Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 70: Nuclear explosion sent you to Huangquan!


   The palm of his hand was slashed, but some very hard material was cut, and there were soft noises, and Uchiha Uranus also felt a pain in his hand.

  I don't know when, the arm that the purple-haired evil spirit master used to resist turned into a shining silver arm, exuding a chill, but it looked like stainless steel, and it seemed to have defensive power.

  Although there were signs of cracking on the part of the arm where Uchiha's Uranium Hand Sword was applied, he was particularly unaware of it, and even licked his tongue, causing the third spirit ring to move.

In the next moment, Uchiha Uranus decisively jumped away, avoiding the sharp spikes that the Purple Haired Evil Soul Master suddenly appeared from his hand, and then suddenly, the corners of the Evil Soul Master’s mouth were raised, and his smile appeared, as if Uchiha was in front of him. Uranium is an extremely wonderful food in general.

   And his eyes are indeed staring at Uchiha's face.

   No, more accurately, it was his brain.


The Evil Soul Master youth had a hideous face, as if the delicious brain in front of him was all he had. He didn't even consider that the opponent's strength was much stronger than himself. He didn't even see that his fourth spirit ring was black, completely out of it. The normal spirit ring configuration.

   "Damn it! Eat your brain and eat yourself silly!"

  Uchiha Uranus actually dared to rush over when he saw this person, and before he could run, he died by himself. He couldn't help but feel a little amused. Is this the Evil Soul Master?

   didn't talk nonsense with the evil spirit master, now when he thought of the villagers who died tragically, a fire was burning in his heart, evil spirit master, evil spirit master, he could actually encounter this kind of thing!

And when the purple-haired evil spirit master got close, Uchiha Uranus moved, as if teleporting, he suddenly appeared beside the evil spirit master, avoided the punch, and then saw the soul on his body. After the ring flashed, his left leg violently kicked and kicked him around his waist, kicking him more than ten meters away, and the evil spirit master's spirit ability suddenly descended.

   Countless purple light shot from him more than three meters away, all the surrounding objects were penetrated, with strong corrosion, the stone that was shot through was suddenly ironed with a faint purple meaning, emitting an unclean light.

   "Why are evil spirit master skills so evil?"

Uchiha Uran's brows frowned. He had never fought against evil spirit masters, but this evil spirit skill would suffer a big loss if one was not careful. He hadn't seen Douluo much, but he also knew evil spirit masters. In this series of Douluo, I was annoying.

   and he is the same.

   But now, the evil spirit master in front of him still has a four-ringed spirit ability that is useless. If it is that kind of instant, wouldn't it be a disadvantage?

   It's a pity, if the dagger is still there, and now it is directly nailed to the tree, then it would be too easy for me.

   "Do you want to turn on radiation? Forget it, use radiation to dirty my particles, use the fourth spirit ring, anyway, there are no living creatures around, by the way, cremate these corpses to avoid being eaten."

  As the mind was running, Uchiha Uranus decided the next thought. Yes, radiation killing is the release of energy from high-energy particles, but the energy is too large for humans to bear.

   If he uses radiation to kill this evil spirit master, then the high-energy particles will still return to his body, and this guy who reveals evil and disgust from the inside out, he doesn't want to dirty his hands.

   "Kill! Kill!"

   whispered, the evil spirit master with purple hair rushed forward again, the yellow spirit ring flashed, and his whole body instantly resembled a building of silver, exuding dazzling reflections, like a steel man, it was tricky to look at.

   But Uchiha Uranus doesn’t reason with you.


   took a deep breath, Uchiha Uran’s eyes sharpened, and he looked at the evil spirit master who was seeking death in front of him. Somehow, there was a sympathetic thought in his heart.

   I don’t know how you feel when you feel the heat?

   The next moment, Uchiha Uranus jumped high!

   Gray high-energy particles hovered under his feet, seeming to have invisible power to set off him. As he flew up, Uchiha Uranus thought a lot about whether it would harm him or other miscellaneous thoughts.

But after seeing the energy visible to the naked eye, I couldn’t help but relax. Yes, the field of radiation is my own protection. All radiation, shocks, and high temperatures can be absorbed, because radiation is the source of energy for everything. !

   The sun is radiation, and the air is radiation. Everything is under my control!

   The fourth spirit ability, the black spirit ring suddenly flashed!

A majestic force abruptly condensed under his feet. Invisibly, all high-energy particles, radiation energy, including all the soul power in Uchiha Uranium's body were absorbed by the soul skills contained in his feet, extremely terrifying soul The force fluctuations occurred instantaneously, and under the control of the boy, they did not burst immediately, but condensed in the feet.

   After a breath.

The Uchiha Uranium in the sky carries the spirit power fluctuations that oppress the space. The strong leg gusts, and the howling wind pressure flattened all the surrounding plants, like a tsunami, and the turbulent weather formed a terrifying explosion with the surrounding space sound!

   At this moment, with the production of soul skills, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted! The invisible light suddenly dimmed, and the woods not far from the village formed a sharp contrast with the rest of the outside world. The feeling that the sky was about to fall directly stunned the Zifa Evil Soul Master.

   In the blink of an eye, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Uchiha Uranium contained shocking power, kicking with the momentum of kneeling from the sky and the earth, whistling the wind, tearing the air, and touching the face of the stunned evil spirit master!

   nuclear! !

  Explosion! !

   kick! !

  ! !

   At this moment, time is about to freeze.

   Uchiha Uranus felt the trembling in his heart. At this moment, his heart shook suddenly, as if reluctant to give up and regret.

   It is as long as a century, and it is like the passing of bit by bit, this foot seems to have passed endless years, and finally began to bloom endless light!

   Boom————! ! ! !

   A rising sun slowly rises under his feet!

   Endless temperature! Endless heat! Unparalleled impact!

   The high temperature of over 100,000 degrees melted everything around! Uchiha Uranus couldn't hear any sound, and there was nothing in his eyes except the white light. He couldn't even feel whether he had kicked the evil spirit master who was angry with everyone!

   He has only one feeling, explosion!

   Boom! ! ! ————

The next moment, like an implosion, a harsh sound rang in his ears, and the sharp roar completely disoriented Uchiha Uranium. The ultra-violent shock wave gushed from the ring toward the surroundings, carrying endless potential energy. All the plants blocking the way are smashed!

   in an instant.

   A huge round of smoke rose slowly on the spot, rising to the sky, forming a mushroom-shaped cloud!

   In an instant, the ultra-high temperature burned everything around, and no signs of life were visible!

   Under the nuclear explosion, all things are equal!

   And in this radiant haze, a half-kneeling figure is looming.


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