Doupo: Elemental God

Chapter 1595: Luoshen City, future planning

Xiaoxi Tianjie, Luoshen Clan.

In the core area of ​​the Luoshen tribe, there is an incomparably majestic city. This city exudes an ancient atmosphere. It has obviously gone through vicissitudes and has a history belonging to it.

The city is divided into two by a raging river. The river shuttles through the city, and when it reaches the outside of the city, it turns around again, forming a loop that just surrounds the city.

This big river is extremely mysterious. It has a color like the stars. Sometimes, it is even more beautiful than the starry sky. The big river roars and nourishes the city.

Lu Yunxiao and his party followed behind Luo Tianshen, walking in the city.

All of a sudden, they were all fascinated by this gorgeous river.

"Ding, the check-in location is detected, and the check-in begins."

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yunxiao's mind.

Lu Yunxiao raised his eyebrows, and then turned his eyes away. His starry eyes swept across the river, and there was a little bit of brilliance in his eyes.

With his eyesight, he can see that there is a very mysterious energy in this big river.

It was a force of blood.

And the energy is not weak.

Moreover, at the bottom of the great river, there seemed to be strange life forms.

It was a life form that Lu Yunxiao had never seen before.

"Clan chief Luo, the river of your Luoshen clan seems a little unusual."

Lu Yunxiao's eyes moved slightly, looking at Luo Tianshen, he smiled authentically.

He knew a little about the origin of the river, but not very clearly.

And his current identity is from the lower plane.

Sometimes, it is not easy to know too much.

Luo Tianshen looked at this magnificent river, with a flash of pride and reverence in his eyes.

"This river is the Luo River, and it is also the holy river of our Luoshen tribe. In the hearts of our Luoshen tribe, it is sacred and inviolable."

Luo Tianshen introduced.

But very brief.

He didn't reveal all the other strange things about Luohe.

But Lu Yunxiao was not surprised, after all, they just met for the first time.

It's impossible to talk shallow and deep.

"Luo River?"

"It's a nice name, and it's also pretty."

Lu Yunxiao praised.

"Yes, thank you!"

Luo Tianshen answered casually.

The two chatted with each other, and soon entered the center of Luoshen City.

Here, there is a series of majestic palaces exuding a noble and inviolable atmosphere. This is Luoshen Palace.

It is also the home of the Luoshen clan royal family.

In order to show how much he valued Lu Yunxiao and the others, Luo Tianshen did his best to entertain them.

Bringing Lu Yunxiao and his party to Luoshen Palace for resettlement.

Outside a tall, antique palace, Luo Tianshen stopped in his tracks.

"Mr. Lu, please rest here for the next few days. Please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

Luo Tianshen pointed to the palace and said to Lu Yunxiao.

Lu Yunxiao smiled loudly, and cupped his hands, "It's already very good, thank you, Patriarch Luo."

"Master Lu doesn't mind, as long as I don't mind, the old man will send some people to take care of me later, if you need anything, just let me know."

Luo Tianshen said.

"The patriarch Luo is polite."

Lu Yunxiao nodded with a smile.

Luo Tianshen left, and Lu Yunxiao and his party also entered the palace.

The palace is very large, resplendent and magnificent, luxurious but not vulgar. Inside the palace, there are exotic flowers and plants, and the scenery is abundant.

The maid sent by Luo Tianshen arrived very quickly, and she was very attentive in entertaining her.

Lu Yunxiao randomly chose a sleeping hall, and then sat down with Yun Yun and others in a courtyard in the palace.

"The Luoshen clan is unusual. This Luo River is interesting."

Yun Yun's beautiful eyes flickered with splendor, and she spoke softly.

All the way she walked, this Luohe River left a deep impression on her.

"The Luo River, the holy river of the Luoshen clan, is rumored to have been transformed when the Luoshen fell, and it contains the power of the Luoshen."

"However, it is said that this kind of power can only be stimulated by the purest Luoshen royal blood."

"Today's Luoshen Clan, it seems that there is no one who can inspire this power."

Qing Yanjing also chimed in.

After all, the Luoshen clan had once been brilliant, and along the way, Qing Yanjing was actually paying attention secretly.

But the current Luoshen Clan is indeed too weak.

Compared with the general strong clan, they are far behind.

What's more, Qing Yanjing was born in the Futu ancient clan, one of the five great **** clans.

In fact, the Luoshen Clan is not quite in her eyes.

"The purest blood."

Lu Yunxiao stroked his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The purest blood of the Luoshen clan seems to be the granddaughter of Luo Tianshen, that is, Luo Li in the original book.

Luo Li's blood was pure, and Luoshen's power was successfully aroused during the Luoshen Festival, and he also cultivated Luoshen's dharma body.

It can be regarded as the new Luoshen.

In the later period, she also became the saint of the ancient Tailing tribe.

Whether it is talent or appearance, they are all top-notch.

But it's still early for this little girl to be born.

At least a few hundred years apart.

Even her father didn't know if she was born or not.

The current Luoshen Clan is still supported by Luo Tianshen alone.

But the current Luo Tianshen has not been injured, supporting the Luoshen clan, although the pressure is great, there is no major problem.

And what he is more interested in is that the Luo River contains the power of Luoshen's blood.

If there is a resurrection card, maybe it can revive Luoshen.

Of course, he wasn't curious about Luoshen's beauty, he was just curious about Luoshen's strength.

It is said that Luoshen was very strong back then, and he alone resisted the two Heavenly Demon Emperors, stronger than the Heavenly Emperor who cultivated the immortal golden body.

How could he not want to meet such a strange woman.

Especially after resurrection, it is also excellent to be a subordinate.

Of course, I can only think about it, he doesn't have a resurrection card now.

No, there seems to be another one, but it's just a junior one.

It can only resurrect those below the Supreme Being, which is useless.

Lu Yunxiao was muttering in his heart, his eyes drifted away slightly.

"Husband, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Lu Yunxiao suddenly in a daze, Qing Yanjing waved her hand in front of Lu Yunxiao's eyes and asked in puzzlement.


After being interrupted by Qing Yanjing, Lu Yunxiao immediately came back to his senses.

Smiling and shaking his head.

Qing Yanjing's **** and white eyes looked carefully at Lu Yunxiao's and then looked back suspiciously.

"Husband, what plan do you have for the future?"

Qing Yanjing's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and asked.

To do things, it is best to have a goal.

You need to have a clear goal so that you don't lose your way.

It is not advisable to use a hammer to the east and a stick to the west.

In particular, Lu Yunxiao is not an ordinary person, nor is he a casual cultivator.

He has power, ambition, and responsibility on his shoulders.

At this time, a clear goal and plan are more important.

This means that they will not do useless work and will not waste time and energy.

Only then can we grow and work harder.

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