Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 415: Unknown signs

It roared with doubts, and it clearly felt a very threatening opponent, and some did not dare to move forward. But the prey in front of him is within sight, and the **** aura stimulates it even more...

The guy shook a few times, but hesitantly leaned in.

In addition to Uranium, the four guys other than Oscar were already pale. The man with the red bow and arrow martial arts spirit quickly pulled the bowstring, and the arrow made of red flames condensed on the top. The next moment, a series of shots were shot. Get out!

"The arrow of flame, devour my enemy!"

Uran's eyes lit up. This man's archery skills with bow and arrow martial arts were really good. Although he was seriously injured, the three arrows shot out together, but the hand holding the bow was steady.

Three arrows entwined with red light and shadow rushed to the monster's two heads and one leg respectively!

Shoo three times!

The monster was hit by three arrows, but it just shook its body. Suddenly, it turned, and two shaggy claws came out from behind, pulled out the arrow with force, and then split the bear's head. A few calls...

The bleeding from the wound, this monster actually didn't care at all, the blood was dripping on the snow, as if a hint of smoke came out!

"This monster's blood is poisonous, and it will be over if it touches it." The Longbow Soul Master finished shooting the arrow and shook his head: "But there is nothing to be careful about, we are all over... We are not opponents." He looked at Uranium. With a wry smile, "Who are you, a teenager like you, how come you came to the frozen forest by yourself... I'm just sorry, it was we who hurt you, this monster came here with us." "

An angry roar sounded, the guy holding the scimitar martial arts desperately, he held the golden scimitar tightly in both hands, and the four spirit rings on his body glowed at the same time, increasing strength, sharpening, and extending sword aura. Strengthening the machete's stealing vitality, the four spirit rings light up in turn, and then they cut the monster's waist fiercely!

With a ripping sound, the golden scimitar cut the monster's body, but the monster didn't even shake it, but instead stretched out the shaggy claw, twisted the scimitar, and then shook...

With a shout, the guy holding the Scimitar Martial Spirit had already flown out, hitting a tree heavily, and after falling to the ground, a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

The guy holding the scimitar had a pale face. The scimitar in his hand was originally a martial soul for close combat, but it was even more at a loss at this moment. This monster is powerful, its body is full of venom, and its core is deeply hidden in the stitching. The body can't be broken at all. The most important thing is that this monster is not afraid of being cut off the body at all, because these can be reunited!

No doubt you will die as soon as you get close!

But seeing that one of the two companions did not shoot arrows, one was thrown out, and finally the black bear spirit spirit master, the ice bird spirit master still uttered a cry, raised his claws, and suddenly a faint yellow light appeared on his body!

"Fourth Spirit Ability: Ground Slap!"

The black bear spirit master shouted, and took two virtual shots on the spot! Two deep yellow spirit power shockwaves immediately volleyed in the air, and with two puffs, the spirit power shockwave accurately blasted the monster's body, leaving a bone wound on the monster's left leg...

The next moment, the Ice Bird Soul Master had already rushed over, and his wing tips suddenly opened, like a sharp blade in the air, and went straight to the monster's head!

The speed and strength of this winged knife are quite good, but the monster suddenly took a step back, and a **** long thorn suddenly protruded from the body!

The ice bird soul master was in mid-air, unable to dodge, and immediately his shoulder was pierced by barbs, and he was hanging on the barbs of the monster like a candied haw!

The barb was covered with curved bone hooks, and the ice bird soul master immediately let out a heart-piercing scream. The spirit ring on his body lit up, and the ice crystals condensed on his hand, forming a spike shape. Desperately pierced towards the monster's head, and pounced, the ice crystal spike pierced the monster's bear head, and it was set on the monster's head, but the monster didn't seem to feel anything...

The Flame Bow Soul Master sighed sorrowfully. None of the three of them were opponents of the monster's blow, they simply closed their eyes and waited for death.

At this moment, Uran looked at the ice bird soul master hanging on the barb of the monster, and couldn't help sighing. He just said that he would come, no need to run, just hand it to him. In the end, he hasn't done anything yet. I want to observe the specific situation. After all, this thing can only be formed in the blood battle of the soul beast, and it is quite strange now.

This is definitely an unclear sign.

In the end, these four were given away by themselves, making it too late for him to save him.

Fortunately, there is still enough time.


With a clear cry, Uranium activated the spirit bone skill: Time stagnation.

After that, Uran took a deep breath, raised his right arm, and the light blade unfolded, directly facing the animal, which seemed to have been cut for more than three thousand years!

This light blade did not directly slash the monster, but accurately cut the barb of the monster!

With a click, the barb was severed, and the ice bird soul master above rolled to the ground, making a crunchy sound of ice and snow, like a frozen picture.

The next moment, Uran raised his right arm high, and the giant lightsaber over a hundred meters straight into the sky, facing the demon corpse beast in front of him, slashing directly towards the opponent!

"Beyond Slash."


The harsh and piercing sound exploded, and the light blade fell, directly cutting the monster's head.

Then, as if cutting butter with a hot knife, the light blade continued downward, cutting off the body.

It wasn't until the lightsaber touched the scarlet core full of tentacles that there was a slight obstacle, but under the crushing strength of uranium, there was still no resistance.

Only heard Bo! With a bang, this scarlet core was severely cut away!

Finally, the lightsaber fell on the ground and split out from under the crotch, splitting the monster in two!


Because the length of this giant lightsaber was so long that the large forest behind the monster was also affected. The big trees were cut in the middle, and the two unstable sections fell to the left and right, making a rumbling sound. , And at the same time set off a large swath of ice flakes.

For a while, the surrounding environment was plunged into the impact enveloped by snowflakes.

The five seconds when time stopped soon passed.

Even Oscar's request just came out: "Uranium, can you please save me..."

The sentence of saving them was choked in the throat by Oscar, and he stared in amazement. Suddenly, the monster was cut in the middle!

It didn't even utter an unwilling roar, or even reacted, it was violently killed by Uranium!

This move can be said to be a total dimension reduction blow, and no soul beast spirit master can resist this move.

"I... Damn?" Seeing the monster lay on the Oscar breathed a sigh of relief, he retreated, leaning against a big tree...

The ice bird soul master suddenly landed, and although the pain was almost impossible to scream, he also heard the bursting sound, and immediately instinctively rolled away desperately!

Seeing that the monster fell down suddenly, all three of them stared at the monster's corpse with wide-eyed eyes. It took a while before they finally let out a cheer!

Survived! They survived!

The next moment, that was not far away, the confused Flame Bow Soul Master saw the indifferent Uranium holding his arms, his face suddenly changed.

Yes... he, did that kid just take action?

Could it be that he is a top spirit master? !

ps: The fourth update is complete, ask for a monthly pass, I will update more later.

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