Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 403: Let us change the world

Qian Renxue's words caused Uranium to fall into silence.

A true friend...

If she is really like what she said, it seems that Qian Renxue is not bad.

In his own situation, he gave people an old and yin-hearted feeling. After all, this is acting. Tears and emotions in his eyes are basic operations.

But if Qian Renxue had given him an instinct to believe in him in the current situation, it would be a bit scary if it was still false.

He is too young and not qualified enough to fight with another old yin.

But, it should be true... right?

There was a long silence, until Uran felt that the sun outside the hotel had already moved down a bit, and he took a deep breath.

Raising his head, Uran struggled from lying down, standing upright to sitting on the bed, looking at Qian Renxue's unreserved, clear and beautiful eyes, and laughed, "You believe me, then I believe you too."

With the sound of these words, the Ruoyoruowu estrangement and killing intent between the two finally disappeared completely.

Although only a few words of dialogue, in the world of the soul master, the dialogue not only contains the meaning of words, but also accurately covers the will of the interlocutor.

And trust, you only need to do the two simplest things.

The first thing is that you believe me.

And the second thing is that I believe you!

Simple to say, but difficult to do.

Qian Renxue can confirm that Uranium is worthy of her trust through all past experiences as the main objective impression. Uranium has the experience of reading the original book and knows the general character of Qian Renxue, so she caters to the other party. .

After all, as a traverser, how could Uranium trust someone unparalleled? Tell the other party that you are crossing? Tell the other party about his martial arts defect?

Stop making trouble, he just has his own demands in this Douluo Continent. He also wants to bring changes to the Douluo Continent. After all, he has come, and he has to find something to do for himself. Everything has threatened his life, and he can't just give up.

It's impossible to cross back in one jump, right?

That’s why he chose to take Qian Renxue’s boat to make plans for the future. When it comes to trusting Qian Renxue, it’s not enough to dig out his heart, but it’s far better than just a passerby prince. 'S is much better, even his trust in Qian Renxue is more than some of the Shrek Seven Devils.

For example, he doesn't trust Dai Mubai, Diana, Ma Hongjun.

In the end, the seven Shrek Monsters in the original book become gods, and they don’t care about the lower realms. They have soared on their own. The Douluo Continent is still the Star Luo Tiandou, while the Tang Sect and Shrek Academy have taken the place of the Spirit Hall, independent of the two Above the country, no matter which king it is, he must respect Shrek Academy.

What is the difference between this and the original Wuhun Hall?

Aw, nothing more than that, the original bss was knocked down, and the brave absorbed the death essence of bss and became the new bss, standing on the Douluo continent and shit.

If Tang San could do a better job, unify the mainland, formulate reasonable laws, and the people of the mainland are prospering, and there is no threat from the evil spirit master, then Uranium will naturally not follow Qian Renxue to do things, and decisively join the protagonist. The group, but no matter what, the protagonist group does not do practical things, only cares about their own one-acre three-point land.

Even in the former Douluo Continent, there was Spirit Hall as the central regulator of the two empires. It even offered money to spirit masters, awakened civilians free of charge, and cleaned up evil spirit masters, etc., which can be described as ordinary spirit masters. It's pretty good, but Tang San flew up to become a **** empress...

No one cares about the evil spirit masters, they are flooding everywhere. Originally, these evil spirit masters stayed in the killing city well and couldn't get out, but there were piles of people who wanted to go in. After all, everyone was talking about killing. The capital is heaven. You can do whatever you want. Tang San turned his head and exploded the Killing Capital after taking the Killing God Realm. Uranium had to think about this from a gloomy perspective. Would Tang San do this? Is it to prevent others from getting the killer domain in the future?

And the Shrek Academy in the Peerless Tang Sect can be said to only enjoy the lofty status, but it does nothing. No one will eradicate the Evil Soul Master. It will only take action when the Star Dou Forest Soul Beast riots, but the problem The reason is that Shrek Academy was originally built on the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, so it should be done to deal with the spirit beast riots, otherwise Shrek City would be washed out.

On the whole, Tang San really didn't do personnel affairs, so he could only be allowed to come.

"Tang San...Don't blame me for standing on the opposite side of you in the future..." Uran thought secretly in his heart.

Withdrawing his mind, Qian Renxue suddenly spoke up without saying anything.

"Perhaps, you might be curious why I pretended to be Xueqinghe?"


I'm curious about a hammer, isn't it just stealing the country.

With such spitting in his heart, Uran's face also appeared in doubt in a timely manner, "I am listening."

"I am the daughter of the previous pope, Qian Renxue."

In the first sentence, Qian Renxue exploded her life experience.

"When I was very young, I was placed high hopes, but because of family factors, I chose to leave the Spirit Hall and come to the Heaven Dou Empire, and I started the plan to steal the country. I won't keep you anymore. If you want Understand all of this, then, I will tell you all the details."

"As for my being saved by the true prince, becoming his maid, and then killing him, disguising such dark things, I won't go into details, let me talk about the extent of this plan of stealing the country, first of all The Heaven Dou Empire has four affiliated kingdoms. I have secretly obtained the support of three-quarters of the city lord in two of them, and the rest will be assimilated within a few years."

"And the Tiandou Empire itself has a total of five provinces. I am slowly infiltrating, replacing those who are hostile to the imperial family to me, and will vacillate them through operations such as bribery, beauty, treasure, and pillow wind. As for those who are close to the royal family, I will promise them to be more tied to the royal family by means of heavy benefits, future rights, or the cultivation of their offspring to become"

"If it is not unexpected, waiting for the death of Emperor Xueye five years later, my control of the empire will reach the highest level in history, and if time continues to drag on, it will be in line with the overall strategy of the Spirit Hall. The time error is not conducive to the next action."

Qian Renxue slowly told her information about the infiltration of the empire, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this hotel environment.

With Uranium and her mental power, once someone appeared in the surrounding 100 meters, she would naturally receive a warning message, so she was very bold and explicit, otherwise the spirit of stealing the country from the Spirit Hall would be obvious!

"Sure enough... Wuhun Palace has been preparing for so many years of plans. The preparations are very thorough, infiltrating, replacing people, binding interests, and doing what they like. As long as they are human, there will be greed! The words of the Son of Destiny... Wuhun Temple is the historical trend! I am going in the right direction!" Uran thought in his heart.

"The general trend of the world, divided for a long time must be united, and for a long time must be divided, my arrival has already foreshadowed that this continent will be unified!"

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