Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 417: Soul beasts riot!

Oscar and Daconis and the others are ready to return to the city.

As for the soul master who rushed out after being caught in the flame thorn trap at the beginning, Uran didn’t mean to ask, it’s a private matter of others, whether it was a companion who knew him abandon them here, or he didn’t know him. Passers-by have nothing to do with him.

The most important thing to him here is the Oscar who went to the far north to experience.

Moreover, he was also a little curious, why did this monster beast appear here?

The conditions for this thing to appear are too harsh. It requires at least ten soul beast corpses to be pushed together, at least for more than a thousand years, after a certain period of brewing, there is a very low probability of appearing.

Under normal circumstances, only when there is a spirit beast battle and a group of spirit beasts die suddenly, can it be guaranteed that a demon corpse beast will be born stably.

In the end what happened?

Moreover, the deputy captain of the adventure team just said that they were shocked by the group of spirit beasts gathered inexplicably, which led to a sudden encounter with the monster beast.

The most important thing is that the destination of uranium is the far north core behind the frozen soil behind the forest. It is not only necessary to experience the so-called deep forest, but also to cross the wasteland. This difficulty can be imagined. And now there seemed to be signs of soul beast riots again, which made it hard for people not to think of the core of the extreme north.

"It seems that something is wrong." Uranum murmured. Suddenly, he felt that his head seemed to be dizzy for a moment, and then his body shook subconsciously.

"What's the matter?" The Black Bear Spirit Master not far away, Hei Shan raised his head first, and looked around suspiciously.

Immediately afterwards, everyone found that everything around them, even the snow under their feet, began to sway, and the swaying gradually gradually became violent. They could even see the surrounding snowflakes escaping into the air. go with.

"It's not good, it's an earthquake." Moser, an ice bird soul master who was supporting him, exclaimed, no matter how strong the soul master is, it is impossible to compete with nature.

As the so-called Tianwei is unpredictable!

"It's not an earthquake. This kind of thing has never happened in the frozen forest. I'm afraid, the group of spirit beasts has rioted." Dakonis's voice is fairly stable, although he knows that they were spirit beasts who were suddenly passed by in the former camp. When the group impacted, the scene of the demon corpse beast just now happened, but he didn't expect it to be so coincidental. In less than half an hour, he unexpectedly encountered the soul beast group impact.

As if to verify his words, an unparalleled violent roar suddenly sounded along with the strong tremors of the earth, and the shock of the soul power caused everyone to fall to the ground. Even the four-ring powerhouses such as Oscar and Daconis No exception.

Only uranium, still standing steadily, motionless as a mountain.

Everyone almost subconsciously raised their heads and looked into the distance, only to see that the distance was already enveloped by pure white snow, and bursts of ground shaking continued to expand, like thunder.

"Go! Flee to the left!" Uran's face became extremely ugly for the first time, and he yelled in a hurry, shouting in the direction of Oscar's group.

He saw it, saw the soul beast group that swept away like the ocean!

There are countless rioting ice armored bulls, crystalline earth dragons, ice frogs, frozen pythons, etc., all kinds of soul beasts gathered together, rushing toward their direction like crazy!

This is no longer something people can resist, even him.

Must be withdrawn!

At this time, the rumbling noise became clearer and clearer. Except for Oscar, the other adventure team members were already ashamed. The joy of escaping just now is gone. What they think now is how to live. leave here.

At this moment, a white figure appeared like lightning, and Uran's cold voice seemed a little hasty, "What are you still doing, keep in formation, gather together, and retreat at full speed. The high-level spirit beasts over there are about to charge coming."

I don’t know why, after hearing Uranium’s voice, every adventurer’s panic became much calmer. Oscar calmed down. He decisively recited the soul curse and produced big sausages of various attributes, and then immediately handed them to the surroundings. People.


No more negligence, everyone rushed towards the woods on the left at full speed, and Uranium was responsible for the break at the end of the team.

Although he said he has never experienced an avalanche, Uranium knows how to deal with the current situation. That is to run, and to run to the sides!

Because no matter how fast you run, it is still not an avalanche in the front, nor an opponent of the soul beast group!

If you only know to run behind you, you will eventually be overwhelmed by the soul beast group.

I don’t know what happened in the core of the extreme north. The vast majority of spirit beasts seemed to be driven by that special thing. Group after group were driven into the forest. Obviously, the crystalline earth dragon is not It should appear in the forest environment!

Maybe, it was the 100,000-year-level spirit beast battle that appeared in the core area of ​​the Far North! The area affected was too large, and there were too many soul beasts. Those soul beasts that could not fly had to escape. Except for the sound of snowflakes condensing and then falling apart, almost all of the loud noise came from the spirit beasts running wildly. The sound of coming.

At Uranium's speed, of course, he was not afraid of being overtaken by the soul beasts, but the soul sects he had just met were not good. The cultivation base determined the speed. Although they were running wildly, their speed was still too slow.

Even with the spiritual guidance of uranium, it can avoid all obstacles, such as big trees and the ice layer of underground hollows, but the speed of escape is far from enough.


There was another loud noise, and the adventurers who were rushing to both sides staggered and almost fell again. Fortunately, the shock was not too strong.

At this time, a large number of flakes of snowflakes were scattered in the sky, everyone was covered by dusty snow, their hair was dyed with white, the cold chill began to take away the heat, and the strong smell of ice and snow made them breathe. After the numbness and coldness, the sky has completely turned into a vast white color.

The soul beast finally caught up, UU reading dozens of ice armored bulls rushed from a distance in panic. These ice armored bulls are extremely large, reaching 1,000 to 5,000. Years, the hissing sound in the rush, filled the hearts of adventurers with panic.

"Don't look to the side, keep running, I will break the queen for you." Uranium's calm voice instantly penetrated into everyone's brain, but everyone has rebellious psychology and curiosity, Oscar couldn't help but glance behind. , Just to see the dozens of thousand-year-old ice armor bulls rushing over with a force of thunder.

The black and green brilliance quietly diffused, and under Oscar's horrified gaze, the steel-filled Cronus Soul Guidance Battlegear appeared on Uranium again after more than two months.

The dark black armor, the strange green patterns all over the armor, the hideous mask and shoulders, the spikes on the helmet, and the skirt that stretches quietly around the waist, it is full of powerful visual impact. force.

Oscar, who was already full of feelings of seeing death at home, couldn't help but stare blankly. This, is this uranium?

ps: I will write two chapters during the day, and send them as soon as they are finished. Now these two chapters are written and sent regularly last night, at nine and half past nine.

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