Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 412: Exercise control in the field of radiation

When he walked at full speed to the eighth day, he finally entered the vicinity of the northern frontier of the Heaven Dou Empire, and after arriving here, the map in his hand had become a blank.

After stopping, Uran panted slightly, and the white mist exhaled from his mouth and nose, and immediately turned into crushed ice **** and flew in the air.

Pulling the hat of the hood, blocking the bitter cold wind, but the cold air still penetrated into him like a knife through the gap in the cloth.

Here is the real dripping ice! There was already a layer of frost on Uran's eyebrows.

He did not use the radiation field to control the movement of material molecules around him, so as to maintain the stability of the surroundings that are warm in winter and cool in summer.

He now chooses to use his soul power to resist the severe cold.

He came to the far north, but he didn’t come to wander around. He was here to practice. Purely using the radiation field is indeed a kind of enjoyment, but the field cannot be used for a long time. It will consume mental power. In other words, he does not Can't keep on.

That being the case, save it.

Soon, as the temperature in the air dropped, Uranium knew that the far north was approaching.

Standing on a big tree more than ten meters away, a piece of whiteness in the distance, his eyes became slightly firm:

In the next two years, I might be immersed in this ice and snow soul beast forest, and the deeper core of the extreme north, until I become stronger!

Starting again, Uranium swiftly headed north. Despite the support of his soul power, the biting cold wind could no longer be a threat, but the ice and snow that gradually appeared still restricted his speed, but the benefits of high spirits appeared at this time. Now, when he encounters a place with unknown terrain, he only needs to take a look at it with mental detection, and he will be able to start immediately to avoid bad luck.

And this spiritual power is behind, Uranium believes that it will be more and more useful, because he not only has to rely on spiritual power to detect whether there are faults or hollows in the ice layer he is stepping on, but also is responsible for exploring the surroundings to find a hundred thousand year-level soul. The trail of the beast can be said to be much easier to use.

In a blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Uranium has completely penetrated into the desolate northern icy forest.

He didn't know exactly where it was.

However, the temperature here is very low, but for a soul master who possesses an ice martial spirit, it is an excellent cultivation environment.

It's the blame for this kind of place, it's hard to live on.

The surrounding area can be said to be deserted and uninhabited. Uranium has also occasionally seen small settlements like fairs not far from the outer forest, selling various props for entering this ice and snow spirit beast forest, such as warm clothes, and some Tools in the snow forest.

But such settlements are rare, because few soul masters will come to such a harsh environment.

In this environment, the consumption of soul power and the load on the body are too great. It is much more troublesome than the Star Dou Great Forest.

"The average temperature of the outer forest is around minus 30 degrees..."

"If I take power in the future, I will integrate so many bazaars into a city, or a small town, with high-end soul masters standing here. Otherwise, once a riot occurs in the extreme north, such as the deepest place What happened to the top dominator, the soul beast rushed out in fear, there could also be a legion here, or the titled Douluo of the Soul Douluo, and so on."

"Moreover, if the furs and core materials of the various spirit beasts can be hunted, they can be transported to the Heaven Dou Empire in the south, or the Star Luo Empire in the West, for a big price. This may be a city. The business opportunity of operation exists, and as the master of the Douluo Continent, the heart of the anti-soul beast is indispensable."

Uran walked early in the ice and snow forest, looking around and thinking.

Most of the various ice-type spirit beasts in the periphery are not strong. Many mild ice-type spirit beasts will look at Uranium from a distance, and the bold ones will come out and roar twice.

After the uranium body was cleaned by the radiant eye martial spirit, he took the fairy grass to wash the whole body, and the body was dust-free and close to nature. Although he is a human, he exudes a special aura and has a natural affinity for living things. If he can really upgrade his own nuclear fission reaction into a nuclear fusion reaction, then he is a true source of endless energy, analogous to the pure energy body Xerath in the League of Legends, becoming a true body of unsullied pure light. Uranium is also very curious about what changes will happen by then.

But what is certain is that he will definitely become the sweet pastry in the eyes of all soul beasts. As long as he can be caught, it means that the endless soul power energy can be absorbed by the soul beast, which can be called a permanent version of Tian Mengbing. silkworm!

But unlike Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, who controls huge energy but does not know how to use it, Uranium is more like... a terrifying volcano that can erupt by itself at any time!

Therefore, by controlling the almost stagnant material molecular movement outside, to improve the accuracy of the radiation field, and to continue to develop the path toward a deeper level of power, this is one of the goals of uranium to cultivate in this far north.

Except for the extreme north, only the extremely hot volcanic environment can provide a similar cultivation environment, but obviously, the extreme north is better. If the volcanic environment is not well controlled, it is easy to cause volcanic eruption. He can't eat and walk around.

"The peripheral spirit beasts are not strong, they are rare for thousands of years."

Uranium stepped on the slightly soft snow. The thickness of the snow is not high, and a footprint of about five centimeters will be formed when you step down.

This is the outer forest. If you enter the interior a little bit, the temperature should continue to drop.

Uran also didn't have any warm clothes on his body, which was very thin. If it were in the winter of the previous life, Uran's thin clothes would be the kind that mom sees.

In fact, this kind of environment is quite suitable for any soul master to cultivate, but it is difficult to persist for a long time.

Because if you want to resist the cold, you must use your spirit power to keep your body at a normal temperature that is good for fighting. Staying in such a place for a long time, the spirit power movement in the body will become inertia, accelerating the absorption of spirit power.

Therefore, Uranium intends to control the emergence of the radiation field when it is about to reach the level of frostbite. At least, Uranium does not intend to enter the advanced training of improving the accuracy of the field before the inertia is formed in the movement of the soul power in the body.

Domain~ This is the top power of the soul master that only the titled Douluo level can watch. However, if you have talent and adventure, you can naturally do this, but for the domain, Uranium has to admit that his own research The progress can only be regarded as a layman, not as good as Tang San, after all, he has no one to teach.

"Let's build a shelter first. It's getting late. The tent is too easy to be blown off. It's better to set up one now." Uran looked at the weather and said to himself.

As he said, his right arm suddenly stretched out a gray light!

After this period of cultivation, the broken soul bone spirit ability: nuclear energy light blade, has been completely repaired.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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