Wuhun City to participate in this Soul Master Competition this time with an open mind, that is to say...

Qian Renxue was always nearby.

"Do you have your own plans..."

After a long time, Qian Daoliu sighed deeply and said: "Child, grandpa, I believe in you. You have never been an impulsive and emotional character. I believe that you can control all this. Regarding this young man, grandpa, I don’t Will ask again."

After the conversation, Qian Daoliu's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light, and flickered in the direction of Wuhun City.

Now that the granddaughter has her own plan, he, the old fellow, doesn't need to intervene anymore. As for the subsequent growth of Uranium, he can't suppress this matter, it's too early.

He had this confidence at least until Uranium reached the threshold of the ninety-level Title Douluo.

And when Uran arrived at Title Douluo, with his granddaughter’s talent, I’m afraid he would have already stood on top of a spirit master. The increase in the spirit power level, the increase in the spirit ability, and the increase in the age limit of the spirit ring of the Angel God Test were all extraordinary The way of cultivation is comparable, and naturally there will be no situations that cannot be suppressed.

However, what made Qian Daoliu a little uneasy was how his precious granddaughter reached out to rescue that young man?

I have to admit that the talent and appearance of that young man completely surpasses everyone...

"Is it possible that Xiaoxue fell in love with that young man?" For no reason, such an idea flashed in Qian Daoliu's heart. Soon, this idea spread in his heart like weeds breed.

After all, she was still a girl, and she had reached this age.

However, Qian Daoliu would not agree with this. He only knew that in this world, no soul master could be worthy of his granddaughter. She was the favorite of gods and was destined by nature.

The gulf and gap between gods and mortals cannot be bridged.

Therefore, for her, love is redundant.

As her grandfather, as her guide to becoming a god, Qian Daoliu has an obligation to help her abandon this feeling.

Unless the young man named Uran can also set foot in the realm of gods, he will not agree with it anyway!

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