Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 5: Reasons for dispelling spirit beasts

   Early the next morning.

   The sun shines on the shelter, and through the layers of branches and leaves, the spot-like light shines on Uchiha's face with a soft and warm breath, awakening him from sleep.

   To his surprise, he originally thought that his first night would be spent in tension and anxiety. After all, this is the periphery of the dangerous Star Dou Forest. But the fact is that he slept soundly, without the slightest anxiety or fear, as if this place is as safe as home, no difference.

   a quarter of an hour later.

   Uchiha Uranu packed up his clothes, tightened his belt, and prepared to start the journey that continues today. Although this place is very good, the water source is clean and close to him, and such a large forest lake, then a large amount of groundwater in this area must be concentrated here, so within a certain range, he must be unable to find a second one. A large water source.

But this place is too open, there is a large area of ​​open space, if it is to build a house, that would be more appropriate, but his ability is not enough to live here, the water source is the gathering place of soul beasts, and he is not sure to deal with many souls. The beast, the trap is easy to use, but the soul beast is not crowded and sent forward. In the final analysis, his ability is not enough.

Uchiha supported the broken tree and began to observe the surroundings. He wanted to find a thick terrain, preferably a dwelling such as a cave, and then there was a water source around it, preferably some weak herbivorous soul beasts. Among them, such shelter from wind and rain, there is a place for daily life.

   If you can't find it, you can only turn back and find a place near the water source to build a shelter. He has all thoughts about it, cut some hard wood, and think of a way to make one in the middle of the tree.

  Uchiha Uranus thought about how the shelter would be arranged in the future, and then took away his hand leaning on the tree. Suddenly, he felt some strange touches in his palm.

   withered, like a **** bark, stuck to his hand.

   "Huh? What's the situation?"

   Uchiha Uran hurriedly clapped his hands, patted off the withered bark in his hands, then turned his head to look at the slightly abnormal tree, his expression gradually becoming serious. At this time, he also noticed some strange things, such as the leaves of the tree crown, which had all changed color. Yesterday, although some branches and leaves were not shiny, they were still green. But now, it is completely gray.

   He squeezed a leaf, and before he tried hard, it was already scratched and broken.

   The same is true for this tree. It has no activity of yesterday. It lingers like an old man who is about to die. The gap between the day before and today is so big, it seems that time flies by.

   Uchiha Uranus was stunned, he still didn't understand what happened, how could this tree become like this, all of a sudden, it died.

   After a long time, he sighed.

   ",,, I understand. I finally know. No wonder I haven't seen a soul beast. They have a keen sense of smell for feelings. They ran far away when they felt the smell of nuclear radiation on my body."

"All the soul beasts that can run are gone, and the plants can't run. The nuclear radiation on my body is really good for animals and plants. Damn, I thought I would be able to spend the rest of my life safely by running to the Star Dou Great Forest. Unexpectedly, I am still a nature destroyer, wherever I go and die."


   Slowly put down the package, Uchiha loosened the burden on his body, took out the machete that was still covered in mud and sap, and began to search for the thicker trees around him.

   He figured it all out.

   just build a house here, not going anywhere.

The radiation on his body can obviously help him disperse the soul beast, and to a large extent guarantee his safety. It can be said that except for people with low perception, they cannot feel the uninterrupted radioactive material on his body. The beast didn't even need to see him, as long as it reached a certain range, that was how far it went.

And he also recalled the memory of nuclear radiation, and found that not only animals and plants, water sources, nuclear radiation can also pollute, that is to say, he didn’t touch the water source just now, but after the whole night of yesterday, this forest The lake is already his Uchiha Uranus shape.

   Even if he leaves, the radiation is still there. As long as the other spirit beasts are directly infected by the water in this lake, they will die faster by drinking a few more mouthfuls. And for the soul beasts that have eaten and drank the water here, the radiation will continue to transfer, and then produce mutations in the body, or enter the countdown to life.

   This is terrifying, he himself is a walking nature destroyer. So he didn't leave anymore, just stay here, anyway, no soul beast would come to trouble him, he would slowly build his own shelter, then learn the knowledge of books, and practice quietly. When he reaches the level of twentieth spirit power, and then think of a way to kill the spirit beast, he is already like this, just find a spirit beast, and don't fight for hegemony, or be the strongest in the whole continent.

At this time Uchiha Uranus suddenly thought of a funny thing. If he became a king, and one day he held a meeting where all the ministers would come. As a result, in the middle of the meeting, all the ministers died of radiation infection. , That's too ridiculous.

   Thinking about it, Uchiha Uranus sighed. Come on, the biggest soul beast threat in the Star Dou Great Forest is no longer a threat to him. It's better to take it slowly. I heard that you can live longer and live longer when you practice Title Douluo. It seems that from the original, you can live to three or five hundred years old.

  Just thinking about he thinks it's not bad, although he is only six years old, at least it is acceptable to live an old life here in advance.

   An hour later.

Uchiha dropped the machete that was already somewhat curled, and looked around and saw that only three trees were cut down by himself. At this time, he felt that it was really stupid to come without an axe. He clearly wanted to go to the forest. Why Without an axe?

   Helpless, I only have such a machete on my body, I can’t wait to rely on my little dagger to poke it with one knife, right?

   After thinking about it, Uchiha Uranus decided to outsmart him. Since he has a spirit ability, can he dismember the three trees that have been cut down first, relying on the explosion effect caused by this spirit ability. As for the way of action, it is natural to create a trap next to the tree, then push the tree over, let it press on the trap, and trigger it directly.

   After confirming his idea, he immediately took action. It was not difficult to create a spirit ability trap. It was similar to a game. After reading the article first, it appeared in his hand, and finally found a place to put it.

With his soul power, he can put up to three to four traps a day. No matter how many he has, he will not be able to consume more soul power. Fortunately, this trap is powerful enough, just a stab, and he succeeded The tree exploded. Although there were many blemishes on the surface, which were caused by small stones scattered after the explosion of the stone, it had achieved his goal of separating the crown and the trunk.

   The trunk can be used to lay the foundation for the house, and what can the crown be used for?

Fortunately, this is a spirit-powered world. If he is just a six-year-old child in the modern world, let alone dragging a tree trunk to a designated position, he will not even be able to cut trees under the sun, but unfortunately, he has written The child with dual blessings of wheel eyes and spirit ring, at this age alone, he is already invincible!


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