As a result, the development of Tongcheng is very slow.

Without the consumption of foreign tourists, the development speed of the city will naturally be very slow.

Similarly, it has not been able to develop its own characteristic products, nor can it attract investment from foreign capitalists.

For a city to develop, both are necessary.

Looking at the first-tier cities in China...the imperial capital! This is the central city of China, and the energy and strength it contains are self-evident.

Magic Capital! China's largest financial center, the speed of development is naturally unmatched by 107 other cities.

The position of the mayor of Tongcheng is not a comfortable position.

If a leader wants to sit in a higher position, he must show performance that can convince everyone.

The mayor of Tongcheng is a good, hard-working and capable official. He has been sitting in the position of the mayor for some years, and it can be said that he is heartbroken for the development of Tongcheng.

It's just that sometimes, it's not that the gain and the effort are directly proportional.

But now, with the appearance of Ye Heng, the chief of Tongcheng City sees the hope of development.

Take the zoo owned by the city itself, although there are many animals in captivity, but the animals in captivity are also owned by zoos in other cities.

And pandas, the national treasures of China, are not something that can be raised in any zoo.

The zoo in the city obviously does not meet this condition.

And the animal panda panda made by Ye Heng is not much different from the real panda.

The most important thing is that it is a little better than a live panda.

Don't worry about getting sick and feeding.

If the city zoo can adopt such a panda, it will definitely attract foreign tourists to watch.

Although, because of Ye Heng, Tongcheng did attract many foreign tourists.

But because there is no fun, things, etc. in the city itself...... the tourists did not stay for a long time and then left.

It does not contribute much to the development of the urban economy.

Having such a craftsmanship in one's own city is not an appropriate thing to develop some characteristic culture.

In the future, it will become a major feature of Tongcheng, and it is also a fixed thing.

This gave the chief of Tongcheng city hope.

There is no city chief who does not want the city under his jurisdiction to develop rapidly.

After receiving a call from the city government, Zhang Qingchu did not call the shots, but asked Ye Heng's opinion.

Zhang Qingchu knew Ye Heng's temper.

Ye Heng is not the kind of person who likes to be in the limelight on purpose and wants to make money by relying on his craftsmanship and fame.

Therefore, in the handicrafts made by Ye Heng, Zhang Qingchu will never make his own decisions.

Even if you agree to this request from the government, it will definitely help Ye Heng's future development.

After hearing Zhang Qingchu's question, Ye Heng thought about it, and then said, "Yes!"

"you agree"

Hearing this, this time....... it was Zhang Qingchu's turn to be extremely surprised.

"Why don't I agree"

Ye Heng smiled and said, "I live in this city, and it's just a little help."

"That's good, I'll get back to them right away."

Ye Heng's thoughts made Zhang Qingchu extremely happy.

Seeing Zhang Qingchu's cheerful look, Ye Heng shook his head helplessly.

In fact, the reason why he agreed so straightforwardly was mainly because he knew the chief of the city.

Tongcheng's longevity has a lot of praise on the Internet.

And since taking office, he has been conscientiously trying to find a way for the development of Tongcheng.

Last time, when I learned that Ye Heng was going to open a company, I went there in person.

Knowing that Ye Heng did not like reporters, he did not bring reporters.

You must know that the main reason why someone who travels in the capacity of a government chief, usually without a reporter, is because this chief respects Ye Heng, the master of craftsmanship.

Although they didn't spend much time together, Ye Heng was quite fond of this...

People's officials who work for famous people are liked by everyone.

This is also the reason why Ye Heng agreed so succinctly.

Besides, it can change direction to promote the development of one's own city. Why don't you agree that Ye Heng is such a person with such a temperament.

Doing things depends on your preferences! People respect me one foot and 0, and I will pay you ten feet! However, the call from the city government made Ye Heng have some thoughts in his heart.

After Zhang Qingchu communicated with the city government, Ye Heng went to Zhang Qingchu's side.

Before speaking, Zhang Qingchu smiled and said, "Thank you very much, I said that I will visit you when I have time."

Ye Heng smiled: "I will definitely welcome you then."

"By the way, you should have something to do with me!"

As expected of someone who knows Ye Heng very well, Zhang Qingchu saw Ye Heng's appearance and guessed that something happened to Ye Heng.

Ye Heng nodded and smiled: "Yes, I have an idea."

"It's rare that Master Ye, a craftsman, can tell me what he thinks, and I'm all ears."

Zhang Qingchu joked.

Indeed, Ye Heng has always been a hands-off shopkeeper, except... making his own craftsmanship, other things have always been ignored....


Ye Heng knew that Zhang Qingchu was joking, but he didn't care, but told his thoughts.

Hearing what Ye Heng said, Zhang Qingchu said quickly: "Okay, I have had this idea for a long time, but I didn't know if you agreed or not, so I never said it."

Ye Heng considered that with the development in the future, there must be more and more mechanical beasts he made.

At that time, the family will definitely not be able to put so many organ beasts.

It's better to choose a place in the surrounding area that provides beasts to rest, which is the kind of replica of the zoo.

It's just more advanced than a zoo.

Because there are mechanical beasts, it is even more magical and interesting.

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The [-]st chapter begins to make the zodiac

This idea of ​​Ye Heng may just be a trivial matter for Ye Heng himself.

But Zhang Qingchu on the side was clear.

When Ye Heng's idea is implemented, it will definitely cause a huge sensation in Tongcheng, even in the whole country.

Zoos may be common to... people living in cities.

But what's about to happen isn't... as simple as a zoo.

Inside is a magical organ beast.

No, you can't use the word off.

Because of these...organized beasts, they are very obedient. Where to go and where they are is just a matter of Ye Heng's words.

Zhang Qingchu, who is quite business-minded, can already predict it.

Ye Heng's idea can be developed into a series of cultural industries.

It may even be included in the cultural protection heritage.

After all, Ye Heng was the only one who could make such magical things as mechanic beasts in China.

Coming to Ye Heng, although it was not long, I felt a different kind of life Li Qingyu.

At this time, she was playing with the mechanical beast starling not far away.

Although Li Qingyu doesn't like to talk very much, the black egg is always able to tell some jokes, which makes Li Qingyu laugh out loud.

Unconsciously, there have been some subtle changes in his personality, and Li Qingyu may not know it himself.

Li Qingyu put his eyes on Ye Heng and looked at Ye Heng curiously.

This handsome, but very calm and steady young man brought her too many surprises in a short period of time.

This kind of surprise was something she could never imagine before.

No wonder, her good friend Wang Jing always praised Ye Heng incessantly when chatting with her.

Such a young man really has a magical skill, which can bring many magical and different things to people.

This is completely different from the life she used to pursue speed and excitement.

But the feeling it brought to her was very good, very good.

In the evening, Ye Heng cooks by himself.

Mainly because Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying hadn't tasted Ye Heng's craftsmanship for a while.

The two of them have been busy recently, and now that they have a chance, they have to reward themselves.

Although Zhao Liying's cooking skills are also good.

But compared with Ye Heng, it is still a lot worse.

Ye Heng's cooking, in the hearts of Zhang Qingchu and Zhao Liying, is... a way of rewarding themselves for their hard work.

Li Qingyu was not particular about what to eat, nor did he have any requirements.

But tonight, when I ate the meal that Ye Heng made, my eyes lit up.

The strong aroma of food made her appetite.

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