Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 422: : Approaching storm

The sky far away, and the gray, lead-colored clouds, gave people a feeling of suffocation of heart palpitations.


   The cold wind is bitter, and the whistling sound caused by the cold current is as harsh as a ghost.


  Uranium stepped on the frozen ground of the wasteland and kept walking forward.


   The brows were drooping, and the scarf was wrapped around his forehead and chin, showing only a pair of bright eyes.


   He didn't use the radiation field to block the cold wind and biting cold outside, he was tempering his body.


   Stimulate the spirit power to run on its own, instead of letting him take the initiative to run the spirit power.


   In this degree of cold zone, most of the unbearable soul beasts quietly disappeared. At this time, the danger of the extreme north finally lifted the veil.


   There are few soul beasts here, but they are all quite powerful. Each soul beast has a very wide territory. Uran himself does not know whether he has entered the territory of a certain dangerous creature.




   A dull crash sounded from a distance.


  Uran looked up and realized that only the distant iceberg had undergone large-scale changes.


   It's not that a large-sized soul beast appeared.


   Maybe some iceberg collapsed.


   He knows that there are some large-sized soul beasts in the far north, such as the Titan Snow Demon King who is 100 meters tall, but how many soul power levels the monsters will have now is still unknown.


  Uran continued to walk forward. His speed was not fast, but he was unexpectedly smooth. With his soul power to resist the cold, he could feel his hands and feet hot like a stove.




   A howl of a wolf broke the dead silence on the frozen ground.


   The source of the sound was a giant wolf with a huge body and a protective silver-white fur, about two meters high.


   At this moment, it is howling loudly, calling for the pack of wolves that have not caught up.


   In the distance behind it, dozens of small black dots can be vaguely seen.


   Suddenly, Uran felt a sharp, greedy look.


   The silver-white giant wolf has not known the existence of uranium, and a pair of tragic green wolf eyes emit a penetrating light.


   A delicious human...


   ate it! This world lacks such meat!


   It had such a thought in his mind.


   But soon, there was a touch of human thinking in the eyes of the giant wolf.


   Its IQ is not low.


   Some humans have come here before, when it was still a young wolf.


  During a hunting by their parents, their ice wolves encountered several humans and clashed, but the ending ended with the escape of their wolves.


   Now that terrifying storm is coming soon, I can’t stay here and risk fighting a human.


   Although the human looks very weak.


   However, in its intuition, it can be felt that there is an extremely violent aura in that thin body.


  Intuition, this is the key to its survival in the extreme north.


   It trusts its intuition unconditionally.


   For a moment, the giant wolf put away its killing intent, replaced it with a touch of vigilance, stepped back a few steps toward the rear, and showed Uranium that he didn't want to fight, but was not afraid.


   "Hey, so smart, judging from this momentum, it should be thirty or forty thousand years old."


  Uran looked at the look of this giant wolf and couldn't help but admire.


  Since this wolf has self-knowledge, he is not the kind of tyrannical tyrant, so let him go.


   ignored the clever wolf, and Uran moved on.


   Only the next moment, a flash of extreme speed flashed before his eyes.


   is the ice wolf king.




   It stopped in front of Uranium, looked at the gradually condensing clouds in the distance, and made a running motion.


   "This is... you are warning me not to come near?" Uranium's eyes flashed with interest.


   "This little guy, maybe he has been in contact with humans before, he is not afraid of people at all, and he didn't directly act on me. That's really going to die."


   "It's just that, I'm even more curious, what happened in the far north?"


   "I was here to temper. The bigger the trouble, the more interesting it is. Moreover, the previous soul beast riots were enough to harm the city outside the forest. Even Oscar almost died in it."


   As he thought about it, Uran's body glowed with a blue light.


   Soul power light spot spreads outward.


   In the alert eyes of the Iceborne Wolf King, a light spot attached to the opponent's body.


   "Okay, I have left something for you. When I become stronger in the future, it will deny you some of my strength. The right is to thank you for warning me of the benefits."

