Wang Congcong gave Ye Heng and Li Qingyu an account number full of heroes and skins.

Three in the Glass Room 3 starts landing in the game.

Soon, Li Qingyu, Ye Heng, Wang Cong from three people and two other people formed a five-person five-person team.

To play this kind of game, it is natural to have the best voice communication.

In the speech room, the voices of two other people quickly rang out.



One is a female voice and the other is a male voice.

"Hello, I'm Lin Xin."

"Hello, I'm Zhao Mo."

Lin Xin, rumored to be Wang Congcong's basic friend, known as the dream of [-] million girls, nicknamed Lin Gou, is quite carefree.

Zhao Mo is a new female anchor signed by Wang Congcong's live broadcast platform. She is an anchor in the alliance area. She looks good and has good strength.

"Hello, I'm Li Qingyu."

Li Qingyu said lightly.

Ye Heng was about to speak to reveal his identity, but was snatched by Wang Congcong: "Let me introduce, this first assist is my buddy, called Ye Heng, you should not be unfamiliar, the craftsman Master Ye is. ..he."

Wang Congzi introduced Ye Henglai with a very proud tone.

The key is that Ye Heng's reputation is too prosperous, and he has extremely magical craftsmanship.

But not... anyone can have the opportunity to make friends with Ye Heng.

"Master Ye, I'll go, that... Ye 5, who made the mechanical beast.

7 Master, I know you, you are very old."

Lin Xinyi was so excited that his Northeastern dialects burst out.

"Master Ye, I'm your fan."

Zhao Mo also said in the voice room.

After he finished speaking, he added: "Principal, I am preparing to start the live broadcast, can I do it, if not, I will not start it."

Sometimes, not everyone wants to play games in the public eye.

Wang Ng never made a decision, but asked Ye Heng: "Ye Heng, do you care? If you care, I won't let her live broadcast today."

Zhao Momo's live broadcast is to make money. Of course, even if he doesn't live broadcast today, Wang Cong will ask someone to compensate her.

"It's okay, playing games is...playing games, it's not doing something shameful, it's nothing to start a live broadcast."

Ye Heng didn't care.

Ye Heng really didn't have a mysterious idea of ​​getting himself into it.

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Chapter [-] Ye Heng was recognized

: I just want to write about everyday fun things. The awesome craftsmanship is slowly unfolding. Among the five people who are unfamiliar to Ye Heng, Lin Xin and Zhao Mo are the ones who are unfamiliar.

Lin Xin, it is rumored that Wang Congcong is gay.

As a star, being able to become gay with Wang Congcong naturally has his extraordinary qualities.

For example, it's rude and full of gossip.

Zi Lai Shu and Wang Cong Cong definitely have a fight.

Mouth full of swear words is definitely a match for black eggs.

Can self-proclaimed.. nicknamed "the dream of [-] million girls."

One can imagine how flamboyant Lin Xin was.

Also known as "Lin Dog."

It can be seen how unruly Lin Xin's character is.

It is no wonder that people with such a character can become friends with Wang Congcong.

For example! From the beginning of choosing heroes, Lin Xin began to beep.

"I'm not very good at mid laners."

"Who do you want me to play"

"Master Ye, can you give a friend to your craft video, I'm so excited to watch it."

"How on earth are those mechanical beasts made? It's amazing. I'm stunned."

In the voice room, Lin Xin had the most words, beeping and beeping non-stop.

"Can you shut up."

Wang Cong never couldn't help but said, "Why are you talking so much like a girl?"

"You don't understand, I only communicate with my teammates fully so that I can exert the greatest strength."

"If you cheat, see how I scold you."

Wang Congcong and Lin Xin ran into each other.

But basically Wang Congcong ran against Lin Xin, and Lin Xin wasn't angry either, it didn't matter at all.

The thick skin is amazing.

And Zhao Mo is the latest female league anchor signed by Wang Congcong.

Although she has the appearance of a kawaii girl, her technical strength is absolutely leveraged.

Once relied on a single-handed single to become the king of the alliance, there is no substitute, and his own strength.

One day, he was discovered by Wang Cong from a ward round, and after rewarding him with many gifts, he helped Zhao Mo to attract a lot of popularity.

It can be counted as the position of the first sister of the popular alliance of panda live broadcast now.

Five people 5 ranked successfully.

Started picking heroes.

Above, an agreement has been reached.

Zhao Mo's top laner, Lin Xin's mid laner, and Wang Cong's assistant from the jungler, Li Qingyu, and Ye Heng were the assistants, and Ye Heng took the initiative to ask for assistance.

The first Ye Heng wanted to try it out.

However, in Wang Congcong's heart, all hope of winning or losing the game was placed on Li Qingyu and Zhao Mo.

Wang Cong knows Zhao Mo's top lane strength.

And the rank they are playing now is gold and platinum, Zhao Mo should be able to top the order! As long as they are not mindless, it should be possible to win by lying down.

Look! The man who can rely on the girl to lie down and win is the real man! Where do you need to rely on the strength to bring the girl to flirt.

Maybe, the girl who is fortunately brought along is someone else's girlfriend.

Panda live broadcast! In Zhao Mo's live broadcast room! Today's Zhao Mo's popularity is not low.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has been growing at a very fast rate since its inception.

Moreover, as the first sister of the alliance, the official technicians of Panda Live will also make Zhao Mo's live broadcast room have some virtual popularity increases.

Coupled with Zhao Mo's own popularity, the barrage in the live broadcast room was quickly swiped.

"The Mo family army is here!"

"The live broadcast is on time today."

"I can watch my sister Mo show again."

"Obviously I can rely on looks, but I have to rely on strength. I am the only one, Sister Mo."

"Hey, Sister Mo is playing with friends... In the live broadcast room, the voices of Zhao Mo and Wang Congcong and others chatting, the audience in the live broadcast room can naturally hear it clearly.

Soon, the familiar voice was heard by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"This voice seems to be Principal Wang."

"I also heard Lin Gou's voice."

"My dear, Principal Wang is the rhythm of supporting Sister Mo to the death."

"Did Principal Wang and Lin Go live live? Ask for the room number."

"I just watched it once, but it's not on. If it's on, the official Panda Live will definitely notify you."

"Is my sister Mo so good now?"

Fans in the live broadcast room were talking about it.

With the addition of Wang Congcong and Lin Xin, many fans are still looking forward to it.

At this moment, Wang Congcong's voice suddenly came from the live broadcast room.

"Ye Heng, you play Yasuo's support"

Wang Congcong said, "Brother, don't play Happy Man, it'll give you a headache."

"Is it black? I'm a compression thief!"

Ye Heng said deliberately.

Seeing that Ye Heng has already selected a hero.

Wang Congcong still gave in: "Okay, the first one will be regarded as an entertainment bureau."

Although the conversation between Wang Congcong and Ye Heng seems to be nothing.

But when the audience in the live room hears it, it's different.

There was someone who was called brother by Wang Congcong.

Although this "brother"

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