
Ye Heng said: "August [-]th is still about a week away: time, what?"

"Take me to play with torches then!"

Wang Cong smiled.

"You're not kidding!"

Ye Heng said, "You, a young man worth billions of dollars, want to play with torches. It's the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th. You won't go home for the festival."

"There's no festive atmosphere at home."

Wang Congcong said, "I want to stay with you for a while, and I'll be fine when I go back. I'm really comfortable with you."

"Then do whatever you want."

Ye Heng said: "How long do you want to live here, I don't have you alone here."


Ye Heng also made almost all the parts of the beast and horse.

The rest is... carve the limbs of the beast and horse, and finally assemble it.


At this time, Wang Cong suddenly said, "I almost forgot."

"forgot something"

"I have to have someone bring me some computers."

Wang Congcong said: "It's a pity not to play games at night in such an environment."

Wang Cong is an e-sports game fan.

Almost everyone knows this.


Ye Heng heard the words and said: "I have a laptop in my room, I don't use it very much, and it's not too much trouble if you ask someone to give it to you."


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Unexpectedly, Wang Congcong said solemnly: "As a qualified e-sports player, I want the best computer or peripherals, otherwise I won't be able to exert my strength."

After speaking, Wang Congcong asked Ye Heng again: "By the way, whether you play games, eat chicken or alliance, I will play."

Ye Heng in his previous life also liked to play games.

But after coming to this world, Ye Heng really hadn't played it.

I have always been interested in crafting.

"I haven't played much."

Ye Heng shook his head.

"How about this!"

Wang Congcong said: "I'll have people send computers and peripherals for a few more days, and I'll take you to play games at night. How can you indulge in craftsmanship every day, you have to relax properly."

As a wealthy young Wang Cong Cong, his requirements for anything are the best.

Anyway...he has money.

"I do not mind."

Ye Heng said: "But the computer and peripherals are enough. For playing games, my laptop is enough. I have an old mouse and keyboard."

"How about that"

Wang Congcong said: "If the computer, keyboard and mouse are not well configured, it will affect the performance. I will send it to you, don't be polite to me."

After speaking, Wang Congcong continued: "I think it is necessary to build a bamboo building nearby to use it as a special game room. It's really nice to be able to see the scenery while playing games."

"It's not easy to want a game room."

Ye Heng believes in himself.

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Chapter [-]: Stand Organs

Ye Heng has not been able to understand it carefully.

After listening to Wang Congcong's words today, I found out.

The development of e-sports in this world does not have to be worse than in previous lives.

And whether it is the type of game or the players, it is similar to the previous life.

No wonder! After all, parallel worlds.

However, for those who love e-sports, a well-configured computer and good peripherals are definitely an artifact.

No one likes to squeeze into a small space and play games together.

Because that would not only not be able to exert strength, but also not enjoyable.

The rapid development of e-sports has directly led to the establishment of e-sports majors in many universities.

Even some hotels have transformed into e-sports hotels.

Imagine meeting a few friends, going out to play, and staying in an e-sports hotel at night.

Ranking together and eating chicken together, this feeling is nothing like heaven! Wang Congcong, who also likes to play games, will naturally require himself to play games in an environment that must not be bad.

Needless to say, good computers and peripherals, the same atmosphere is also good.

So, just now, I'm ready to call and ask his assistant to send him a computer and peripherals.

Speaking of the environment, Ye Heng's environment here is absolutely enviable.

However, Wang Congcong is obviously prepared to spend a lot of money to transform his room into an e-sports style.

And such a comfortable and atmospheric bamboo building would be perfect if it had a dedicated gaming room.

After hearing what Ye Heng said.

Wang Congcong quickly asked, "You have a way"

Just now Ye Heng said that the game room is an extremely simple thing for him.

This gave Wang Congng a glimpse of hope.

After all, the one in front of him is a real master of craftsmanship.

This bamboo building was built by this... strongman himself.

If you are building a game room, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

"Of course Wang Cong is following behind Ye Heng, but he has doubts in his heart.

He visited the bamboo building all over, this bamboo building is definitely a good place for homeowners.

But he really didn't find out that there is a game room.

And Ye Heng is now leading him, walking towards the bamboo building.

Could it be that there is still a legendary secret room hidden in this bamboo building "Ye Heng, is there something wrong with your bamboo building?"

Wang Congcong said: "Is there a secret room in the TV... where the shadow is hidden in the house?"

"I don't have any treasures at home. It's okay. What am I doing in a secret room?"

Ye Heng said with a smile: "There is no secret room, but there are still organs."

"There's really something to it."

Wang Cong's eyes lit up.

That kind of... In martial arts TV series, there are always traps in a room or a secret room.

People who don't know will be attacked once they step into the mechanism.

It looks quite terrifying, but after thinking about it, it's not that Wang Congcong is looking forward to it more and more, what is the mechanism in Ye Heng's mouth?

It even made Wang Congcong feel like a frog at the bottom of the well.

It can make such a rich family feel like a frog at the bottom of the well.

One can imagine how shocking Ye Heng's craftsmanship is.

Totally usable.

Invisible pretence, the most deadly to describe! Ye Heng took Wang Congcong up to the second floor.

There are two rooms on the second floor, one temporarily became Wang Congcong's bedroom.

The other room is empty.

Seeing Ye Heng taking him to the second floor.

Wang Cong was even more puzzled.

There are two houses on the second floor, and there is a grandstand. What kind of organs can be set up here to stand on the grandstand, and the scenery in the distance is unobstructed.

In such a place where the vision is exposed, it is useless to set up an agency! Wang Cong carefully followed behind Ye Heng.

I'm afraid that because of one of my own carelessness, the mechanism will be triggered.

Seeing Wang Congcong's nervous look, Ye Heng said with a smile: "Don't worry, why are you so nervous, the agency is not an agency trap, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Wang Cong smiled awkwardly.

Unexpectedly, when he came to Ye Heng's house, he, who was always fearless and fearless, would be timid.

It doesn't have the kind of vibe it used to have.

Ye Heng and Wang Cong stood in the stands.

"Really want a game room"

Ye Heng asked again.

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