Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 409: Grant: Ultron!

“It’s not a big problem. It’s okay to cultivate for a while.” Uran stretched out his hand and gently pressed Zhu Zhuqing’s arm, and continued: “For me, it’s just a blow to this situation. That's it."

That’s right, it’s training. Qian Daoliu’s appearance has already urged Uranium to obtain top-level combat power as soon as possible. Otherwise, after five years, it’s time for the titled Douluo stage, and five years later, only gods. Can shelter one side, if he has not achieved this kind of achievement at that time, then he will be easily killed by others.

If only talking about high-end destructive power, in fact, he already has it, it is a nuclear explosive kick, but attack power alone is not enough, speed, reaction, strength, various physical qualities, and whether there are shortcomings in all directions. Board, this is the top priority.

"But, don't you think about the sequelae?"

"This is a necessary lesson." After a moment of silence, facing Zhu Zhuqing's questioning, Uran's tone did not know when he had already taken on a heavy color.


"Okay, you two, stop for a while, we should go now, the father's waiter has arrived." Xue Qinghe's voice sounded at the right time, interrupting the conversation between the two.

As Xue Qinghe's voice fell, a waiter in a yellow shirt who was neither fat nor thin, and of moderate stature, stood outside the uterus from far to near with the sound of footsteps.

This is to announce the imperial attendant.

Xue Qinghe was the first to walk out, and Uran immediately followed, because the emperor did not summon Zhu Zhuqing, so she stayed where she was waiting for news.

Following Xue Qinghe walking for a while, before Uran came to the palace, a team of uniformed spirit masters guarded a tall palace.

Xue Qinghe stopped: "I want to see the father."

The leader of the team of subdued spirit masters hurriedly saluted: "His Majesty, Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time. Once he orders you to arrive, please go in immediately."

Xue Qinghe smiled slightly and looked at Uranium: "Let's go."

In a large and spacious palace, the surrounding tall pillars are covered with golden walls, and the candlesticks that are as high as one person have all been lit, setting off the splendid golden walls of the palace.

However, in Uran's view, the richness on the golden wall and jade wall came from a distance, but it was full of depression. He just took a deep breath, but he seemed to smell a decay that made him uncomfortable. Gas.

"It may be that there have been some psychological changes that despise the Tiandou imperial family, otherwise, based on my previous situation, this change should not have occurred."

Well, psychological effects, these are all psychological effects. Uran reminded himself carefully, following Xue Qinghe's face blankly.

Going further, the guard’s servant hurriedly opened a door and lifted the gauze tent inside the door. In this room in the palace, in the center is a rectangular dark brown carved desk with densely engraved patterns. The documents on the list piled up into a hill, and they all needed Emperor Xue Ye to look at it himself.

Behind the desk, there is an old man sitting. The Emperor Xue Ye looks quite energetic, his complexion is ruddy, his complexion is very good, his hair is white, but his eyes are still bright, such an old man, let alone live for five years, Even if I live another fifteen years, it seems that the problem is not too big.

And behind the Xueye Great Emperor is a huge map, about two people high, square, on both sides of the map are bookshelf grids, which are placed one by one, which looks like a complete set. The image of hard work.

And the fact is true. As the emperor of the empire, others can relax and relax, but he can’t. The friction with the Spirit Hall, the friction with the Star Luo Empire, the movements of the city lord, the taxation of each province, the kingdom’s The friction between them needs to be adjusted by the Heaven Dou Empire, the personnel changes of the various armies, and all the affairs of a country have gathered into a memorial, and handed over to the hands of the Great Xueye.

In front of Uranium, most of the things that weren’t important were actually sent to Xueqinghe’s womb, which was directly handled by Xueqinghe and handed over to Emperor Xueye for review. In the end, Emperor Xueye would base each The complexity of the matter came to explain all aspects of Xue Qinghe.

This is the emperor's way of training. The Xueye Great Emperor is teaching Xueqinghe how to govern the country, but how...people are thieves.

Sometimes people can't match reality.

For the unaware old emperor Xueye, Uran indeed has a sad state of mind for him, but the reality is that the Wuhun Palace unified Douluo mainland is the only correct way, Douluo II, Douluo III History has proven that if they are not unified, they will be hung up and beaten by the Sun-Moon Empire on the next continent.

If it weren’t for Tang San who was very shameless at the back, the child holding Huo Yuhao and the orange threatened the orange so that the Sun Moon Empire would stop and renamed the Heaven Dou Empire. Otherwise, at the time of Douluo II, he would have destroyed the country several times. Up. "

But in the end, in Douluo III, he was rushed to other continents. It can be seen that the internal friction between Tian Dou and Xing Luo between one continent is not desirable.


"See Your Majesty."

"See King Father." Uranium and Xue Qinghe worshipped Emperor Xue Ye at the same time.

Emperor Xue Ye smiled and said, "You are welcome, just sit down."

Uran carefully observed this emperor, and through detailed exploration of his mental power, he clearly found that Emperor Xue Ye was definitely in a state of loss of vitality and blood, and his breathing rhythm began to become unstable.

This and the ruddy complexion on the surface, the complexion was very good, and the symptoms were completely opposite. It is estimated that to a large extent, this is the ghost of Xue Qinghe, but immediately, Uranium focused on the next situation.

"Uranium, it has been four months since the last qualifying match." The Great Xue Ye smiled at Uranium.

"Yes." Uran nodded and responded quietly.

"Hehe, Brother Uranium, but the father pays more attention to you. Some time ago, the Star Luo Empire and Wuhun Temple sent people to pressure and asked the royal family to surrender Zhu Zhuqing and you. The father refused." Xue Qinghe With a smile on his face, he said gently.

But faintly, Uranium seemed to see Xue Qinghe's eyelids winking at him?

Is this for him to act?

Come on.

"Thank you very much for your majesty's kindness, your majesty for being kind to me, I remember it in my heart." Although I don't know what to say to deal with, it's done by feeling faithful.

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence came out, Emperor Xue Ye's face looked a little good.

Emperor Xue Ye smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about threats from this aspect. The Heaven Dou Empire will always be your backing. In addition, regarding the rewards I have promised, I will not break my promise. I once said that as long as I can Winning the title of the Soul Master Competition, the title of Duke, is for you."

The next moment, the look of Emperor Xue Ye became a bit serious!

"The 317th student of the Tiandou Royal Academy, the captain of the Huangdou Second Team, Uranium is here." Uran lowered his head and stood up from his seat with a respectful look. .

Accompanied by the historian, announcing that the waiter and other court personnel had entered the study, the Great Xue Ye paused for a while, and said solemnly: "Using Uranium as the lord of Dechuang City, granting the hereditary duchy title: Ultron. Title: Northeast, Osa Dechuang City in the province."

Emperor Xueye was willing to spend the money. Although Uranium is just a civilian, even if he should have been awarded for the champion of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Tournament, he was at most an earl title, but now he has jumped several ranks in a row and has been awarded the title. For the real power duke, that is definitely not a reward for winning the championship.

This is to use kindness and profit to tie Uranium and the sweet bait of the family behind him to the Heaven Dou Imperial Chariot!

An attendant came to Uranium carrying a brocade pan. The brocade pan was covered with a layer of red cloth, and something bulged underneath.

Emperor Xueye smiled and said, "Duke Ultron, open it and take a look. From now on it will be a symbol of your status."

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