  Uran smiled and waved to the Icefield Wolf King.


   is like driving away.


   The other party seemed to understand this movement, and without hesitation, he immediately turned around and left.


   towards the wolf cubs and she-wolves who had already swarmed towards it, the young wolf rushed over.


   Then, the wolves quickly fled towards the frozen forest.


   Just like the core of the Far North behind, there is something like a big horror.


   "Even soul beasts of this level have to drag their families and escape, what happened in the far north?"


   With curiosity, Uranium embarks on the path forward.


   I don’t know when.


   The wind pressure has increased.


   Snowflakes are flying in the air with the rising icy current.


   The sky gradually dimmed.


   The sky, which was originally a bit icy blue, was covered with a deadly lead gray.


   It was clear that the clouds of this color were still far away, and it was only after more than an hour that they had reached the top of his head.


   even continues to spread towards the frozen forest.


   As it continued to deepen, more and more powerful soul beasts flooded towards the outside world.


   The soul beast riots that occurred in the frozen forest were only at the millennium level, and occasionally mixed with tens of thousands of years, but now most of the guys seen with uranium have reached the ten thousand year level.


   Even the 30-40,000-year-old soul beasts of the Ice Wolf King level like the previous ones are no longer in the minority.


   In the process of fleeing, some spirit beasts attacked Uranium.


   But he killed them all.


  His strength has reached the level of a general ten thousand year soul beast dying at close proximity.


   Even though the spirit beasts of the Far North are generally stronger, Uranium's mental power is not vegetarian, and his body immediately becomes soft when he stares at it.


   was then compensated by a lightsaber and played gg perfectly.


   The other spirit beasts saw this scene, and they ran faster as if they had seen a ghost.


   After digging deeper, Uranium discovered that the wind was blowing.


   Besides, it's a biting gale!


   The strong wind instantly made Uran's feet unstable, and his body trembled.


   was almost blown up.


   "This is? A storm?" Uranium looked suspicious.


   "Fuck, something big will happen!"


  Uran's anxiety expanded to the greatest extent.


   Although he doesn't know how much the current wind is, he does know it. Comparing with the strong wind data of Antarctica in his previous life, the storm in Douluo Continent in another world will only be big, not small!


   The Antarctic in the previous life was windy all year round, and the maximum wind speed can reach about 100 meters per second, which is three times higher than the level 12 gale of 33 meters per second!


  You can easily lift off the plane at the airport and throw it over several kilometers!


   "No wonder these soul beasts have to run, and if they don't run, they will all die here!"


   Gritting his teeth, Uran lowered his head to resist the intensifying wind, looking around, trying to find some protrusions that could shelter from the wind.


   If it doesn't help, find something to fix him.


   But unfortunately, there is no such thing around.


   The frozen ground is empty, and no one is inhabited.


   "What should I do? The storm lasts for half a month or more than half a year, UU reading can not support that long with my soul power, I will die!"


  Uran's heart suddenly became anxious.


   "I want to go back, avoid shame, but it works!"


   Just when such a thought came up in his heart, suddenly, a very strong spirit power fluctuation, from a very far away, the center of the lead storm spread to the surroundings!


   Boom! !


   The tyrannical spirit power fluctuations bombarded the unprepared Uranium through a long distance, and directly caused him to fly upside down and fall to the ground. Then, his body was lifted by the violent wind and flew toward the sky!


   "Time stops!"


   In an emergency, Uranium directly activates the Soul Bone Skill: World.


   In case of indecision, time out.


  Uran floated to the ground, with a grim expression: "A existence that is no weaker than Qiandaoliu, and even beyond. Although I don't know who it is, it should not be an attack on me, but a passive full-range impact."


   "The top priority at the moment is to save lives. Now it is too late to return to the frozen forest. I have gone too far, and it is estimated that this storm will sweep the entire wasteland."


   "Wait for me to resist the first shock, and then explore the situation."


   Uranium's eyes flickered, and then, the fourth spirit ring on his body began to shine with dazzling light!


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